Ingame name: 203|Nova Username: Nova69 Country of Residence: Bulgaria. Spoken Languages: Bulgarian, English. Date of birth: 17.10.2002. Date of the beginning of your SAES career: Around 3 weeks, Im not actually sure about a solid date. Previous organisations: I've never been in a organisation. Define The Company's role in one sentence: The Companys goal is to take over the world with the help of other criminal gangs by many ways like smuggling weapons, assassinating the big peons. You are getting chased by a cop and sadly you die by falling off a cliff...: I will try to explain that it was an accident, but if he doesn't believe i can't do anything because it was my fault avoiding jail. You are in a confidential gang meeting...: I will of course try to take cover (even though it will be hard), I will try to contact with my little crew and will try to protect myself until my friends. But if no one answers I will instantly search for a car and get out of there. There is a guy where you had several disputes with...: I really hate this guy but respect for the gang comes first, I can avoid talking with him but helping him is different. I will help him when he puts himself in a bad situation but when it comes to friendship i will try to avoid. Thank you for your time. :)