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  1. Thanks man :D
  2. @gohan Thanks bro, would be great :D
  3. Hi everybody, I have a problem. I was walking on the hills close to the Truth house and I saw a house from a clan, it was possible to get in since it had a marker. When I got in my fps dropped and the game crashed and some time after a "Connection interrupted" sign appears and the connection drops. And that happens over and over again when I try to recconect. I wonder if the admins could respawn anywhere in the map. I cannot play :(
  4. @filex Well besides what I said first, my problem is that I cannot listen to my custom mp3 songs that I added to my GTA SA User files folder because the vanilla radios aren't able to use in the server. I don't know how to explain it better haha
  5. Hello to everyone. I have a problem, whenever i try to listen some music I can't since most of the radios doesn't works except for 2 or 3. The rest of the radios are just silent. I also want to play the vanilla radios to listen to my custom songs (Because I don't like the custom radios anyway) but I can't, whenever I open the control panel with M and play the vanilla radios it simply doesn't starts. Is there a way to fix this?
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