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Everything posted by MartinJames

  1. Franklin I Love You :) @Franks
  4. GENERAL INFORMATION a.Real Name: Martin James b.Age: 13 c.Nationality: Pinoy d.Languages you can talk: Tagalog/English e.Rate your english skills: 8/10 f.Tell us about yourself, minimum 50 words: hello , I'm Martin from Philippines , since I'm young like 3yo I like to play gtasa and everytime I woke up in from bed I'm turning on the computer to play it , when I grow up like 12 or 11 I found MTASA and I downloaded it because it says "a multiplayer app for gtasa" , my first server played is called DayZ it's been like 5-6months then I'm so bored because everyday I'm playing it , and I look for some RPG games and I found SAESRPG that has too many players in it , I'm so thankful because some players helped me how to gain coins how to read rules and more... And after 5months my laptop got broken because my sister broke it , ive been inactive for some months , and when my laptop repaired I downloaded MTASA and I played saes and I see there is more respectful players not like since. IN-GAME INFORMATION a.Ingame Name: HRMC|Jxmes|M b.How long have you played on MTA and SAES: mtasa is like 2 years and SAES 1 and a half years c.What would you say your skills and strengths are?: It's quite good enough d.What is your weaknesses ; parachuting e.What is your current G/S/C: HRMC-N/A-N/A f.Are you a part of any group?: No g.Why should we accept you: because I'm active and im kind guy h.What can you offer as: my kind my respect my loyalty and my good teamworks j.Add a screenshot with your freeway in a spoiler. With SR and Criminals :) ::: ::: Hang with [HHMC]RadiO @RadiO ::: ::: A rest at CDC Base ::: :::
  5. Agree ! I miss old Saes
  6. You posted in wrong link here is the real one https://saesrpg.uk/category/5/crews-groups-criminal-gangs-civilian-companies post ur gang information right there not her ,thx
  7. Application format: First Part: Name: Martin James Ingame name: HRMC|MartinJames|M Country: Philippines Nationality : Pinoy Gender: Male Age: 13 Second part: How long have you been playing in SAES:RPG?: 1 years and a half How long have you been playing MTA?: 2 years Have you been banned before? say why:no Why u want to join SANC?:because i want to be part of them and im kind Why we should accept you?: because im active Explain what is Roleplay. acting like real life example : hrmc need more bikes so some deliveries quickly responded Explain what is Deatmatch: killing other peoples/player without reasons Third part: Rate your sailing skills (0/10): 6/10 Rate your shooting skills (0/10): 8/10 Rate your flying skills (0/10): 9/10 Rate your roleplaying skills (0/10): 8/10 Rate your english skills (0/10): 9/10
  8. please make a new gun sounds/skins like M4 carbine w/sounds ,sniperrifle sounds/skin/ scope is like in GTA V w/ sounds , Deagle w/ sounds , Combat Shotgun new skins/sounds , uzi new sounds/skins and please put back the first person
  9. Goodluck to us !
  10. Last Seen : November 18 , 2018 Username : OC|>V3 (v3rd3) Screenshots : https://imgur.com/a/Ensy1lL
  11. Last Seen : November 8 ,2017 Username : >Jay (racetech) Screenshots : https://imgur.com/a/JstuSJD
  12. -Application Format- Ingame name: MartinJames Real name: Martin James S. Reyes Account name: theclub Age: 13 Nationality: Pinoy Languages Spoken: English and Pinoy Previous G/S/C's (why did you get kicked or why did you leave): BHB , GIPN , MI5 . i leave in all of that because the gang doesnt have any respectful members and i cant understand what is the leader saying Current Server Groups : LiL Brothers Your Strenghts : KIlling , Shooting , Driving a heli/boat/car/plane/bikes , Roleplaying , Teamworking , JailBreaking , Cracking Your weaknesses: Parachuting How long have you been playing on SAES: like 1 and a half years , but i stop playing because my PC is broken How long have you been playing on MTA: like 2 years Have you ever been kicked/banned from SAES: Nope Rate your English skills from 1/10: probadly i rate them ( 8/10 ) Rate your Roleplaying skills from 1/10: im quite good at RP so ( 8/10 ) Rate your Driving skills from 1/10: Sometimes im hitting the walls so (9/10) Rate your Shooting skills from 1/10: im quite good too so ( 8/10 ) What is the meaning of DeathMatch: Killing Other players Without any reasons What is the meaning of RolePlay: Acting like real life , like HRMC needs drugs so Wild~Angels quickly Respond . What is the meaning of Avoid Arrest: Jumping from and high objects like Hills,Mountain,Roofs of Banks Why do you want to join HRMC: Because my friend said i will join him and i will help him Why should we accept you: because im active , kind and respectful player Do you have any friends in HRMC: yes its HMRC|Franklin|L Tell us something more about yourself: Hello im Martin i like playing baseball , when i grow up i like to be a baseball player and i love my mom and my siblings even they are judging me and ofcourse my Dad . Did anyone recommend you to apply for our gang: HMRC|Franklin|L
  13. Personal Information Name: Martin James S. Reyes Username: theclub Ingame Name: :LiL|MartinJames (LiL is my group its not gang) Age: 13 Nationality: Pinoy Capability to talk english (1-10): probadly (8/10) In-Game information How long do you play on SAESRPG?: for 1 and a half years but i stop What other gangs/squads/companies have you been in, and have you been kicked?:BHB(Bounty Hunter Bloods) , TP(The Payday) . i leave in BHB because its Dead gang , im the leader of TP gang and i closed it because i want to join official gangs Do you have Discord and a working microphone?: yes How many hours a week do you play?: 7 hours a day , so in 7 days its . 49hours What are your strengths and weaknesses?: Strenghts : Driving a heli/car/boat/plane/bikes ,shooting , JailBreaking , Cracking , Roleplaying and Teamworking | Weaknesses : Parachuting Gang and random questions. What made you want to join BloodZ?: I want to join BloodZ because Makaveli is kind person and i want their role so much and i like their members attitude , and also the gang called "BloodZ" is my gang in my CP game , "BloodZ is respectful gang i ever seen . Can you bring anything specific to our gang?: Im active , kind , respectful guy and not rulebreaker Answer the following as good as you can: What is Roleplay? its like an acting , i will give an example : BloodZ need a drugs/arms and OverdoseCrime Fast respond to BloodZ to bring their arms . What is our Gang RP and Motto?: We are located in the west side of Los Santos. Every member should work as a team and never leave a brother behind. Our main role is selling drugs, but we also do other criminal activities. Motto: Hit 'em up and hit 'em fast Who is BloodZ's leader? BloodZ>Makaveli What do you do if you get deathmatched?: Just take a Screenshot and report them What do you do if you see someone else breaking a rule?: Just same as above . Take a screenshot and report , but if he is new player i will teach him more stuff like read rules . what to do if you get deathmatched. Tell us something about yourself: Hello Im Martin, since i was a kid i like playing GTA , i like playing Baseball . and mostly i loved playing SAESRPG all the time , but sometimes im angry to other people because they said im a kid , im a retarded . but now some players is respectful now not like since . Thx For Reading :)
  14. How to apply?
  15. Im so sorry to TP members , i deleted the gang and media archive
  16. @Matias Thx
  17. Sorry Gang Deleted
  18. Nickname: 215|MartinJames Account name: theclub Age: 13 Gender: Male Country: Philippines Languages: Pinoy , English How long have you been playing SAES: like 1 and a half years but i stop How long have you been playing MTA: 2 years How would you rate your activity on forums and ingame:i rate them 7/10 Rate your RP skills and explain with details about it: im quite good so 8/10 ( Since im good at RP but i didnt RP for few months ) Explain what is [4x4] role: Its offroading group which means , All Wheels Drive or 4by4 , you can use sanchez,monstertruck and any vehicles that u can use from offroad Current memberships: N/A Rate your English skills : 9/10 Rate your Map Knowledge skills: 9.5/10 Rate your driving skills: im quite good at drifting and driving so i rate them .... ( 8/10 ) Rate your Teamwork skills: i always do teamwork so ( 8.5/10 ) Previous bans: N/A Why do you think you're suitable for this sort of group : i love cars and offroad bikes , since im kid we are upping the hill using our SUV but now , not... Strengths: Driving , SHooting , Cracking , Roleplaying , Teamworking , Weaknesses: Parachuting Reason for application: because i love Offroads veicles Are you active on Discord: yes Additional Information: post an offroad vehicle to be considered( in spoiler) https://imgur.com/a/zaiLy1W
  19. Last Seen : November 18 , 2018 Username : OC|>V3(v3rd3) Screenshots of Prop: https://imgur.com/a/3wBF1pz
  20. Last Seen : November 11 , 2018 Nickname : [BBMC]AlpP Screenshots : https://imgur.com/a/hI9Nrpz
  21. BC , Fort Carson Solded ; Buyed By : [WA]Vincy Thank you!
  22. LS , spinybed ; SOLDED! buyed by MI5|Raf|R
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