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Everything posted by F3XA

  1. Applicant Main Information : Nickname: Erik Username: EpicErik Age: I am 12 years old. Nationality: From Bulgaria, but living in the UK. Languages you can speak: Armenian (not very well), Bulgarian, English. Player SAES Career Information : How long have you been playing on SAES? : I have played in SAES for about 6 months but started playing in 2017, had to stop playing the game for a while. Do you have past experience with other gangs/squads/companies? (name them) : Yes, I had. Squads: None. Gangs: Underground Empire, OverdoseCrime. If yes, explain the reasons why you left/got kicked from each one?: OverdoseCrime: I left because of drama with the leader of the gang which I didnt want to get involved into. Underground Empire: Had to leave SAES for a long break and left. Have you ever been banned from SAES (if yes, please explain) : I have 1 adminjail, which was for DMing (Happened about the 2-3rd day after I joined... was pretty new at the time) What groups are you currently part of? : None. (just came back on activity). Personality Information : What makes you special over the others and why should we accept you? : I am not a very special person. I just think I am trust-worthy, loyal , good in RolePlaying, good in creating RolePlay Scenarios. Explain in your own words the roleplay of Black~Bullets: Black Bullets is the most unique gang in San Andreas, because of their role. They are hitmans. They are paid to kill and they always do their work. Black Bullets is the most elite contract killing gang in San Andreas, They are well funded and have respect from every gang in San Andreas too. The price tags start from 20.000.00 and can end at 30.000.00 (depends on the role of the person being paid to be killed). Another one of the main roles of Black Bullets is investment (into companies). B~B can make short-term investments, they can finance new companies, can make loan contracts for companies and individuals and can provide financial help (Call a member of B~B for help/price tags/more info). One of their biggest investments being the Cluckin Bell Food Chain and The Royale Casino. Why did you apply specifically for Black~Bullets? : I applied for B~B because of the friendly, active environment and the unique role of the gang which you could read on the question above. I do like B~B because of their respect too. They are really respected by the whole San Andreas. I want to join B~B because I can rely on them. I am really into the business itself and would love to invest in the gang! Do you know any B~B Member (as a friend), and did anyone recommend you to apply for us? : Yeah I know a lot of B~B members but the only one that recommended me was Faysal. Anything else that you would like to add? [Optional] : Thanks for the time spent on reading this. I really put as much effort as I could and tried to stick in the detail. There is just a bit of an issue that I can only play 2 hours at most and there is a chance to skip some days as of school and future projects.
  2. JoGe the sad is that I have adblocker XD
  3. Get well soon...
  4. Dang it is it that bad?!? ^
  5. congratz all and good luck for the next time ;D
  6. Im late but I have to say good luck. I see good future for you and I will think about joining :heart_eyes_cat:
  7. 71
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