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  1. @Assassin said in Hermes Network - Official Topic: I've read everything in the topic, I like how you could "brand" your identity in a few sentences. However, you can't simply put "Network" on your name and have different RP roles especially if you are aiming to have a spawn in the end. Bear in mind that GM team is looking for unique idea. Yes, idea being "unique" is a matter of perspective, for some people "network" idea can be very interesting for some not. It is all up to you, how you present it. For example, I am not sure what kind of things will your Technology Department do if you get your spawn, or without it. But in the end, it has a potential to become a big venture, I like Business Department's role, it is very cool and unique, but due to lack of Stock market in SAES their main job will be doing real estate only. And the same goes to Marketing Department, it seems like their main job is to host events, so, what is the value you offer to the people of Marketing Department here? Why should people join Hermes's marketing department? To host events which they can already do themselves or something else? It is good to see having entrepreneurial groups opening in the server. As you can see I had some negative and very positive comments in the end, but mostly I like the idea overall. And if you have ideas about stock market thingy, I am also on it to create one in SAES. Hit me up and maybe we can start it together :) Thanks for your input, I've read it through and you've got valid points here and there. We've got multiple departments, incharge of multiple roles, yes. However, it was told that if the group gets along and if it's going to be a big thing in the future, we can bring own made scripts with us. So regarding the Technology Department, I've got ideas in mind where the Technology Department can be useful. Such as controlling vehicles from a distance, for ex; Hacking vehicles, devices and other technical objects. Perhaps, if the SAES team agrees, implement brand new ideas regarding weapon additions. Such as scopes, bump stocks, etc. They are just ideas, we're currently in contact with the GM and we'll see how things develop from there. Marketing Department, has the job to do the activities outside Hermes. Not inside, their task is to get Hermes known, by doing these activities and advertising the group in-game while the others do the rest inside Hermes. Regarding the Business Department, we've gotten to the point where it's possible to do real estate (for now). The stock market thingy, we can talk about that. You can hit me up on discord to come up with something, I'm sure you've got plenty of decent ideas. Joey#9712 Why people should join us? We're only setting the stuff up right now. Meaning that this is just the top of the iceberg. I can not state the new stuff that we'd like to get implemented here, because it's classified for now. But we'll be coming up with an unique system which will interest people in joining Hermes and actually work for the group. People will have their own choice of joining a department and perform their job accordingly. Not every departments name will be added to the spawns IF we get official. It'll probably go like this; Hermes CEO, Hermes Manager, Hermes Security, Hermes Employee. It's too much to add every department spawn. Though, thanks again for your reply. This gave me the chance to re-analyse the stuff again and I hope that things are made up from here.
  2. @AkyZ said in Hermes Network - Official Topic: Entrepreneurs - Networking - Delivering goods through on land and on water - Working on new technologies for PDs and high wanted criminal organizations - Security Agency providing security for civilians and criminals - Host events, giveaways and auctions - Helping citizens of SA. What? This group is literally every group on SAES combined and thrown into one. You're just missing racers now. Maybe that's the reason why 'Network' is in the name and why we've got multiple departments. We'll be considering the racers, thanks for your input.
  3. SECTION A 1- Name (optional): Joey 2- Ingame name: Joey 3- Age: 20 4- Sex: Male 5- English proficiency: I'd say, 9 out of 10 6- Native language: Dutch 7- Other languages: English, German and Italian 8- Do you have a Pro Cop diploma?: No, I'm still Trainee. 9- When did you start playing SAES/MTA?: About 2/3 weeks ago? But been playing MTA for over 12 years. 10- Total gameplay (hours): Exactly 60 hours. 11- Approx gameplay daily (hours): Depends on my work shifts, I'm atleast 3/4 hours online a day 12- Average FPS: 60 13- Average Ping: 17 14- Previous organizations and reasons for departure: I was member of The Outfits, because they came up to me when I just joined the server. I've always been a cop guy and that's why I left the criminal side. I just wasn't at my place. 15- Are you an active user of Discord?: Yes, daily and every minute. You can always message me. SECTION B A. Define our role (FOX): FOX has the responsibility to defend SA from foreign (terrorist) threats. Both intelligence and law enforcement. They also uphold the national security by combating every crime that's happened or happening in SA. From Federal VIP protection, to upgrading advanced technology to perform their work. B. Define marker arrest: Marker arrest is waiting for someone to exit or enter an interior and arrest them while spawning in. C. Minimum arresting level: 10 D. Point out and define 4 major server rules: No deathmatching, No impersonating. No cheats or trainers. No fighting in mainchat, gives you and your organisation that you're part of a bad reputation. And don't avoid arrest. E. Explain why you should attempt to roleplay before each arrest: As law enforcement officers, we have to be decent towards any criminal. Without knowing what kind of crime they commited. We can't go in as a bunch of madmen and ram them off the road or do any damage to their private property when there is no need to. If they resist, all weapons go off and justice will be served. SECTION C I. Write about yourself in 4 sentences: Hello, my name is Joey, I'm 20 years old and I'm half Dutch and half American. I'm working as a manager in an international dishwashing factory and I work 6 days a week. In the weekends, I'd like to go out with the wife to spend the lost time with her. If not, I'm playing MTA, I've been doing that for 12 years, especially RPG servers. I've got a deep passion for law enforcement stuff, and I secretly hope that I can become an officer one day. II. Write your strengths and weaknesses: I'd consider myself strong in my communication and behaviour. My English is good, people can understand me well. Most of the time, I act accordingly to the role I'm performing, but sometimes, even though I have a good behaviour, I can be pissed off, which is normal. My roleplay skills are also quite good, I know how to act in situations and I come up with good ideas for roleplays. I usually got alot of time when I'm free, so I'm active aswell. Regarding the ingame skills that I've developed over the years of playing MTA, I'd say I'm a pretty good driver and a good shooter. I can't swim, I literally can't. I'm so slow. III. Why do you wish to join FOX over other squads?: Because the people of FOX have been nice to me whenever I spawned as cop while being still in The Outfits. Strangely enough, I like the name, skins and the base. People been suggesting me to join FOX if I decided to go to the copside. And after patrolling with them for a few hours, I decided that it was time to create this application. IV. Convince us in 2 lines why you would fit the team: I would fit the team because I'm a good addition to what seems like a very active and properly trained squad. With the knowledge I've built over the years, I can add more professionality to the squad and perhaps get more people to join FOX. As I said, I'm active and when I'm not doing my duty, I can work on the background for FOX. Events, roleplays or whatever. My leading capabilities are considered good, so maybe in the future, I can be the one incharge of something. V. Do you have any additional information you want to add:? I've got military and law enforcement experience. By posting this application, you are aware of our terms and that this application is only and only written by you, and states nothing but the truth. Retard test: Post a picture of White House in Los Santos to even be considered to join Fox Operations X. https://imgur.com/a/gaFpWm1
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