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  1. Bring it back, yes. Back in the day I used to RP literally everytime I'm on, nowadays all I get is "pull over RP" then I'd end up getting arrested, lol. +1 dear
  2. Good luck old pal, love this xoxo
  3. He trolled us into watching his video, ggwp
  4. bekome the CLO
  5. Happy new year from Australia love you all, have a good and a blessed day!
  6. Happy birthday nicuso
  7. I'm only commenting for more posts count
  8. Waaaaaaaazaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa, happy birthday Zeka
  9. Bothered cunts
  10. Nickname: Essa Age: 19 Country: Australia Languages spoken: English, Assyrian and Arabic From 0 to 10, how would you rate your english proficiency? (?/10): 9 How long have you been playing on SAES: Quite sometime now, I think I started back in 2013 In a quick and short summary, tell us who are Arms Assassins and their roleplay: I believe according to my knowledge Arms Assassins is the first gang that was created which was back in 2011, however I could be wrong as I'm quite rusty now. AA sells cargoes that consists of high quality, big guns. Previous clans on the server (include the reasons for leaving): I've been in quite a few, so bare with me. MMC: This actually was my first gang that I joined, I remember getting kicked off also due inactivity. Black~Bullets: I have no idea when I joined this gang, but it was around when I was still fairly new to the server. I don't remember why I left. La Morta Nera: The gang had a lot of potential, I was planning to stay with them for a long time, but sadly it was closed. Hells~Soldiers: Now this, this was the gang that I've really enjoyed my time being apart of. I've learned so much of that gang and I'm thankful for that I was part of it. I remember it was falling apart and then everyone either left or went inactive. Back then I was active, so I left. SoA: And now I also remember that I was part of SoA. That's actually when i left to join the police side. SWAT: I wanted to try something new, something i've never tried before in the server, which was to become a squad member (was a mistake, i'm no cop). The members made me feel welcome, they were mature and nice but however, it was time for me to go inactive for a long time. But now that I'm back, I found myself kicked off due inactivity. NOTE: I may have missed a few, I don't remember the rest. Previous bans on the server and reasons for them: None Name 3 BR rules: 1- One gang is allowed to do only 2 banks a day 2- Members of the gang are not allowed to ruin, destroy or mess up a rival's gang bank robbery. 3- A gang member is not allowed to spawn as a medic, or a pizzaboy to assist his or her gang Name 3 GR rules: 1- No grenades are to be used in a gang robbery, this includes using vehicles such as cars, or bikes as explosives. 2- CLO or DE assistance is not allowed 3- Removing the money off the gang's bank whilst being robbed is not allowed and could result the gang to be demoted. Name 3 Turf rules: 1- You can ONLY use the gang's spawn, or the hospital spawn when a turf is going. 2- You are not allowed to camp on roofs that are unclimbable. 3- If you're killed in an active turf war, and you were spawned as a cop or a criminal, it is not considered as deathmatch. It is only part of the war, so stay away from the war. What is Roleplay?: You basically play the game as if it's real life. What is Deathmatching?: Killing someone, or damaging their properties for no reason, just for fun. Someone DMs you. What do you do?: If I'm feeling good on that day, I'll just let it be. If not, well then a quick screenshot and then report the person. Youre passing by one or several cops, who do not attempt to arrest you. What shall you do?: I continue what I'm doing, just pass by. Do you know anyone from the gang, or have made connections with anyone inside the gang, before you applied?: Yes, Terry. I've known him from HS days. Application text (tell us something about yourself or anything you want to try to convince us): Well there isn't much interesting about me, I have a funny username in-game. I'm 19, currently entering my 2nd year in university. I'm studying Building Design Management, it's basically being a draftsman, being able to build a house no more than 3 stories. However I am planning to do my masters of architecture when I finish my bachelor degree, just so I can build more than 3 stories. I like long walks on the beach and I'm a marvel universe maniac. EDIT: I edited the "Previous clans" part.
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