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Newbie (1/14)



  1. GoodLuck
  2. GL! Anyways what happened to BBMC ?
  3. @XxNetroxX said in Central Events Organization - Official Topic: Your Ingame nickname : Netro Your username :XxNetroxX Already @~[Pending]~(yellow), Find any HQ ingame for test. Make sure to join our Discord. @RadiO said in Central Events Organization - Official Topic: Your Ingame nickname :RadiO Your username :oussama88 ~[PENDING]~(yellow) , Shown a great support ingame at CEO's event, Find any HQ for test. @Freezom said in Central Events Organization - Official Topic: Your Ingame nickname :freezoom Your username :maxismuz4141 ~[PENDING]~(yellow) , Help CEO members ingame at events if need, Let us know more about you ingame. @alex0107 said in Central Events Organization - Official Topic: Your Ingame nickname : OC|>Alex Your username : alex0107 ~[PENDING]~(yellow) , Help CEO members ingame at events if need, Let us know more about you ingame.
  4. [Event Helped #102] Event Type : 1v1 Sniper CEO Helpers : [CEO]Seth, [CEO-H]RadiO Event Hosted for and by : Aboody for Organization Zero Screenshots : https://imgur.com/a/0yYe8H6
  5. [Event Helped #101] Event Type : Chicken Shooter CEO Helpers : [CEO]Seth, [CEO]Rowdy Event Hosted for and by : Aboody for Organization Zero Screenshots : https://imgur.com/a/SiliWoG
  6. [Event Helped #99] Event Type : 1v1 Boxing CEO Helpers : [CEO]Seth, [CEO-H]Staifi (thanks to Green for helping) Event Hosted for and by : Wild Angels by Kalashire Screenshots : https://imgur.com/a/tGUy5Wy
  7. Account Name: UsamAli In-game Name: Seth Nationality: Pakistani Age: 16 Rate your English skills (1-10): 8.5/10 Do you have a good quality microphone: Rating would be 7/10 What type of music you like ? Trap Tell us something about yourself: I am 16 year old boy live in Pakistan, I go to college 5 days a week and i am a full time YouTuber. I love to play Video Games as i start playing video games since 5 year old. Can you suggest a music to us (Youtube Link) ? https://youtu.be/yfRFr4cIgK8
  8. @Staifi said in Central Events Organization - Official Topic: Your Ingame nickname : staifiz Your username : [WA]Staifi ~[ACCEPTED]~(lime), Tested and invited. @XxNetroxX said in Central Events Organization - Official Topic: Your Ingame nickname : Netro Your username :XxNetroxX ~[PENDING]~(yellow), Find any CEO's HQ in game for the test.
  9. @Staifi said in Central Events Organization: Your Ingame nickname : staifiz Your username : [WA]Staifi This is old topic, go to the new one and apply there, Link : https://saesrpg.uk/topic/4093/central-events-organization-official-topic
  10. @XxNetroxX said in Central Events Organization - Official Topic: Your Ingame nickname : Netro Your username :XxNetroxX ~[PENDIND]~(yellow,yellow), Let us know more about you, Hang and help with CEO members and wait for the application result to come out.
  11. [Event Helped #96] Event Type : The Floor is LAVA CEO Helpers : Seth Event Hosted for and by : Overdose Crime by Hoodie Screenshots : https://imgur.com/a/6dkamqS
  12. [Event Helped #95] Event Type : Chicken Nader CEO Helpers : @Sethesta Event Hosted for and by : Event Hosted for Overdose Crime by Hoodie. Screenshots : https://imgur.com/a/nwE0Qoz
  13. @Hesha also lock this topic down!
  14. Welcome to the Official Media Archive Of Central Events Organization, Only CEO members are allowed to post here, do not post here if you are not part of CEO. Here you will be able to find our events activities. Link to the official Topic : https://saesrpg.uk/topic/4093/central-events-organization-official-topic. [Event Helped #Number] Event Type : CEO Helpers : Event Hosted for and by : Screenshots : Old-Media Archive : https://saesrpg.uk/topic/2169/central-events-organization-media-archive Old-Topic : https://saesrpg.uk/topic/2168/central-events-organization/
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