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Everything posted by Asgal

  1. Date: 19/04/2024 Participants: @Asgal @Rieeria Type of activity: Transporting money from banks to mint. Duration: 5 min Screenshots:
  2. Date: 19/04/2024 Participants: @Asgal @Rieeria Type of activity: Transporting money from banks to mint. Duration: 5 min Screenshots:
  3. Date: 19/04/2024 Participants: @Asgal @Rieeria Type of activity: Transporting money from banks to mint. Duration: 5 min Screenshots:
  4. #39 Date: 18.04.2024 Event Type: LMS LWS Member(s): Senpai Prize: 1.000.000$ Winner: BobMarley07 Screenshots:
  5. #38 Date: 12.04.2024 Event Type: Kart Race LWS Member(s): Senpai & Brondy Prize: 1.000.000$ Winner: Aoxy Screenshots:
  6. #37 Date: 12.04.2024 Event Type: Box All vs All LWS Member(s): Senpai & Brondy Prize: 1.000.000$ Winner: Hatred Screenshots:
  7. #36 Date: 12.04.2024 Event Type: RC Baron Shooter LWS Member(s): Senpai & Brondy Prize: 1.000.000$ Winner: Kiraa Screenshots:
  8. #35 Date: 12.04.2024 Event Type: LMS LWS Member(s): Senpai Prize: 1.000.000$ Winner: Niah Screenshots:
  9. #34 Date: 12.04.2024 Event Type: Chicken Nade LWS Member(s): Senpai Prize: 1.000.000$ Winner: Kiraa Screenshots:
  10. Case #11 (Part 2 of Case 6) Date: 12.04.2024 Participants: Asgal, Crossma, Brondy, Ban and Schwaring Description: Section-2 We started watching the place from the early hours of the day. One of my teammates accompanying me was watching the place closely with field glass. My teammate reported that one of the guards waiting at the entrance had left the area. We quickly and silently moved towards the fuel station office and waited. We arrested him while he was about to fulfill his need for login guard and took him to the EISA station for questioning. Developments in the mission will be added to the file along with their reports.
  11. Date: 12.04.2024 Activity: Stopping JB Agents: Ban, Asgal, Crossma Screenshots:
  12. #23 Date: 7.04.2024 Event Type: Chicken Arrest LWS Member(s): brondy Prize: 2.000.000$ Winner: BasedGod Screenshots:
  13. Date: 7.04.2024 Activity: Stopping SR Agents: Noname, Ban, Asgal, Arkantos, Crossma, LysoForm96, CHocO Screenshots:
  14. #22 Date: 7.04.2024 Event Type: Reach The Roses LWS Member(s): brondy Prize: 5.000.000$ Winner: ?|Shikomaru Screenshots:
  15. Date: 7.04.2024 Activity: Stopping Rogue 21 TR BR (2nd door) Agents: Ban, Destroyer, Asgal, Noname, Arkantos, Netro, LysoForm96, Crossma, CHocO Screenshots:
  16. Date: 6.04.2024 Activity: VIP Agents: Ban, Asgal, Crossma Screenshots:
  17. Date: 5.04.2024 Activity: Defend LV PBR Agents: Asgal, CHocO, Crossma Screenshots:
  18. Date: 5.04.2024 Activity: Stopping SR Agents: Asgal, Crossma, Lysoform Screenshots:
  19. Case #6 (Part 1) Date: 04.04.2024 Participants: Asgal and Headquarters (Brondy) Description: During the night, I was informed about the mission from the headquarters. I changed my clothes, took my personal car and set off towards the area where the intelligence was given. After exploring the area on foot, I took a few photos of the area with my camera. My report to Headquarters about the mission: Two armed people are always waiting at the door. Guards change every 2 hours. A motorcycle is always waiting at the back to escape in case of emergency. I couldn't get any information about the people inside. There are two 4 door vehicles in the garden. Developments in the mission will be added to the file along with their reports. Screenshots:
  20. Date: 2.04.2024 Activity: Stopping SR Agents: Ban, Noname, Crossma, LysoForm96, Asgal Screenshots:
  21. Date: 2.04.2024 Activity: Stopping SR Agents: Ban, Noname, Crossma, LysoForm96 Screenshots:
  22. Date: 2.04.2024 Activity: Stopping SR Agents: Ban, Noname, Crossma, LysoForm96 Screenshots:
  23. Date: 29.03.2024 Activity: Stopping SR Agents: @Destroyer @Fereis @Asgal @Ban Screenshots:
  24. Date: 29.03.2024 Activity: Defending JB Agents: @Destroyer @Fereis @Asgal Screenshots:
  25. Date: 28.03.2024 Activity: Stopping SR Agents: @zirael @brondy @Islaybroards @Asgal Screenshots:
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