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Everything posted by Mr.Alfred

  1. Cuban Cars Activity#21 Activity Type: Patrol arround LV-LS-SF Cuban Cars Members: @SWT @Ferthis ScreenShots ::: https://imgur.com/a/oZT92ev :::
  2. Cuban Cars Activity#20 Activity Type:Mechanic Service Cuban Cars Members: N/A ScreenShots ::: https://imgur.com/a/Usth8J5 :::
  3. Cuban Cars Activity#19 Activity Type: Patrol arround LV-LS-SF Cuban Cars Members: @Darius ScreenShots ::: https://imgur.com/a/umbreh4 :::
  4. Cuban Cars Activity#18 Activity Type: Patrol arround LV-LS Cuban Cars Members: @Trevor @Hetler @Leonard ScreenShots ::: https://imgur.com/a/nzAkG2r :::
  5. Cuban Cars Activity#17 Activity Type: Patrol arround LV-LS Cuban Cars Members: @Darius ScreenShots ::: https://imgur.com/a/dGWenSM?third_party=1#= :::
  6. Cuban Cars Activity#16 Activity Type: Patrol arround LV-LS Cuban Cars Members: @SWT ScreenShots ::: https://imgur.com/a/HiYqRbl :::
  7. Cuban Cars Activity#15 Activity Type: Patrol arround LS Cuban Cars Members: @Leonard ScreenShots ::: https://imgur.com/a/xX3Io7b :::
  8. Event #47 Event Type: 1V1 Boxing Event Prize 2.000.000$ LWS/G6 Helper(s): @Colobria Winners: @BaRy ScreenShots: ::: https://imgur.com/a/MfPXPVC :::
  9. Cuban Cars Activity#14 Cuban Cars Members: @Brondy On Monday morning, hating life, I got up and went to the Cuban garage. Meanwhile, I lit the first cigarette of the day and started waiting for customers, and then I saw something coming from far away. The closer he got towards me, the more I smelled the money, and when it did, I heard that only the tire and the door would change.But I had to do something to make more money. At first I removed the wheels first by lifting the car and removing the coils.Then I took a new wheel from the tank, put it back on, and put the coils on top.And then when I got to the door, the door was jammed, so I took my saw and ripped it out, and then I cleaned the remains.Then I put on a new door and told the customer a figure as extreme as $5,000 and the customer agreed.Today has been a very lucrative day for me and Cuban Cars. ::: https://imgur.com/a/aH25tCy :::
  10. 5m 500 k
  11. Cuban Cars Activity#13 Cuban Cars Members: @Nishki On Friday, when the cold still didn't go away, luck laughed in my face in the Cuban Cars garage. The prince of Saudi Arabia brought us a vehicle and told us to put him under general control and fix his broken parts. We knew the money would come to us a lot and we started repairing the car with Niklaus. I took action to change the tires while he took the engine part.First I lifted the car, then I ripped the coils out of the tire, I took the tire out and went to the warehouse where our tireker was.I took the new tyre and placed it in the tyre place first, then I fixed the tyre well by wearing all the coils back on.Then I called the Saudi prince to pick up his car and told him that full checks had been carried out.he saved my children from starving by leaving a tip of $2,600 per person when he came and bought his car. ::: https://imgur.com/a/NXkWJYL :::
  12. Cuban Cars Activity#12 Activity: #12 Activity Type: Patrol arround LS-LV Cuban Cars Members: @Afufu ScreenShots ::: https://imgur.com/a/3ERy53G :::
  13. Cuban Cars Activity#11 Cuban Cars Members: @Blue On a cold winter's day, as a Mexican mechanic, I went back to the garage of Cuban Cars to apply for a job. As usual, they took me well and gave me a job, but the customers who came in today left the garage without doing anything. It was a rough day and I needed some money.First of all, we talked to Blue and exchanged ideas about how we could bring more customers.Then I went to the door and threw broken glass on the side of the road.But the wheels didn't burst, and while I was trying to see how this bad day could be worse, a man in a brown coat came and tried to steal my money. At first, even as I stayed calm and told him that this institution belonged to CLO and we were being protected, though he kept threatining me. In response, when I was secretly calling the police, he realized it and ran off with all the money I had on me until the police arrived. When the racist police came, he threatened to put me in jail for being Mexican, and he left.I didn't get paid because there were no customers and I got robbed on top of it today in this cold my kids are going to sleep hungry and tired. ::: https://imgur.com/a/BJTGxvw :::
  14. Part I: How much have you donated for the sever? 30 gpb When was the last time you requested a donation reward change? 03 june 2017 Why do you need this change? Well they are removed because i was inactive Links to your donation topics: http://saesrpg.uk/topic/67429-donation-mralfred-amount-1000/ http://saesrpg.uk/topic/68081-donation-mralfred-amount-2000/ Links to your previous donation changes requests: https://saesrpg.uk/topic/7877/alfred-s-reward-change?_=1612388554323 Part III: What I Want to be Added Vehicle 1:Shamall Location : SF Airport Vehicle 2:Feltzer Location: CripZ Base Vehicle 3 :Glendale Location :CripZ Base https://imgur.com/a/kvgI6qO username : ops111 Well also im not sure about donator spawn but if it can be fit to my donations add me to donator spawn
  15. Cuban Cars Activity#10 Firstly i went to garage as mexican mechanic guy and i got the job about repair cars. We spent all day for a customer.But we got nothing about customer. Some guys visited to our garage but they just passing from the garage. After that we decided to close the garage. Thats sadly to going home without money. Cuban Cars Members: @MarksMan @Brondy ::: https://imgur.com/a/Hui0MYN :::
  16. Cuban Cars Activity#9 Activity: #9 Activity Type: Patrol arround LS-LV Cuban Cars Members: @Leonard ScreenShots ::: https://imgur.com/a/wp7zZrg :::
  17. Cuban Cars Activity#8 Firstly we opened the garage after that the guy called as duf came to us. He did bring his car and he want general check to his car and he told us about what he has a problem. When i check his car i found the real problem in central locking system. After that we fixed his problem and we started to wait for new customer.And the yellow car came to us. We cleaned oil filter and we got 300$ from him.After that Marksman brought us his monster and he want to check every milimeter of his car.I did control that car with that guy called as @alperens and we werent find any problem at that car. Well lastly we did general check to three cars. Cuban Cars Members: @MarksMan @Jim ::: https://imgur.com/a/8BAei1G :::
  18. Cuban Cars Activity#7 I was born in Tijuana,Mexico in 1987. My father was a construction worker. So I do not come from money. I lived my life there as hard as i possibly could. I tried to earn my living by working with my father but it was hard and not promising at all. As I grew older I started to think about moving to U.S.A. I saved some money and met new people. Now,here i am. In the country with the greatest hopes. I have always been fond of cars and I believe i have knowledge about them. Firstly we meet with Helter and Anas at Cuban Cars's garage in Las Venturas. We drove around and looked for cars to impound. Then we went to the San Fierro garage and entered internship program. At first we removed bolts from tires and lifted up the vehicle and added new tires from the warehouse. Meanwhile Cuban Cars mechanichs taught us how to do it and gave us some tips about being a mechanic. Later on by looking at how the other group does things we have learned stuff about painting cars. Lastly Cuban Cars mechanics told us what we're missing and taught us how to do better and then that day was over. Cuban Cars Members: @Hetler @Anas_ ScreenShots ::: https://imgur.com/a/nC1ebRb :::
  19. Cuban Cars Activity#6 Activity: #6 Activity Type: Patrol arround LS-LV Cuban Cars Members: @Hetler ScreenShots ::: https://imgur.com/a/jIQUtlS :::
  20. Cuban Cars Activity#5 Activity: #5 Activity Type: Patrol arround LS-LV Cuban Cars Members: @Gal ScreenShots ::: https://imgur.com/a/mhAQeE3 :::
  21. Cuban Cars Activity#4 Well its like yesterday I went there as a mexican again then i did ask for a job they accepted me to job .Firstly i did check Marksman's car after that i found the problem at the oil pump, when i changes oil pump the guy(called it burak) he cleaned the engine.After that Marksman tested the car and he love it, we did standart stuffs that night. After that cuban guy did bring us cigarettes from cuba. Cuban Cars Members: @Jim @MarksMan @Kaioshin (the cuban one ) Screenshots ::: https://imgur.com/a/gLprYYd :::
  22. Cuban Cars Activity#3 Activity: #3 Activity Type: Patrol arround LS-LV Cuban Cars Members: @SkulioN ScreenShots ::: https://imgur.com/a/0SnvnDm :::
  23. Cuban Cars Activity#2 Activity: #2 Activity Type: Well we did patrol with adem arround lv-ls highway.Also i did repair some cars. Cuban Cars Members: @AdemBygt ScreenShots ::: https://imgur.com/a/E0LuEIP :::
  24. Cuban Cars Activity#1 I went there as a mexican then we made the deal about money .First vehicle was Audi rs7 and i checked its engine then changed it, its cost 3500 $.After that lots of same vehicle types arrived to me .Also we got a Firefighter truck at our garage and we repaired it .After that some guy stole that firefighter truck from our garage i report them to owner and he went to cop. And that kept going like that also i received my payment and i left the garage to my home. Screenshots:Credits from Marksman at cuban cars media archive https://imgur.com/a/dGWenSM
  25. Part I: How much have you donated for the sever? 30 gpb When was the last time you requested a donation reward change? 03 june 2017 Why do you need this change? Well they are removed because i was inactive Links to your donation topics: http://saesrpg.uk/topic/67429-donation-mralfred-amount-1000/ http://saesrpg.uk/topic/68081-donation-mralfred-amount-2000/ Links to your previous donation changes requests: https://saesrpg.uk/topic/3652/alfred-s-reward-change https://archive.saesrpg.uk/community/topic/92034-alfreds-reward-change/?tab=comments#comment-1720431 Part III: What I Want to be Added Vehicle 1:Beagle Location : LS Airport Vehicle 2:Landstalker Location: CripZ Base Vehicle 3 :Feltzer Location :CripZ Base Color Codes:005550 names: ops111,cunobaba,ucanfill,AymenjO68
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