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  1. Event Number: 220 Event Type: Rock, paper and scissors LWS/G6: CIA|Star Prize(s): 1.000.000 $ Winner(s): SAFP|Halo|IA ScreenShot(s): https://postimg.cc/gallery/20pylubo0/
  2. Event Number: 219 Event Type: Racing LWS/G6: CIA|Star Prize(s): 1.000.000 $ Winner(s): SAFP|Supreme|LT ScreenShot(s): https://postimg.cc/gallery/39bdo15tw/
  3. Role Play Number: 424 Participants in The RP: @TaJ RP Scenario: So it was a normal day at the garage I received an emergency call from an officer of the intelligence agency who said that he thought his car has been planted with explosives by a terrorist group that wanted him dead, But he knew what they were planning for him so he came to me before the bomb is activated so I went to the garage get the right tools to remove the explosives without any damage then I checked the car and get rid of the explosives and the officer thanks me also payed me well then he gone. ScreenShot(s): https://postimg.cc/gallery/1nq3gurkq/
  4. I'm sad to see you leave. But I hope to see you again mate :wave:
  5. RP #692 @cornelius said in The Motor Heads - TMH | Media Archive: Role Play Number: #84 Participants in The RP: @Zero Roleplay name: Back on track 1/3 RP Scenario: Today I had a deal why my dear friend Zero about the drugs and guns I wanted to buy for my crew, after coming to him, he told he will sell to the other guy which offers more. Then I punched him in the face, telling why the fuck you didn't tell me about this? He started yelling fuck you bitch, not my problem you offer small money, then I said shut your mouth and if you want to fight come to Las Venturas Cross and bring your drugs, I will bring my new car. Then I met him and we started racing, Zero was close, but I still managed to win. So I followed him to his base and he gave me fair won drugs, that he could sell me, guess my skills are coming back! Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/IYc7mCz
  6. RP #690 @tefa said in InvestArms Corporation Media Archive: RolePlay With : SAFP,BS Participants: @Mephsito @Zero Story: After Klay Johansson Done his Meeting With The IAC Director He Got a Phone call From one in a gang Called " Black Syndicate ". He Greeted Klay then told him about an officer was bothering him and his gang was busy in the gang wars problems and he wants to kidnap this officer, Klay decided to meet him in his base so he took the address and took his car and went there. When he arrived The BS member's Name was: "Zero" He waved to Klay to come and he talked with him about the money then Klay took his weapons from his car trunk then they went to the officer's house. when they arrived The gangster Pointed at the House Then Klay Got his weapon in his hand and Rushed the house and took a rope and tied the officer hands and legs and took him in his car and delivered him to the Black Syndicate base, Then they talked a little with the cop then they killed him. Zero Gave Klay his money then Klay went off Screens: https://postimg.cc/gallery/2ocga6xy0/f4d75cbb/
  7. Turfing LS & BC Screens: https://s22.postimg.cc/4v8wefp6p/Turf.jpg
  8. SF BR 8/8 #657 https://s22.postimg.cc/cmpmd98u9/image.jpg
  9. Kol sana wanta tyb ysta
  10. Turfing Las Venturas Screens: https://imgur.com/a/V9y4U5P
  11. Las Venturas BR 8/8 #653 Screens: https://imgur.com/a/PVGSAmf
  12. Turfing Las Venturas~Los Santos Screens: https://imgur.com/a/cafwLxi
  13. Event: #1023 Type of event: Deagle 1vs1 Helper(s): M7mod Prize: 1.500.000$ Winner(s): Pump Screens: https://imgur.com/a/TwJTxt3
  14. Event: #1022 Type of event: LMS Helper(s): Strong Prize: 1.500.000$ Winner(s): Matrix~ Screens: https://imgur.com/a/GCZHRma
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