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Everything posted by Nikolai

  1. Vehicle spawned in by me and then saved by Strong (bro gave me the wrong command :C)
  2. petition to bring back this speedometer texture (perhaps with the numbers made a bit clearer)
  3. Not from MTA itself but rather TeamSpeak, found an interesting screenshot from 2013:
  4. jesus christ I completely forgot I somehow wormed my way in as B~B leader lmfao
  5. Hello, just came to congratulate developers and contributors for those changes, it seems all those discussions, feedbacks, forum posts were worth it, time to raise activity time honest congratulations.
  6. pog people remember me <3
  7. There's been a lot more interest than I expected from people wanting to see more and download my DirectX ENB config. I think I've gotten the config to a good point by now, so here's some screenshots. Skip to the bottom if you want the download. Bear in mind this is running on a Ryzen 7 2700X and a GTX 1070Ti. I get about 50% GPU usage so you should be fine using the high preset on maybe a GTX 1060/RX 480 or equivalent. Installation Instructions Select your quality preset from the DirectX 2.0 - MTA folder. I use High. Unzip the contents of whichever quality preset into your GTA:SA installation directory. Replace the enblocal.ini and enbseries.ini files inside the preset with the ones I provided next to the readmes. IMPORTANT Use Windowed or Borderless Windowed. Full Screen will cause bugs if you alt tab. Disable the ingame water shaders in the M panel. Disable the carshine shader with F9 every time you connect, otherwise you'll get wild artifacts. DOWNLOAD: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1nA3VF14dpxhuMtMXeln620uWoGsU4G4C
  8. I imagine the change was made to prevent people giving money to the wrong person. I guess if the name the user provides matches more than one user, just spit an error in the info bar telling the user that more than one user matches their input and to be more specific.
  9. well fuck, nice to see you man
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