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  1. Date: 04/03/2024 Activity: 211 Participants: @General@Sou@Skinner Screenshots:
  2. Date: 03/28/2024 Activity: response to 207 Participants: @General@niceez@Enemy44@Candy Screenshots:
  3. Just remove the loc and add a shit that lets you give your locations voluntarily to specific players you're messaging privately, let the gameplay be natural, no tactical advantages given by a non-RPG feature.
  4. Honestly, the /loc down thing should be just removed and replaced by a voluntary private message option where you can give whoever you're talking to, your location by for example you press a option that says send location to player then you press F11 and you'll see his blip of where he's staying for a specific time. I'm gonna give you two reasons to replace /loc 1. People are still gonna use it for tactical advantage no matter if you give it a cooldown, remember this is a RPG server you should be locating players by simply using the environment because that's what you're supposed to do, recon places and that's all. 2. /loc ruins the privacy and the operating style of players WHO simply don't want to be found.
  5. since crims start cracking, there should be like a script that detects that a player is cracking which should start a BR but it doesn't give notif until yk door is cracked like normal CRs/BRs There should be a countdown then BR is prevented and it gives you the usual CR/BR pay + a bonus should be sought to modifications by SAES.
      • 2
      • Haha
  6. I hope he's in a better place, resting, away from this shit world of bad people who don't respect even their own fellow human brothers.
  7. Date: 01/09/2024 Activity: bank 211 Participants: @General@Dinaz@Strong Screenshots:
  8. I mean criminals use roadblock during BRs and all so we should be given more features, all breakable of coruse.
  9. Date: 11/26/2023 Activity: 211, 10-30s. Participants: @General@Enemy44@Killer208 Screenshots:
  10. Date: 24/11/2023 Activity: 211 response Participants: @General@Troyano@BzzBzz Screenshots:
  11. Date: 18/11/2023 Activity: 211 response Participants: @General@Takagi@Troyano Screenshots:
  12. You can already add new model IDs, of objects and vehicles with the engineRequestModel function, I already suggested that to SAES in order to make a T-72B tank model based on the Rhino model (with all its sounds, etc) and leave the original Rhino model ID for an Abrams M1A2 for there to be two tanks. Unfortunately SAES development team is like 99% inactive, they're only able to patch and fix things up so they're not gonna add things in the long term, I suggested a long time ago to Tut a model I slightly retextured for SAES to replace the Maverick vehicle with the Huey helicopter, and there was a military variant and a civilian variant, but devs don't care, plus you can't suggest vehicle replacements so he realized that and denied it and passed it to SAES and you know what the answer was, it was ignored, nobody from SAES DMed me back. You have more chances to get suggestions done by the community's contributors aka Jord, Jonas, Infinity, and or Steven than SAES itself, but there is this thing, getting Nanobob's approval upon a "close" quality assurance review.. And that is a different thing.
  13. I like it, but there are other Chevrolet caprice mods which are better, but I like it. Just like there are the first crown vics models from 2nd gen 1998 which are better than ours.. https://www.gtaall.com/gta-san-andreas/cars/158859-chevrolet-caprice-1992-lapd.html https://www.gtaall.com/gta-san-andreas/cars/158069-ford-crown-victoria-1998-cvpi-lapd.html https://libertycity.net/files/gta-san-andreas/117733-retro-lspd-ford-crown-victoria-polcie.html
  14. ok but will this make you gain more money otherwise its just useless and only for decoration.. Truck system sucks anyways, its not even level based...
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