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Everything posted by MGKelly

  1. Address: Appartment Block 186 Account name: ramzy1300 Last seen: 9th july 2018 Screens:
  2. Jailbreak -28- Helpers - @Spinkes Screens: ::: :::
  3. Outbreak Activity - Jailbreak- 23 - I hope you like watching this. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pQm5SpJl0vE
  4. Outbreak Activity - Jailbreak- 22 - ::: :::
  5. Casa del papel ? maybe 13 reasons why, no ? mmm Narcos then xD joking xD.. Wish u all the best ^^
  6. Applicant Main Information : Nickname: MGK Username :mgkk Age: on 30 decembre i'll turn 18 years old Nationality:Tunisian Languages you can speak:Arabic,Frensh, and ofc English i can add also Italian cuz i"m learning it and a bit deutch,spanish Player SAES Career Information : How long have you been playing on SAES? :around 2-3 months Do you have past experience with other gangs/squads/companies? (name them) :TT, OC If yes, explain the reasons why you left/got kicked from each of them :i left both of em, TT one of the greatest gang i had so much fun and had good friends but i looked forward to get a new experience, OC ? lel i would like to keep the reason private(i can say it ingame if it needs) Have you ever been banned from SAES (if yes, please explain) :no What groups are you currently part of? :Only OB Personality Information :I'm called Safwen some friends likes to name me Machine gun kelly since i'm a big fan, except that i'd like to pass most of my time in SAES or studying since i'm in my last year in college i study in the economie section and i really like it, either i hangout with friends or playing football, that's it nothing else.. What makes you special over the others and why should we accept you? :Well, i see myself mature enough and worth to get a chance to be a camel thanks to my well spoken english and my ingame skills such like patience in hard moments, i know how to deal with troubles also i'm friendly and i love to have fun and chill,and some other skills such like getting pigs,parachuting and cracking Explain in your own words the roleplay of Black~Bullets: Black~Bullets is a gang that can be found in San fierro which specialized in assasination whoever you are, a cop a civilian..but get paid for every assassinations also, Black bullets can provide you with any kind of arms you need. Why did you apply specifically for Black~Bullets? :Camels are so active and they are more than respected in the whole server so it will be such a pleasure to make part of your family and to have fun with my friends there. Do you know any B~B Member (as a friend), and did anyone recommend you to apply for us? : @Jasser and @nicky Anything else that you would like to add? [Optional] :A pic to eminem's slaves ::: :::
  7. @RAMPAGE said in Bank Interior Project: WOW @Zwolle , LOVE IT! Looks damn good and much better than current bank and hopefully less laggy (with low fps)... after you re-enter 2-3 times it starts to lag hard and you start to not see objects and parts of the mapping (I'm talking about current bank interior which is good but fucking laggy that was my point.. but it's cool hope they try it and it become better than we expected
  8. Most of players complain about the server lag sometimes and fps drops inside inetriors .. adding new bank ? new interrior ? for sure more lag i suggest to saes hq just to reduce time that the bank got reset it's about 5-6h? let it be around 2-3h for that gangs get +chance to make 1br per day atleast ps: i'm ain't against this idea it's good but i think this is faster for saes hq's and if any gang will fail i'm sure 90% they will complain about zwolle's mapping
  9. Outbreak Activity - Jailbreak - 13 - +1h jbing screens: ::: :::
  10. Outbreak Activity - Jailbreak - 7 - https://imgur.com/a/NlbpCVW
  11. @Vincy @Vincy said in Post your rap lyrics here!: @MGKelly It's your chance! xD lemme kick eminem's ass first xD
  12. Outbreak Activity - Jailbreak - 2 - ::: :::
  13. In-game name: [TT]MGK Username: mgkk Age: 18 Nationality: Tunisian Previous bans/punishments: N/A Why you think you would be suitable for the role: Well, i see i'm suitable to this role since i already was a saha agent a year ago(not in SAES) so i'm enough experienced to deal with players. Adding to that,i'm always active and ready to give a hand whenever any player need it, also taking such a big role and responsabilty like this in SAES is more than a honor, and ye i see i'm usefull and helpful enough with all players thanks to my spoken languages such like english,arabic,frensh,italian and a bit espagnol.. So i really don't want to miss this oppurtunity and i look forward to take a chance to show you how much i'm hardworking and trustworthy.
  14. Well, it's kinda cool but it will be great if u add some exceptions like if the wanted players got arrested in jail by kill arrest it ain't considered
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