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Everything posted by Shiryu

  1. @Markus ty
  2. Sup guys, i miss so much the whole server and all my friends here, but since i dont have a computer i haven't played. I would like to know if there's a way for playing it on my android... Idk if there are some emulator of Windows for android or if there's some others way, i really miss so much the server. Thanks
  3. Address: 5 Cock Street Account name: blancka99 Last seen: 20th April
  4. Funstein leading with 3m!
  5. Sorry Side, pm me when you on. Im right now too.
  6. BUMP! Side leading with 2m. 48 hours for sell C'mon guys
  7. Its near SR and of course near the BC Bank! C'mon guys :D
  8. @Shiryu said in Selling nice house in BC Near SR!: House in Bone County with carspawn near the SR: Starting bid: 800k
  9. House in Bone County with carspawn near the SR:
  10. Address: Willofield Pawn Shop Account name: kushy Last seen: 25th march
  11. Address: 7 Jefferson Block Account name: xxamounexx Last seen: 29th March
  12. Sold to @ArcoM !
  13. Sorry not bidding keep on 5m with jade just ignore
  14. Modern house in the north of LV with Carspawn. Near the LVPD and Bank (not more than 20 seconds) Same to the north SR. Starting bid: 1m
  15. Address: 8 S&m Road Account name: kajs54 Last seen: 27th march
  16. @Shiryu Forgot to say it has Carspawn too, this important.
  17. Big Business in SF with 6k income and a banshee spawn in front too. Near SR (like 15 seconds) Near Gas Station Near Car Shop (V8 available) Starting Bid: 1m
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