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  1. Happy birthday Bulgur !
  2. Your ingame username: nessn Your ingame alias: Chemist Your year of birth: 1996 Your gender: Female Nationality: Turk Country of residence: Turkey How long you have been playing SAES: I don't know the exact time but around 3 years. Qualities you can offer: The first one is being fair. Im pretty sure that no one wants to face unjustified verdicts, hence I will try to be fair in all situations. Secondly, maturity is another quality I can bring along with myself. For the last, I have a lot of managerial experience due to my business. Your weaknesses: I can say that I get angry quickly. However, this does not affect me while I am at the decision stage. As I mentioned above, it is important for me to be fair. Preferred Position (CS/SAHA): SAHA Do you have Discord Installed: Yes Reason for application: I have been around the server for a long time. And this is a good chance in SAES to being part of something new and important. Server Memberships: Arms Assasins The Motor Heads Cuban Cars All Load Trucking InvestArms Corporation Additional information: Hey, I am Nesva. I live in Istanbul, Turkey. I have graduated from university in the Chemistry department. Although my passion is science, I couldn't persue in that thus I am accompanying in my family business. In my free time, I love playing games with my friends and also I do drawings. Recently, my favorite hobby is trying to make my drawings three-dimensional and design them. Previous (legitimate) punishments on the server: A few mutes & adminjail (which was funny) Previous (legitimate) bans: Once, I got banned for multi-accounting but later on it was resolved by proving that the another account holder is my brother. Do you eat pork: No
  3. ^[] ^[] Activity Type: Refueling around SA Screenshot(s): ::: ::: ^[]
  4. @Filex said in The Pirus - CLOSED: @chemist
  5. ^[]
  6. Happy birthday :confetti_ball:
  7. @James said in Show us yourself V3: @DyamDouglas said in SAES Meme Pictures V2: @James So, you took a picture of the bottles and cash register money of the bar you work at? You can clearly see parts of a commercial kitchen in the top corners... ok @DyamDouglas i must reply to you. You say it's the money from work. No problem i will rob my boss now and take all his money with one of my Drifting cars. Bye Bye https://streamable.com/6toh0 It has nothing to do with this, but I have been waiting for you to tie your shoelaces during the whole video.
  8. ^[] ^[] Participants: Chemist & @TaJ Date: 22/09/2019 Actions Taken: Impounding & Cleaning the roads Screenshots: ^[]
  9. ^[] ^[] Activity Type: Refueling gas stations Date: 22/09/19 Screenshot(s): ::: ::: ^[]
  10. ^[] ^[] Event Type: RoadTrain Race :triangular_flag_on_post: Prize: 1.5 m :moneybag: LWS: @KARIM Winner: Lily Screenshot(s): ^[]
  11. ^[] ^[] Participants: @TaJ Date: 17/09/2019 Roleplay Situation: @TaJ said in Central Intelligence Agency - Media Archive: ^[] ^[~[''THANKS FOR INFORMING!!'']~(#7d5752)] ~[R]~(#69514D)ole Play Number: 86. ~[P]~(#69514D)articipants in The RP: From CIA : @TaJ From CC Impounders Division : @chemist ~[R]~(#69514D)P Scenario: San andreas may not be in its finest position right now with the rising threats, but it sure is a place where no doubt the bad, but also the good and honest civilians exist. This was proven enough true today when Central Intelligence Agency's A-525, aka TaJ being at the headquarters received a phonecall in absense of the receptionist. The call was from "Ms.Chemist, CC Impounders division Las Venturas". She had rung up the bureau with a suspicious discovery in one of the recently impounding vehicles while a quick inspection as per the protocol of the organization. She explained how she and a fellow impounder were on duty around the neighbourhood of their own location and had seen a vehicle parked in no parking zone, specifically at the famous Pay 'n' spray of Las Venturas. The two then impounded it after a due notice to Pay 'n' Spray staff and then went for the headquarters and parked it inside the lot, as usual. "The Pay 'n' Spray CCTV footage can be of help if unclear" said her further. The agent then questioned about the details into the "suspicious discovery" and thus the impounder revealed that she was pretty sure that those are some sort of drugs in several white packages of "powder". As the boss was off-duty that day, she couldn't share such sensitive details with anyone else and being the only one on duty at the moment, found it better to inform to the Investigation department. The agent then drove the little distance towards the "LV Z" location and met her in person, thanking her for informing first of all. She then showed him the vehicle, clearly a car of a trouble-maker with its shiny glossy paint and rims. The narcotics were then taken into custody by the sooner called forensics team and the car brought to the LVPD impounded lot, with due payment made to the CC team by the department itself. The owner and other details will be considered next. A possible threat to the youth of San Andreas stopped with all the thanks to the honest civilian. ~[S]~(#69514D)creenShot(s): -> ::: Thanks for viewing :wink: ^[] ^[] ^[] ^[] ^[] ^[] ^[] ::: ^[]
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