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SAES Retired
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Everything posted by Tombaa

  1. Tombaa


    Obviously fake
  2. lul nope
  3. This might've been a mistake
  4. I mean it technically works already, just not properly (yet)
  5. The best change
  6. @NanoBob you simp
  7. Hello everyone, I would like to welcome some new additions to the clan! Congratulations to the latest abuse victims, Honer112 and ILLUSION, feel free to contact them in-game for all your administration needs! @Honer112 @ILLUSION Yours truly, the best SAES HQ Member ever -Tombaa
  8. @MacBoy said in It has to stop... >:(: Like it really does. Its crazy how ruthless cops be doing me dirty. Jus chill for once, would ya? https://youtu.be/JD9a8Sv-Rn0 They're just trying to make you feel at home considering you're from the States
  9. @XpookS said in Hello Tombaa happy birthday: Happy birthday come sing to me please. You were supposed to sing to me
  10. Oh you ain't fucking me over @Howlze, 13m
  11. @Keo hahaha Ur mother looks like she eated Couscous and animals shits before she gave birth to you
  12. The deagle has been reverted now. The c bug is still patched though, but keep in mind that if anyone finds and starts abusing a new bug with the deagle, we wont hesitate to bring the patch back.
  13. @ZiZou777 said in Tombaa and World Farming Supply: Tombaa Drug Farm: Duration: until i change my mind Ps: Tombaa will keep the icon on his username. These are correct, as is the rest
  14. @xDarkMan the server has multiple different gamemodes that can be run through out the night, like Hide n seek Prophunt Murder Guess Who TTT
  15. Also if you've got any maps or other things you'd like to see used on the server, post a link to the workshop item and I can see about adding it to the collection
  16. Considering people are unable to stay on a simple topic, I'm closing this down.
  17. @Groove said in PINKYYYTITS APPLIES FOR CLO: @Tombaa said in PINKYYYTITS APPLIES FOR CLO: retired CLO HQ accepted ~ rampage :thinking_face: SAESHQ Denied ~ Fu groove
  18. Unfortunately we rather enjoy the sausage fest that CLO is and we don't need any women coming in and ruining it, so as a SAES HQ and retired CLO HQ I'm going to have to decline your application. You can always slide in Masters DMs though, he supposedly enjoys women
  19. Your application feels lacking, could've added more into it. Unfortunately you didn't make the cut this time Hopefully we'll be able to see you apply again next time around with better results. Although it's really because the clan can only have one part of a couple in it at the same time, Ardron already took that spot :crank: P.S. Daryl and Kain don't count, we all know they're a couple but started their thing after they were both in
  20. Decent application but reading your "Qualities you can offer", judging by the first part it almost feels like you're applying for the wrong reasons. Gettings accepted would't have meant you'd get access to the things you could've helped with. However if you're actually interested in looking into lua and learning it / developing for the server, I'd suggest you look into PENSource as a first step. Hopefully we'll be able to see you apply again next time around with better results. It's actually because you're a disgusting Swede, I don't need any of your kind in the clan :harriot:
  21. A decent application, but unfortunately you didn't make the cut this time. Hopefully we'll be able to see you apply again next time around with better results. It's actually because the clan couldn't handle another Finn, one is more than enough :crank: P.S. Bunny doesn't count, he's basically Russian
  22. @Assassin said in Servers using stolen scripts/gamemode: Big respect because of mentioning WSS next to SAES You know there's a reason why it had to be mentioned right :crank:
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