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Bas last won the day on November 12 2024

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  1. Participants: @Bas District: All Shift period: 20 minutes Number of vehicles extinguished: 13 Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/UTw3enL
  2. Participants: @Teller District: All Shift period: 20 minutes Number of vehicles extinguished: 7 Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/IwUWaXX
  3. Participants @Tapi @Bas District: All Shift period: 1 hr Number of vehicles extinguished: A lot! Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/QbBdl0D
  4. Type Of Activity: Refueling Date: 22-02-2025 Participants: @Bas Duration: 45 min Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/hir7dGf
  5. Type Of Activity: Refueling Date: 20-02-2025 Participants: @Bas Duration: 25min Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/tW2uT2R
  6. Address: 6 seaview rental aparment business Account name: nutellaguy Last seen: 20th dec 2024 Screenshots:
  7. Type Of Activity: Filling up the ALT refinery again! Date: 15-02-2025 Participants: @Bas Duration: multiple times over a duration of an hr or so Screenshots:https://imgur.com/a/oHWIIq2
  8. Type Of Activity: Refueling Date: 15-02-2025 Participants: @Felix@Bas Duration: 30 min Screenshots:https://imgur.com/a/zEnLzhu
  9. Type Of Activity: Refueling Date: 14-03-2025 Participants: @Bas Duration: 45 min Screenshotshttps://imgur.com/a/MnjCabD
  10. Type Of Activity: Refueling Date: 13-03-2025 Participants: @Bas Duration: 30 min Screenshots:https://imgur.com/a/T1WQlIs
  11. Type Of Activity: Refueling Date: 13-03-2025 Participants: @Bas Duration: 40 min Screenshots:https://imgur.com/a/80Z8ooJ
  12. Type Of Activity: Refueling Date: 13-03-2025 Participants: @Bas@Bagetto Duration: 30 min Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/g1ptdGy
  13. Participants: @Bas District: all SA Shift period: 30 min Number of vehicles extinguished: 6 vehicles Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/sgXFyuZ
  14. Roleplay type: vehicle crash Description of roleplay: Bas and Felicia were hanging back at HQ, talking about how slow the day has been so far. Then they got a call from Main, a vehicle had crashed into a big sign around LVX. This was the perfect training opportunity for Felicia! We grabbed an engine and went on our way. Arriving at LVX we closed the road, as your personal safety is your #1 priority when arriving on scene. I handed Felicia some cones and we checked the vehicle in question. Upon closer inspection, it was already abandoned. We called in support of a traffic officer, as it was on the main highway. Unfortunately, they were all responding to a bank robbery and no one came. I wedged my crowbar in between the hood and the chassis to gain access to the source of the fire. It was quickly under control and we called Cuban Cars to collect the wreck. We then went back to the HQ to evaluate our response. Location: LV Highway Participants: @Bas @felicia Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/mRiywXj
  15. Participants: @Bas District: all Shift period: 1 hour Number of vehicles extinguished: 10 Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/brdh8Te
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