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  1. Event Number #2 Event Type: Freeway LMS Prize: 1 000 000$ LWS/G6 Helpers: [SWAT*]Tamer Winners: [AA]koko Screenshots: [s=] [/s]
  2. Activity Number 1 Participants: [F~S]Vanya_Killer|W, [F~S]Balla$|TL, [F~S]mr.ivan|VET and some random ppl Activity Type: Training Screenshots: [s=] [/s]
  3. @Warrior213 said in Free Shooters - Media Archive: Event Number #1 Event Type: LMS Prize: 1 000 000$ LWS/G6 Helpers: [SWAT*]Tamer Winners: [AA]koko Screenshots: [s=] [/s]
  4. **RP Number #** **Roleplay Title:** **Story:** **Participants:** **Date:** **Screenshots:** **Event Number #** **Event Type:** **Prize:** **LWS/G6 Helpers:** **Winners:** **Screenshots:** **Activity Number #** **Participants:** **Activity Type:** **Screenshots:**
  5. @QieZZ !
  6. Free Shooters is the gang of anarchists and freedom fighters from all across the world! Properties: [s=][/s] TEAM LEAD: [F~S]Balla$|TL IDIOLOGICAL LEADER: [F~S]Energizer|IL FIELD COMMANDERS: [F~S]QieZZ|FC SQUAD LEADERS: [F~S]Shikomaru|SL [F~S]Phoenix|SL VETERANS: WARDOGS: AMATEUR SHOOTERS: **Ingame name:** **Age:** **Gender:** **Ingame username:** **Previous organizations and leaving causes:** **Explain our role with your own words:** **Why do you want to join us?:** **What is the freedom for you?:**
  7. Address: 5 Prick Flats Account name: 666tokyo Last seen: 29th June 2021 Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/fKHKsyS
  8. Date: 04/09/2020 Turfing LV Before: After: Other Screens: ::: :::
  9. @Velona This mercedes looking like an old grandma's furniture, e34 fits more for a gangs
  10. Thanks man
  11. Sup gangstas, today I wanna suggest you to replace default admiral with a really legendary car:BMWe34. This car looks like it made for bad mafiosos straight from the factory. I guess it will perfectly fit in any gang, espicially in mafia gangs. As I think admiral must be replaced and buffed a bit cuz of his cost(1.200.000). A sultan costs 170k and it goes a lot faster plus his handling are much better. ::: ::: https://www.gtaall.com/gta-san-andreas/cars/88558-bmw-e34.html
  12. 27/08/2020 Red county bank robbery 8/8
  13. Ingame username:Warrior213 Previous organizations and leaving causes:ICE-It wasn't my place, O-Innactive, MMC-Deleted, Z-Troubles with their HQ, plus I don't like some of their new members. GJMC-Leader giving an HQ rank to any random person he doesn't know, and he afraid to punish his members for rulebreaking and disrespective behaviour due to his HQs:D. Like some guy with a shit eng and 70 hours IG started to insult me when I explained the SAES rules to him, I said that I ill kick him, and turbo just took out the kicking permission from mexD. Define Underground Empire:UE is a mob, which is specialising on almost every kind of gang activity such as: contract killing, drug trafficking, arms dealing and other things like that. What binds you with Underground Empire:Well, Im helping UE for a long time, cuz they're really decent, well organized and respected gang. There's the best fighters in the server, I respect UE, cuz they doesn't talk too much, they prefer to do things, instead of talking shit in the chat. Plus, there's a lot of my friends inside of this gang. What do you know about organized crime:Well my opinion may look weird for some people, but as I think any big gang or mob it is the country inside of another country. Criminals do the same things like the official governors, they're forcing people to do what they want, and people doing everything that they told em. Cuz they got a big guns, tanks, bombers, nuclear rockers and etc. Fear is their main weapon.
  14. @Vgodrig Accepted
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