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Bas last won the day on November 12 2024

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  1. Participants: Bas Description: After I clocked in today and was enroute to the first vehicle fire, I saw something strange around LV X. Upon closer inspection it seemed like the vending machine caught fire! I quickly got my foam extinguisher out and diminished the flames. The machine was totally broken. I found a piece of paper that had the number of the vending machine company on it and gave them a call. It happened every other day they said.. Suppose that's good for our business. I then continued on with my shift and extinguished some vehicles! District: All Shift period: 1 hr Number of vehicles extinguished: 8 Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/pPzuRCe
  2. Address: Discount housing RC shop Account name: ziedftw Last seen: 18th dec 2024 Screenshots:
  3. Participants @Bas District: All Shift period: 1 Hour & 10 mins Number of vehicles extinguished: 21 Vehicles Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/IaH9A96
  4. Address: Dillimore East Account name: killerboy5678 Last seen: 20th November 2024 Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/WFcpydt
  5. Participants: @Bas District: All Shift period: 1 hr Number of vehicles extinguished: 13 Screenshot: https://imgur.com/a/5JymZ5t
  6. Type Of Activity: Roleplay Date: 20/12/2024 Participants: N/A Story: I got the task to retrieve a newly converted DFT from the workshop and get it to our base. Whilst I was driving back to Red County, I got a call from one of Rebels members. After a wild party they'd ran out of beer. Unfortunately, their brewery had ran out of barrels. He asked whether I had a good idea to overcome this logistical challenge. I didn't have to think long. Since the DFT tank was still unused, I proposed to fill it with the beer! I drove to the brewery and reversed in. After an hour or so the tank was filled. I drove to their bar and unloaded it. They gave me a couple of sample drafts from their tap before I continued my drive. I was a bit tipsy and had some near-misses. It took a while before I found a car wash that fitted the truck. I found one in LS and tipped the guy off. Together we washed out the tanker before I finally dropped it off in ALT base in Blueberry.
  7. Address: Panam Clothes Shop Account name: tubbycakes Last seen: 12th of nov Screenshots: https://i.imgur.com/UMvmXyn.png
  8. Event #13 Event Type: Sniper 1v1 Prize: 1M Winner: @Snake.
  9. Event #12 Event Type: Sniper 1v1 Prize: 1M Winner: @Colobria
  10. Event #11 Event Type: Deagle full hpLMS Prize: 1M Winner: @Colobria
  11. Event #10 Event Type: Deagle 10hp LMS Prize: 1M Winner: @RiOO
  12. Event #9 Event Type: Air boxing 1v1 Prize: 1M Winner: @Kalash
  13. Type Of Activity: 1v1 air boxing Date: 12-12-2024 Winner: @Light.
  14. District: Las Venturas, Bone County & Red County Shift period: 1 hr Number of vehicles extinguished: 20+ Screenshots: At the end of the shift I got a call from my good friend @Pogo. Apparently his caravan caught fire! I quickly responded with my engine. Upon arrival, the fire looked wide spread already. I asked if there were any civilians inside upon which he told me that his cat was still in there. I smashed one of the windows with my extinguisher and got it out. Unfortunately the caravan was beyond saving and burned to the ground.
  15. Type Of Activity: Role Play Date: 07-12-2024 Participants: @JiirakDaniel Earlier this week I got a call from my buddy @JiirakDaniel. His construction company had ran out of fuel. As the weather was bad, his usual supplier had issues getting his hands on it. I preheated the engine of my fueler and filled it up. Underway I saw stranded cars left and right. It'd never taken more time to get to las venturas from blueberry as today. Upon arrival I saw a lot of men diggin with shovels. Upon asking the manager, all excavators had run dry by now. He gave me a clipboard with instructions on where I could find the vehicles and which had priority. After an hour of hard work the job was done and they could continue more efficiëntly with their now refueled excavators! Jiirak signed the paperwork and I went back to Blueberry.
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