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Posts posted by zootthattoot

  1. Movement gang was founded on September 2nd 1945, the day World War 2 was put to an end.

    After the war, Sonic Picachu and Mario were left poor and sick and were ready to end their own lives.
    One day, Sonic had an idea, what if we became rich? And so the crime syndicate started, it started off with small store robberies and slowly evolved into bank robberies and more, and soon, Movement Gang was one of the biggest Gangs in Europe.

    On a cold winter day in 2001, Picachu was found dead, after being a victim of severe depression, Young Pica could not handle the stress of being a gang leader and took his own life. This made Sonic and Mario extremely upset and 17 years later, once they were done mourning the loss of a beloved friend, they decided to move to Texas, where they planned on restarting the gang with just the two of them, unfortunately, on the plane ride to Texas, the plane crashed in San Andreas, killing half the passengers on board, including Mario. Sonic decided to restart the gang right in San Andreas by himself, and vowed to make Movement Gang The BIGGEST Gang in San Andreas.

    Lvl 5 ( Leader ) - MG|Zoot
    Lvl 4 ( Long time trusted Member)-
    Lvl 3 ( Normal Member )-
    Lvl 2 ( Novice) -
    Lvl 1 ( Newbie)-

    Follow Server rules at all times
    listen to superior ranks
    Dont Dm fellow members

    Application ( copy paste with ur answers )

    Tell us about yourself(Ingame nick,age,Strenghts,Weaknesses,etc..):
    Tell us about your SAES Career:
    How did Mario die?:
    Why should we accept you?:

  2. **In-game name:**Zoot

    **Account name:**zootthattoot



    **Country of residency:**South afirca

    **From how long are you playing SAES:**a few months

    Since when are you playing GTA:SAa few years

    **How well do you speak English?:**fluently

    **What all languages can you speak other than English?:**none

    **Tell us something about yourself:**sometimes i can get a little salty

    **List few of your strengths and weaknesses:**I know most of LS and LV well and can drive decently but im terrible at following directiosn

    **Are you in any group If yes, Name them and also name your previous groups and reason to leave them:**I was a WA-H and I left cuz it took long to become a member xd

    **Have you been ban or warned by any admin in the last 1 year if yes, Explain Why?**ive been muted a few times for being salty and toxic

    **Why do you want to join Cluckin' Bell?:**Cuz i love cluckin bell

    **What can you offer Cluckin' bell?:**My good delivry skills

    **What do you expect in return from Cluckin' Bell?**Clout

    **Do you agree to follow all the F1 rules and Cluckin' Bell rules?:**Yes my nibba

    **Who are Cluckin' bell's founders?:**Tapi and Rainy

    **What is Cluckin' bell's Motto?:**Eat till u say " no please" .

  3. Nickname: Zoot
    Real name: Alex
    How long have you been playing SAES?: idk a few months?
    Do you own a freeway?:YE
    Previous G/S/C experiences and reason of leaving?:i was a helper on WA but i left cuz i thought i wouldnt get in cuz it had been weeks but i was gonna get in so :(
    Explain roleplay:When u pretend to do shit like when police officers pull u over instead of arresting u straight, its fun as shid
    What is an MC?:Motorcycle club
    Why do you want to be a Rebel?Cuz im a frickin MAD LAD
    What is DM?:when u kill someone for no reason or dmg their vechile for no good reason ( basiccly being a cunt )

  4. First Part:
    Account Name:Sup22|Zoot
    Primary Language:English
    Secondry Language(s):Afrikaans
    How long have you been playing SAES: few weeks
    How many hours do you have (Use TAB):62
    Previous G/S/C :I was helper in WA
    Second Part:
    What is roleplay means? :To act out or perform the part of a person or character, for example as a technique in training or psychotherapy.
    What is deathmatching means ?(explain with an example) :To kill someone for no reason. For example a cop killing an unwanted criminal. Also attacking a vechicle for no reason.
    What is the difference about PBR and BR ?:PBR is public and u need 20 people to start it whereas the BR u need an offical gang to start it.
    Tell us 2 BR rules : U need more than one person to start BR. U can only gain health from respawning.
    Tell us 2 Turf war rules:No going on unclimbable rooftops. U can only gain health from respawning.
    What is avoid arrest ?:To reconnect/kys while being chased by police to avoid arrest.
    Third Part:
    Why do you want to join us?:You are nice clan and i want to be in it.
    Why should we accept you?:Because ia m good, and i was invited.
    Did anyone suggest you to join (if yes mention who):Yes by soulfyprez.
    (Post your favorite bike in a spoiler)




  5. 1.Personal information

    Nickname: zoot

    Ingame Username:zootthattoot


    English proficiency:English is my main language but I am only 13 so I'd rate it around 75%

    Spoken Languages:English and a BIT of Afrikaans

    Roleplay skills:I've always been fond of role play in all games I've played. When ever someone roleplays me on the server, I play along and enjoy it. I've also learned many unique skills from my roleplay exprenices.

    Previous Organizations you joined: None

    1. Questionnaire

    Write a paragraph explaining our Role: Our role as Wild Angels is hunting down people and ending their pathetic lives. Wild Angels is a gang and is NOT to be messed with.

    Previous punishments/bans and reason:None

    Why you wanna join us?:Because i want to know what it is like to be in a gang. Knowing WA, they have loyal memebers who are good people and I would LOVE to accotiate myself with them. Joining this gang would be amazing for me and I would be loyal to the end.

    What makes you special over the others and why should we accept you? :I am loyal player who loves to roleplay. I'm good at listening to others and I'm online often unless I've gone out irl. I would give my all to the gang and thats why I think you should accept me.

    3-Additional Informations

    Do you know any WA Member, and did anyone recommend you to apply for us? :I've seen this gang across the server and the WA members in chat seem really nice. Otherwise no one recommended me WA.

    What are your strengths:Driving, Parachuting,Shooting,Running away,Listening to instrucitons and speaking english.

    What are your weaknesses:Spelling and flying.

    Something else to add?:It would be an honour to be a part of WA

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