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Everything posted by Omar

  1. pretty simple , spawn menu should have a list to the right with spawns that you set as favorites next to each spawn there should be a heart icon where u can select/deselect at anytime.
  2. Acc. Name: lplp Icon name: 7 Suxdix Close
  3. Address: Lolitas soggy mexicans business Account name: riseagain Last seen: 11th April 2022 Screenshots:
  4. Acc name : lplp icon name: 12 Sinkhole Estate
  5. Address: 2 Rodney road Account name: erick228 Last seen: 10th December 2022 screenshots:
  6. Address: Apartment 55 Lv complexsouth Account name: voraz Last seen: 18th June 2023 Screenshots:
  7. happy birthday congratulations on getting married bud
  8. gz system
  9. @Omar https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/302822139567013891/999029503751880866/mta-screen_2022-07-19_21-02-03.png
  10. Address: Abandoned Caravan Account name: dippo Last seen: 24 May 2022 Screenshots:
  11. Happy birthday biso , you're still not old enough to play this game
  12. @Blue stop crying blue
  13. Before i kick this off , i'd like to say that this was already suggested but perhaps did not receive the appropriate attention to it. So i would like to bring it up one more time but this time with a poll so we can see what the community decides. First of all this idea was suggested back in 2018 by @Villa, you can see the post here https://saesrpg.uk/topic/5189/reliability-of-arresting-with-a-nightstick So, I know this is kinda hard for the cops to take in but please bear with me. I know the first topic looked at the matter from a different perspective but honestly i don't want to compare ingame arrest to real life arrests , i understand this is just a game and that it shouldn't be so realistic to arrest someone on a video game. However if we look at it from an unbiased point of view you'll find that most /arguably all of the criminal activities require team work for them to get money. On the other hand cop side have the privilege to do things individually. cops are rewarded greatly for individual work. A single cop can land on a store rob and get like 3/4 arrests. It's common that you look up on the arrests notification area and find a cop getting 6 arrests in a row and your first guess is right. He totally smashed through them with the almighty thor hammer like nightstick that can get him that many arrests with just a simple click. Don't get me wrong , i'm not denying that cops do a lot of teamwork but all im saying is that they are still being rewarded greatly for individual work compared to criminals. And there's no other way to fix that than simply changing the nightstick arrest system. I'd like to call it the Vulnerability bar. This should be visible on the criminal screen and also the cops. From the cirminals pov , they will have this bar somwhere on the screen and once they're hit with a nightstick it will fill to half then if they're hit again they're arrested. Cops will also be able to see cirminals that are vulnerable simply by looking at the criminals' health bars, if criminals are below 50% hp then they should be 1 shot = arrest with nightstick. If they have full hp then the vulnerability bar comes into action, once the criminal is hit a star should appear next to their nametag or whichever is fit then cops know who to go after. so, to sum this up. This vulnerability bar is associated with 2 things. First the HP ; if it's below 50% (changable) 1 hit = arrest. Second the amount of registered hits; if a criminal gets hit once then the second time = arrest. And also the bar should reset after a minute or 2 ( also changeable ) So , i have no idea why this suggestion wasn't taken into consideration but i hope now it will be. This seems like the only thing we can do to balance things out between the two sides.
  14. https://streamable.com/fcvpfv
  15. goodbye bro and congrats on the new baby
  16. thank u bros
  17. @JoshBosh Good luck bro
  18. this is rigged
  19. Omar


    welcome back foreskin
  20. @kain said in Merry Christmas!: If for whatever reason you're spending Xmas alone this year due to Covid or anything, don't hesitate to jump onto the server and spend time with people in similar situations and those that don't celebrate it to keep yourself busy. ban amnesty?
  21. Omar


    @tut-greco you're a nice hardworking guy , i'll leave you out of the equation
  22. Omar


    howdy, i'm getting unbanned on the 1st of january and i would like to see some changes made to the server. i urge all developers and hqs to take a quick look on the script suggestions area where they will find plenty of ideas to work on rather than try to impress egirls with their ability to play music ingame. if im getting unbanned i would like to play on the server without having to do the same routinely boring activities on either sides cop or criminal. get to work ty
  23. my boy velona because who the fuck are the others ?
  24. every criminal's reaction to cops memes on this topic https://streamable.com/4y6x08
  25. Happy birthday and congratulations on the newborn, you are going to make a great father!
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