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  1. @tut-greco whilst you are correct (had some finnicky moments today while trucking with trailers clipping through the floor and what not, could imagine this happening during a chase) I really liked to bring a weapon and when stopped, having a battle with the person that stopped me. I didn't really care for losing the load or going to jail, it was just a lot more fun and interactive than trucking is right now!
  2. @blade maybe add some illegal jobs for some more $$ to the listings? I liked the thrill of police chasing me when trucking. Right now, I might as well just play San Andreas on my own - there's little to no interaction between me and the rest of the players when driving. I do like the custom trailers though, GJ on those!
  3. Hey, everyone! I played a long while back and when I returned today I found there were no more illegal trucking missions. :( Any word on why they were removed? I really liked to do that back in the day and kiiiiiiiiiinda got back just to do some illegal trucking. Trucking as it is right now is a little.. boring. Thoughts?
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