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Everything posted by chafloque

  1. Hello SAES Users , let me show you the house details before talking about ammounts of money. The house is in a corner of Red Country. It is located a few streets from the ~[City Bank]~(green) and the store where some ~[Robberies]~(maroon) take place. Tactically positioned for incursions by ~[Criminals]~(red) and ~[Police]~(blue). Considering the above, I show you some samples of visual evidence so you can check the details. ^[] ::: ::: ~[Starting bid:]~(green) 15.000.000 ~[Minimum bid increase:]~(green) 1.000.000
  2. Explosive
  3. @xDarkMan No , its from my first year in SAES , i dont know exactly the date but its between 2016 - 2017 , when INKAS was made with peruvian school friends.
  4. The first generation of Los INKAS at its best. (rip ss resolution)
  5. Jailbreak#1341 ~[(50 Mins)]~(red) Outbreak Members: @Yoko_Kurama @chafloque @Marso @koko Outbreak Helpers: @Asexyno @Alessio @PedroFigari @RebelD_PE @Ali Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/IK01NQU
  6. Jailbreak #1334 ~[(1 hour and 30 mins)]~(red) Outbreak Members: @Spartan @Bodo420 @chafloque Outbreak Helpers: @Raf0 @AdemBygt @Legendary4Life @Link @thebutcher @Hetler @Silent Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/pK34pwE
  7. Jailbreak#1330 Oubtreak Members: @Spartan @chafloque Outbreak Helpers: @DocPizza @maggie1234 a.k.a Sparky Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/uG9CWg8
  8. Jailbreak #1323 ~[(1 hour)]~(red) Outbreak Members: @Gonza @PerrooLocoo @Bodo420 Outbreak Helpers: @DocPizza @Asexyno @Spicey @JukyPlatinium Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/SQ3mVZy ^[] ^[]
  9. Jailbreak#1270 ~[(15 Mins)]~(red) Outbreak Members: @chafloque @Bodo420 Outbreak Helpers: @DocPizza , @RadiO Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/es7E6OX
  10. Jailbreak#1269 ~[(20 Mins)]~(red) Outbreak Members: @Gonza , @chafloque , @Noisyboy Outbreak Helpers: @DocPizza , @Silent @KanoX Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/H4rlPCU
  11. Jailbreak #1261 Outbreak Members: @chafloque @RocketLuncher Outbreak Helpers: @DocPizza @Trap Screenshots ::: :::
  12. Participants: @chafloque @Gonza @PerrooLocoo @snoopys @soniN Story Raiding truckers throughout San Andreas in TCK style. Screenshot/s https://youtu.be/0gc_d9Kne9Y
  13. Event#: 31 Event Type: LMS LWS/G6 Helper: @Zombie Prize: 1.000.000 Winner: @Kaioshin Screenshot/s: https://imgur.com/a/py8LBbs
  14. Activity type: Trucking Information: Delivering some shipments throughout the city. Screenshots: ^[]
  15. Bro, I will not forget and I will always be grateful when you helped me organize the turfs at night with VeC, that first time was the best hahahaha even if it seems little. I know you can get out of this, good luck c: ::: :::
  16. Address: 7 Radioview Road Account name: strr3t Last seen: 22th March 2020 Screenshots:
  17. Activity Type: General Activity Participants: @chafloque @DALIO @Spartan @Gonza @Poxiran ScreenShots: ::: :::
  18. ALT Trucker Role Play Participants: @chafloque @Los-Inkas Bahiano @KaKaRoTo @Sparky @TS12Gaming Dioni So I put the phone in my pocket, although I was nervous I had to finish the job, so I went to pick up the missing cargo from the truck depot, a few streets from the casino. Upon arrival I found a life or death situation, 5 men but this time visibly armed to the teeth surrounded me completely, following my principles I took out my pistol with the safety lock on and slowly got out of my vehicle so I dont attract attention, I did not want hurt anyone but I had to if I was strictly necessary, I heard a scream, STOP, I was shot in my stomach and lost the sencibility of my legs for a moment, everyone approached me and whispered to me to put my gun aside and to get up and leave the place as fast as possible. As if it were mental games, I got up and barely managed to start my vehicle, I drove a few meters towards the highway until I could no longer because of the bleeding and fatigue caused by adrenaline. I got out of my truck and went to them exhausted not knowing what to do, prepared to lose my life, they told me that there was a way to save myself by what I let go. One of them got into my truck and drove along with me and another car behind, little by little we moved away from the city, the desert began to make itself present and the dust entered all over my face and eyes, we reached a cliff, you could see the sea at a great height, it would be a definitive death. The men surrounded me in the direction of the precipice, one of them took the floor and said that if I wanted to live I should betray my ALT organization and make a lot of money with them as a large-scale drug distributor, I was totally confused and disagreed with the idea. I told myself that I would never betray my organization and that if I should die, I would accept my destiny without hesitation. In a matter of seconds, 5 armed men are at the edge of an abyss with a look of surprise looking attentively at a simple trucker falling into the sea, the last words of the man were: All Load Trucking, We ship your shit. ::: :::
  19. ALT Trucker Role Play Participants: @chafloque @Los-Inkas Bahiano @Sparky @KaKaRoTo Dioni @TS12Gaming One night like anyone I received a call in the middle of my working day, at first I did not understand how a stranger got my number, I had not given it to anyone, in it I heard a serious voice with the characteristics of an older man, the message was clear, He wanted to see me at his home for a job, it was not far so I accepted his proposal and I enlisted me to go there. As if it were a bad decision, it felt an unbearable atmosphere when I arrived at the agreed location, 5 allegedly armed men received me, calmly parked and I got off to speak to the manager ,then with a warm greeting they released the tension of the atmosphere to start. They required my service to transport some materials to the casino, there would be substantial changes and a construction would take place, thinking coldly I accepted the job to receive more details. First a mixer and an excavator, very useful vehicles when making a construction for them the price would be 50,000 dollars, continuing the second shipment would be stainless steel columns for supports in the construction ,because they are especially difficult to find the price would be 30,000 dollars, in addition raw wood would be used, they are not difficult to get so the price of that cargo would remain at 5,000 dollars, following the list a portable cabin appears so that the workers can stay there, its price remains at 10,000. Finally, counting the price, for the shipments of 95,000 dollars and 15,000 for my fees, we shook hands and I got to work to finish the job as soon as possible. I was getting each of the materials with the money they gave me and transporting them to the casino, when I finally finished, I took out my phone to tell them it was done, they replied that 1 material was missing and that I should take it in a few hours, the man had a different voice that terrified me for a moment, the tension returned to the environment and I just turned off my phone. ::: :::
  20. Your ingame username: chulivivicus Your ingame alias: [INKAS]Chafloque Your year of birth: 2003 Your gender: Male Nationality: Peruvian Country of residence: Peru How long you have been playing SAES: I have been playing on the server since 2015, 2016 after discovering it with some friends from school. The final count of hours looks a little irregular in relation to the date I started playing, I can justify this by arguing that I enter into periods of inactivity due to my school and pre-university studies plus other commitments that now represent a limitation to my availability time but that I can control, carry and modify with responsibility. Qualities you can offer: As a human I have a series of characteristics and skills that can be useful to you, availability and interest in learning is one of the skills that I am proud of and have led me to be in a good position today. It was putting me in charge of a gang having little experience which made me realize that I had to improve, not only doing activities daily, but reading and informing myself before speaking in addition to having the danger that someone breaks the rules daily, every Possibility, every possible mistake or breaking of rules, insult or lack of respect, possible multi-account by the same PC between brothers that has been carried out, all of them had to be solved by taking difficult decisions but that did not break the healthy group that we have formed, here is where I must emphasize another of my characteristics, my care or meticulousness when making a decision, you may think that I do not trust in no one, that I use a mask to pretend another personality that I am not, really taking care of my language and contact with other people was affected but it was not a problem until I started to get used to it, it allows me to make decisions as coldly as possible, In the good sense of the word, I do not allow myself to be carried away by feelings, acting with justice and empathy with each of the parties affected by a problem. My degree of concern rises but with it another of my characteristics is considered, the ability to advance under pressure to cope with disadvantageous situations, I must be honest, I did not do it alone, my people, my gang was a great help to get ahead with everything, I am not a stranger to teamwork, I consider working with anyone, it is always beneficial since everyone can learn something new with each interaction. In my view, to all the new players with whom I have been able to interact, I have conditioned them in the best way to live together on the server in a healthy way., not only do I interact with young players but I help them by giving them the necessary information about the basic rules and more about the rules of turfwars and bank robberies, which helps to be ready to go to Saes taking into account what they should know and how they can get far, the characteristic that I take into account here in my sense of self-preservation, a community can survive a long time, if it seeks a way to inform itself the best way to live together, I have personally supervised them and the result has been promising. I end here not to overwhelm you. Your weaknesses: Continuing with my self-evaluation, not everything is positive, I must consider some characteristics that are not beneficial to me and therefore to the server, I do not have experience as Staff of any server, I almost reached that position on a Uber Strike game server, the server was private but they rejected me for being very young. My ability to impose some punishment is reduced by my way of being, I do not like to punish but I love to inform, I can understand that the individual disrespects and punish him but at the 3rd or 4th time, this I can interpret as insecurity for inexperience I try to correct it whenever I can. Finally, the greatest weakness is time, I don't know when it will end, I don't know how long I will stay but I have a long way to go. Preferred Position (CS/SAHA): CS Do you have Discord Installed: Yes Chafloque#1773 :point_left: Reason for application: I see recruiting as an opportunity to contribute to the community, help young players with their doubts and problems, encouraging them to develop as good players and ensuring that they maintain a balance in the attitude of the server. I know what I want and I am willing to accept this challenge, I am Latino, my hours are not the same as yours, so I will be able to attend to the players that are not very attended at late night and focus on them. Server Memberships: Los INKAS , Izanagi Clan , The Classic Klan , ALT and Cluckin Bell. Additional information: Hello, my name is Daniel, I am 17 years old, I finished my school and now I am doing my pre-university studies, the last year I have only been playing SAES but before I played with friends Dota 2, CSGO, GTA V and Left 4 Dead 2. I have 2 cats, I live with my family and I would like to be part of the community for a longer time. Previous (legitimate) punishments on the server: I remember a Admin Jail in my second year I think , I remember that at that time I had no information from the server and thought that killing people as assassins counted as activity for a gang. We remember it with a lot of melaconlia because that gang was made up of schools friends. Previous (legitimate) bans: N/A Do you eat pork: Yes
  21. I will never forget when the group arrested us several times during our meetings xD, you will always live in my heart. Five-0 :(
  22. Activity type: Delivering different types of materials and loads in a convoy made up of my colleagues @Acez @Frost @Morvios. ::: :::
  23. Activity type: Refilling some stations around SA. Before: ::: ::: After: ::: :::
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