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  1. Thank you dude,really helpful
  2. In-game nickname:Kartel In-game username: Rullnokk Your real name: [REDACTED] Age: 19 Nationality: Estonian Do you already have any friends in The Outfit?: King Did anyone say that you should apply to join us?: King What unique qualities can you offer to The Outfit? Iam quite active now since i got unbanned (was accused for multi accounting),i can role play,i know commands and ive been in gang before so i know what it means,i can help to turf,BR and participate in different activities,and i speak english quite good Past experience in SAES:RPG. How long have you been playing on SAES:RPG? (Please mention any inactivity absenses & forum time too): 5+ years or so,came to saes long time ago and ive playd saes for 4k+ hours with other accounts that i used to have got banned like a year ago so i was away for quite long time ago but now i am unbanned and active What previous gangs/squads/companies you have been in?(Please provide these in order, with time spent in each if possible): Black Syndicate(got kicked from it because i got banned from the server because they thought i was multi accounting wich i wasnt Why have you left the above?:- What server groups are you currently a part of?: None at the moment Previous server bans and reasons (include links):accused of multi accounting(false),ban evading(false because i didnt know i was banned when i tried to play so they had to ban me again)
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