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  1. 38
  2. Roleplay type: Patrolling Description of roleplay: While the STF were on a lookout for a big gas station robber a drunk driver came and almost crushed with the cruiser, the driver was neutralized and interogated while he confessed that he was drunk, the STF members not having the time to deal with such a minor crime called the PD to take care of the driver. Participant(s): @Elias @pipis @tamer Screenshots:https://imgur.com/a/i9fmBm5
  3. Roleplay type: Neutralizing and interogating the pedophile member of the underground sex ring. Description of roleplay: It was a sunny and hot day as usual at LS Santa Maria beach and most of the kids swimming there needed a cold treat to go along with the excitement!.Unfortunately for little pan hi's ice cream guy turned out to be a long investigated , member of the underground child's sex ring, the organization that frequently sells child's porn under the name "sexy kids online" on the dark web and who knows what else... The child got persuaded by free ice cream and fall into the trap of this monster...Luckily for the youngling an undercover agent was in the area watching that monster and saw everything that was happening inside the truck!,he took action and soon another agent who was on standby was there to assist, the kid was questioned at the spot and the pedophile taken into the headquarters for further interrogation about the group, the kid was offered safety by agent squid while waiting for its turn to report everything that happened inside the truck. Participant(s): @Spicey (pedophile) @Larsone(undercover) @SWID(agent) @pipis(child) Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/2eKaiiu
  4. Roleplay type: Patrolling and investigating the suspicious yellow exotic Description of roleplay: After a recent robbery the agents were tasked with tracking down the suspicious yellow exotic that was seen at the robbery few days ago.After neutralizing the suspect they investigated the vehicle and the suspect's background who at the end was clear and had recently bought the vehicle off the internet where he works too,the agents gathered fingerprints from the car to help them on tracking down the real criminal. Participant(s): @Larsone @pipis @Pacioli Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/RKjbGEO
  5. Personal Information - Name: Panos Nickname: Pan (you might see me with different tags like DriverPan etc) Age:18 Gender: Male Nationality:Greece Tell us a little bit about yourself (three sentences minimum): Well im 18 years old male i still go to high school studying as an electrician, i spend my free time either studying,going out or on pc games/other internet stuff (youtube is a hell of a drug fam) How long have you been playing on SAES:RPG? :Ive been playing in saes since 2015 Have you ever been banned or jailed before? If so, why? : nope Please list your previous squad/gang/company history: i was in an unofficial biker gang the RMC way back in 2015 the leader broke the gang,i created a couple of close friends gangs with my brother back in 2015 too Please list your current group memberships on the server: im lonely What are your strengths? : i dont really know since i dont compare much, i love driving and RPing i believe my driving is good and maybe my shooting decent? What are your weaknesses? : As listed above i dont really know but probably shooting since i believe it is not good enough, i have some trouble at arresting too Do you have discord & TS3? : Yes, Buffy aka lil jesus n shit Whats your average ping? : about 100 sometimes lower sometimes higher but not by much Do you have access to the PC spawns?: Nope How many hours do you have in-game? : 239 hours How often do you visit the forums? : rarely Rate your skills below - RP (out of 10): im not sure but il give it an 8/10 i still miss some things like commands and such involving RP Arresting (out of 10): lol 5/10 English (out of 10): i learned from internet but i believe im very good at english il say 8/10 Driving (out of 10): also 8/10 Combat (out of 10): 6/10? not sure Answer the following questions - Why do you want to join STF?: i find STF an interesting organization ,i want to give it a try mostly for the RP elements Did somebody recommend that you apply to STF? If so, who?: Bozi Do you have a solid understanding of the server rules and laws?: Yes i dont remember them by name and alphabetic order but so far i dont think i caused any problems In your own words, define roleplay: playing a role, acting as you are someone else with different realistic needs/way of thinking/roles in life, in other words fully living the life of someone else different than you In your own words, define DM: DM short for Death match, in game dm is the act of either attacking someone with or without their consent In your own words, define teamwork: Working as as a team with other people, multiple people uniting together (use their powers) to achieve a purpose either for personal or social gain ~Note :My old forums name is pan1
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