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Everything posted by Dodoo

  1. ~[Event Number : 8]~(Brown,black,black,black,brown) ~[Event Type : Carshow]~(Brown,black,black,black,brown) ~[Helper : @iMhster and @Green also @TaaviLaudur ]~(Brown,black,black,black,brown) ~[Prize : 1st = 2.000.000$ ~ 2nd = 1.000.000$ ~ 3rd = 500.000$ ]~(Brown,black,black,black,brown) ~[Winner's : 1st = @MetalHead ~ 2nd = @Steve ~ 3rd = @DaLi ]~(Brown,black,black,black,brown) ~[Screenshot(s)]~(Brown,black,black,black,brown) ::: :::
  2. ~[Event Number : 7]~(Brown,black,black,black,brown) ~[Event Type : Fallout]~(Brown,black,black,black,brown) ~[Helper : Ramos]~(Brown,black,black,black,brown) ~[Prize : 3.500.000$]~(Brown,black,black,black,brown) ~[Winner : @MatizZ ]~(Brown,black,black,black,brown) ~[Screenshot(s)]~(Brown,black,black,black,brown) ::: :::
  3. ~[Event Number : 6]~(Brown,black,black,black,brown) ~[Event Type : Hunter~Shooter]~(Brown,black,black,black,brown) ~[Helper : @Zombie ]~(Brown,black,black,black,brown) ~[Prize : 2.500.000$]~(Brown,black,black,black,brown) ~[Winner : Syndicate.Apsens]~(Brown,black,black,black,brown) ~[Screenshot(s)]~(Brown,black,black,black,brown) ::: :::
  4. Starting Bid : 3.000.000$ Screenshots : ::: :::
  5. Username : igormanmer Last seen : October 6th 2018 Screenshot : ::: :::
  6. Donator In-Game Name: Dodoo Donator Account Name: thedogukan15 Donation: 10.00 GBP Transaction ID : 1TL70431WD206653F Requested Rewards: 1M Ingame Cash 1 Dodo LS Airport Next to green's green shamal (Added users: Furkanzhlp & Color: #C34A2C)
  7. ~[Event Number : 5]~(Brown,black,black,black,brown) ~[Event Type : Hydra~Shooter]~(Brown,black,black,black,brown) ~[Helper : @Ramos ]~(Brown,black,black,black,brown) ~[Prize : 3.000.000$]~(Brown,black,black,black,brown) ~[Winner : @Luffy ]~(Brown,black,black,black,brown) ~[Screenshot(s) ]~(Brown,black,black,black,brown) ::: :::
  8. ~[Event Number : 4]~(Brown,black,black,black,brown) ~[Event Type : Air~Boxing]~(Brown,black,black,black,brown) ~[Helper : @Green @Arma ]~(Brown,black,black,black,brown) ~[Prize : 1.000.000$]~(Brown,black,black,black,brown) ~[Winner : @Bratanas]~(Brown,black,black,black,brown) ~[Screenshot(s) #]~(Brown,black,black,black,brown) ::: :::
  9. ~[Event Number : 3]~(Brown,black,black,black,brown) ~[Event Type : Chicken Shooter]~(Brown,black,black,black,brown) ~[Helper : @Ramos ]~(Brown,black,black,black,brown) ~[Prize : 1.000.000$]~(Brown,black,black,black,brown) ~[Winner : @MR-joker ]~(Brown,black,black,black,brown) ~[Screenshot(s) #]~(Brown,black,black,black,brown) ::: :::
  10. Username : Boladopolado LastSeen : 26th September Screenshot : ::: :::
  11. ~[Event Number : 2]~(Brown,black,black,black,brown) ~[Event Type : AllvsAll BaseballBat~Fight]~(Brown,black,black,black,brown) ~[Helper : @Ramos ]~(Brown,black,black,black,brown) ~[Prize : 3.000.000$]~(Brown,black,black,black,brown) ~[Winner @Hassanson ]~(Brown,black,black,black,brown) ~[Screenshot(s) #]~(Brown,black,black,black,brown) ::: :::
  12. ~[Event Number : 1]~(Brown,black,black,black,brown) ~[Event Type : Chicken Nader]~(Brown,black,black,black,brown) ~[Helper : @Ramos ]~(Brown,black,black,black,brown) ~[Prize : 1.000.000$]~(Brown,black,black,black,brown) ~[Winner @DarckVip-officel ]~(Brown,black,black,black,brown) ~[Screenshot(s) #]~(Brown,black,black,black,brown) ::: :::
  13. ~[Roleplay Number #]~(green,black,black,black,black,black) 225 ~[Participants in RP #]~(green,black,black,black,black,black) @Green , @PUNCH ~[RP Scenario #]~(green,black,black,black,black,black) I was waiting at my Pay'n Spray shop and i get a call from a Cluck guy. He said that he has an accident and their van is not working anymore. So i picked up my towtruck if they need to pulling, and went to the way. After a while i've saw their crash at TieraRobada-BC near a bridge i pulled neaer my towtruck talked about the situation, he said they have order , so i speed up a little bit and took care of engine and blowed tire after everything done they give a one package of HotChickenWings menu. ~[Screenshots #]~(green,black,black,black,black,black) https://imgur.com/a/eXkqXg1
  14. @rottarotta said in Rebels MC -Applications are OPEN: What we expect from you is loyalty at first. Stick to the server rules and do not damage the club's reputation with it. We do Motorcycle Club roleplay so if you aren't into that and you want to drive a sports car? Don't even bother applying because otherwise either we're going to kick you or you'll leave yourself. We speak English on our gang chat. Nickname:Rotta Real name:Andy Age:28 How long have you been playing SAES?:10 yrs soon Do you own a freeway?:like 3 i think Previous G/S/C experiences and reason of leaving?:rebels was my firs gang sayed til they died.. SoA.. just got "forsed into BBMC" not sum i rly liked ... tho a long storry.. ask sor it ingame Explain roleplay: rly?? after 10 yrs on the server?? What is an MC?: motor plane! Why do you want to be a Rebel? BC it was my first gang n i like felix as a guy! and... i miss the days of MC life (Motor Plane)hahaha What is DM?:donkey mouth? or random killin Dude are you drunk or something like that ? If you are drug addict i can help you.
  15. In-game name:Dodoo Account name:thedogukan15 Age:19 Gender:Male Country of residency:Turkey From how long are you playing SAES:It's been like 4 years totally. Since when are you playing GTA:SA From my chilhood i played GTASA a lot. How well do you speak English?:Very well. What all languages can you speak other than English?:Turkish , can also swear at Spanish,Deutch&Russian. Tell us about something about yourself:Im Dodoo i have no interesting personality i've growned up by playing video games. Im 19 , i've missed my university exam so waiting for next year untill there i have started to work as Waiter in restaurant&Cfe now, so thats my daily life. List few of your strengths and weaknesses: Strength:Im good at being attractive and positivity, I can cook very good (exactly CHICKEN) ,Im honest person and i don't like asslickers fuckhead's etc.Weakness: Im easily getting mad from things , Not have all day to play (even for a month. Working ..) Are you in any group If yes, Name them and also name your previous groups and reason to leave them:The Motor Heads Have you been ban or warned by any admin in the last 1 year if yes, Explain Why? Not in last 1 year. Why do you want to join Cluckin' Bell?:I want to make some delicious chicken wings (boneless) and sell them to people. What can you offer Cluckin' bell?: A Good Member. What do you expect in return from Cluckin' Bell? Some free Chicken maybe ? Do you agree to follow all the F1 rules and Cluckin' Bell rules?:Yes , i do. Who are Cluckin' bell's founders?:Tapi&Rainy What is Cluckin' bell's Motto?:Eat till you say, "No please".
  16. ~[Welcome to my LWS events. In this topic section i'll be posting events for LWS application ]~(Brown,black,grey,black,brown) ~[-Information About Events-]~(Brown,black,grey,black,brown) ::: ~[Total Events Counted : 28 ]~(Brown,black,brown,black,brown) ~[Total Prize Spent : 103.500.000$]~(Brown,black,brown,black,brown) ~[----------------------------------]~(Brown,black,Grey,black,brown) ~[I am gonna try not to do same events over and over again , also i will try to keep doing 1 event type for different kind of ideas for the future. As much as i can for sure. With my regards.. ]~(Red,Red,Red,Red,Black) ~[-Type of events will be presented bellow-]~(Brown,black,grey,black,brown) ~[Chicken~Nader x1]~(Brown,black,black,black,brown) ~[Chicken~Shooter x2]~(Brown,black,black,black,brown) ~[AllvsAll~Fights x1]~(Brown,black,black,black,brown) ~[Boxing(1v1) x2 ]~(Brown,black,black,black,brown) ~[Hydra~Shooter x1]~(Brown,black,black,black,brown) ~[Fallout x1]~(Brown,black,black,black,brown) ~[Carshow x1]~(Brown,black,black,black,brown) ~[Fish~Nader x1]~(Brown,black,grey,black,brown) ~[Race x1]~(Brown,black,grey,black,brown) ~[RC~Baron LMS x1]~(Brown,black,grey,black,brown) ~[RC~Baron 2v2 x1]~(Brown,black,grey,black,brown) ~[JUGGERNAUT x3]~(Brown,black,grey,black,brown) ~[True or False x1]~(Brown,black,grey,black,brown) ~[Land on my BUS x1]~(Brown,black,grey,black,brown) ~[BMX Fallout x1]~(Brown,black,grey,black,brown) ~[Hunter~Shooter x1]~(Brown,black,grey,black,brown) ~[Parkour x1]~(Brown,black,grey,black,brown) ~[Sabre~DestructionDerby/TDM x1]~(Brown,black,grey,black,brown) ~[Last~Man~Standing x1]~(Brown,black,grey,black,brown) ~[Rock~Paper~Scissors x1]~(Brown,black,grey,black,brown) ~[Dumper~Fallout x1]~(Brown,black,grey,black,brown) ~[Survive : The~GUNMAZE x1]~(Brown,black,grey,black,brown) ~[Destruction~Derby x1]~(Brown,black,grey,black,brown) ~[WILL BE ADDED MORE SOON]~(Brown,black,grey,black,brown) ~[WILL BE ADDED MORE SOON]~(Brown,black,grey,black,brown) ~[WILL BE ADDED MORE SOON]~(Brown,black,grey,black,brown) ::: ~[-Event Posting Format-]~(Brown,black,Grey,black,brown) ~[Event Number #]~(Brown,black,black,black,brown) ~[Event Type #]~(Brown,black,black,black,brown) ~[Helper #]~(Brown,black,black,black,brown) ~[Prize #]~(Brown,black,black,black,brown) ~[Winner #]~(Brown,black,black,black,brown) ~[Screenshot(s) #]~(Brown,black,black,black,brown)
  17. Good Luck boyzz with fullsupport!
  18. ameurbouzaabia 6th September 2018 https://imgur.com/a/Ek1U3Zi
  19. Part 1 - Player Info Ingame nick:Dodoo Real Name:Doukan Account name:thedogukan15 Nationality:Turk Rate your English Skills (0/10):7/10 Current Organization: None Current Group List: TheMotorHeads Player 2 - Role-Play Info Rate your RP skills (0/10): 6/10 Talk about your RP experience: I've played hard roleplay server which the main language was my native language in the serrver. Write a short RP story related to rebels: The northwest of the Iraq that people living in a village of the place named "Ane" the some of the elder's when their age comes getting kidnapped by terrorist group named ISES the boy getting captured and trained against authority of IRAQ and fighting against other ciwil organizations, militans teach them being a rebel when they are about 18-19 ages. Add a photo of a rebel please: https://imgur.com/a/f1snumm
  20. Role Play Number:215 Participants in The RP:@CoolTrol RP Scenario:Whle im at my mechanic spot then i get a call from an number starting as +7 534 xxx xxx so i answered call which is from Whetstone the guy told me that their car has stopped working and need a repair. I went there with my towtruck , when i was arrived there was a guy laying ground injured. I figured out that something happened here which these guys look's mafia. I told them why they called me so , he told me "YOU REPAIR OUR CAR" as russian acsent i didn't understand what he is meaning showed me the engine. I said i can take care of it but only can go 1 or 2 mil maybe i asked him do you want to ? he said "DA!" i started to repair engine and some sort of parts. i said it's ready to go don't hush the vehicle so much this time. He pulled his gun throught me and take me to the corner. They said don't move. And get away from the body , so when they gone i hop in my towtruck and went away from there. ScreenShot(s):https://imgur.com/a/IeKmcVD
  21. Only the best one's are passes away suddenly , he was the best may his soul rest in peace.. https://imgur.com/a/JsYgM26
  22. Role Play Number: 208 Participants in The RP: Foxzilla - Kannenki RP Scenario:I was talking with my buddy kannenki about weather , then i get a call from a biker member. He said his vehicle is not working while he was going in the highway. so i told kannenki about it and i take the towtruck and move to the place. When im arrived i asked him about what happened he told me that he crushed to a Tree and lost control after car is out he said he pushed it through last place of the car. And i took a look at car try to fix engine but i cant do anything at there i wanted to bring the car to a autopart repair place i told him about it, he accepted this i told him to get in his car. i've hooked the car to my towtruck and pulled it to the repair place. I recognize i can't overcome from it by myself so i called another mechanic which is my fellow friend kanennki. We started to repair together as i though it was hard even tho. after we finished we looked at our great job we handshaked the biker and gave him his ride back as better and better style. ScreenShot(s):https://imgur.com/a/HUsRl82
  23. Role Play Number: 207 Participants in The RP: Cooltrol RP Scenario: I was at repairshop near LSPD a biker came and told me he wants to change his bikes color i asked him about new style and tires. He accepted and said like "why not?" So we had a deal and i started to change tires. I taked out the chasis of the bike and checked my oldstyle fast racer bike parts and find out a NRG chasis , I've added the NRG chasis to freeway and put the new tires on , added brand new bcycle chain for better performation , boosted engine and a bigger gas tank. Then it was ready to show. ScreenShot(s):https://imgur.com/a/rlwM00s
  24. Role Play Number: 205 Participants in The RP: Cooltrol RP Scenario: While i was around LS with my towntruck i get a call from unknown number , he said he know me from his friend , his car has stopped working and heavily damaged , i didn't understand what is he meaning first but then i realized he is from a MotorcycleClub. So i went there and i've invested the situation the car was damaged by gunfire and tires were blowed. I told him to get in his car and i pulled car with the towntruck to repairbase. I told him about the job he accepted this and i started repairing. Changed the tires which is blown from left back and left front of the car. Engine was good , i checked trunk that needing to repair and car doors after everything i took like 30min. I gave the car back him. Told him what i do , and the job done well. ScreenShot(s): https://imgur.com/a/OR0jeAQ
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