In-game name: Deep Username: deeeep Age: 23 Nationality: Tunisian Previous bans/punishments: I have never been banned before. Why you think you would be suitable for the role: I believe I could be able to get involved in San Andreas Housing Agency as an agent. I have always been interested in community service, and I am ready to be responsible for the tasks that come along. Moreover, I am willing to offer a lot such as assistance and maturity. I am also an ambitious person who looks forward to new experiences and would be honored to be able to represent this spectacular agency, as well as learn and improve. Thus, I took this opportunity to explicit my ambition to obtain a position. Fortunately, I have almost six years of experience in the server, and managed to enlarge my knowledge on many things throughout the years. For instance, my English proficiency has improved tremendously and so have my communication skills. Henceforth, I decided to settle down in my current gang and had no intention of leaving it. Thus, I have my own communication skills as well. In addition, I have a good recognition of how the server works as well as all the rules. In conclusion, I think I'm overall exceptionally suitable for the role and would be more than honored to be a part of the agency.