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Posts posted by Luncher

  1. ~[Application Format]~
    First Part
    Account Name:freefire
    Primary Language:Arabic
    Secondry Language(s):frensh and english
    For how long have you been playing SAES? :3Montsh
    How many hours have you spent in server? (Use TAB):130 hours
    Which G/S/C have you been in? :BBMC
    Why did you leave (get kicked) from your previous G/S/C? :i get kicked because i drive sports cars.
    Have you ever been kicked/banned by any admin? If yes, why? :N/A

    ~[Second Part]~(cyan,blue,blueviolet,violet,magenta)
    (this part was specially made to show us how far can you go and help the gang so think well before answering the situation, it may need some time but it's easy if you are what we are looking for dont include this note in your application)
    1- It was the right time to start a bank robbery with the gang, the defense was regrouped and everyone was ready, the first door was cracked succesfuly but while cracking the second one a cop got in and arrested both official crackers of the gang how would you act to save the bank robbery and the panic inside the gang?Yes,i stay defend and kill cops
    2- You made a mistake inside the gang and everyone was putting the pressure on you, although you were so annoyed how would you act in a proper way concidering that you will be able to fix things in future?I will to relaxed him
    3- You were directly provoked by someone from outside the gang, the offense was too high that you got really annoyed, what would you do to solve that?report him
    4- The gang came to an end after a long ride and the leader decided to close it because of the lake of activity he was facing how would you act to convince him from a part and how you will solve the activity problems from another part

    ~[Third Part]~(magenta,maroon,olive,teal,navy,red,purple)
    What is your motivation to join BBMC? :i will to join In BBMC because he is good gang actives and good in playing
    What can you bring to the gang? :Provide some help
    Did anyone suggest you to apply for BBMC? If yes mention who :Yes.darksider

  2. Application:

    -Part 1-Personal information:

    -Real Name:Aziz
    -Primary Language:Arabic
    -Your english skills:8/10

    -Part 2-Your playtime in MTA|SAES:3/4 hours per day

    -How long have you been playing MTA:3yeras
    -How long have you been playing on SAES:1Month
    -How many hours do you play in day:3/4 hours per day

    -Previous gang/squads?:BBMC

    -currently gang/squads?:BBMC
    -previous gang/squad/groups:BBMC

    -Part 3-Questions:

    -Describe Roleplay::Roleplay is playing real life situations ingame and playing like its real life.
    -What does mean DM:DM know as Death-matchnig is killing people for no reason not allowed.
    -why should we accept you:i want to joint in this group and i will to offer some help
    -why do you want to join us: Because DZTG members are collaborators
    Thnx for reading :relaxed:

  3. Application Format
    First Part
    Account Name:freefire
    Primary Language:Arabic
    Secondry Language(s):Frensh and English
    For how long have you been playing SAES? :1 Month but im student im active only when i finsh my homework
    How many hours have you spent in server? (Use TAB):7 Hours
    Which G/S/C have you been in? N/A
    Why did you leave (or were you kicked from) your previous G/S/C? :N/A
    Have you ever been kicked/banned by any admin? If yes, why? :No

    Second Part
    What does roleplay mean? :Roleplay is playing real life situations ingame and playing like its real life.
    What does deathmatching mean?(explain with an example) : deathmatch is killing other players for no reason or revenge killing or damaging cars. example: im driving down the street when a car with two players and they start shooting you and blow up your car and kill you.
    what is the difference between PBR and BR ?:PBRHe gathered 13 criminals in a red area to open the bank/BR: Only the gangs open and we help them by killing the police
    Tell us 2 BR rules :one gang allowed to do man 2 gang robper day- helping your team as cop not allowed
    Tell us 2 Turf war rules: If you are killed in a turf, where turf war is going on, and you're spawned as a cop or criminal, its not counted as deathmatching. This is just part of the war.-) You can only use your gang's spawn or the hospital spawn when a turf war is going on. You are not allowed to spawn as medic or cop to assist your gang in a turfwar.
    What is avoid arrest ?:When the police are behind you, you throw a bomb to kill the police and survive

    Third Part
    What is your motivation to join BBMC? :i like this gang
    What can you bring to the gang? :I can help his membres
    Did anyone suggest you to apply for BBMC? If yes mention who :DarkSider
    Post your favorite bike in a spoiler to be considered(spoiler):
    And thnx for reading :relaxed:

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