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  1. Personal Info Username: hamedess1 Account name:Ryder Age:17 Nationality:Tunis Languages: Arabe-English-France You have discord ? :yes Tell us about yourself: hello my name is hamed i 17 years old i love basketball football and i good in school and i play many games and my best Fort and MTA:SAES.RPG In-Game Experience How long you play SAES/RPG: 1 years How long you play MTA: 1 years and 1 week How long you play every day:5-8 English skills (1-10): 8 RP skills (1-10) :7.5 Do you have Procop Diploma:No Previous Gang/Squad/Company:N/A Why did you leave:N/A Have ever been banned before:N/A Reason for ban:N/A Information : Your strengths:Drive-shot-parachut Your Weaknesses:swimming Explain why we should accept you: I go player and i play all the time and i good cop that's all Who Recommended you to apply in NSWC: NSWC|Carl|CH Rules: Did you read the F1 rules :Yes Are you allowed to arrest/kill in Hospital:NO Are you allowed to arrest/kill in events? :NO Are you allowed to camp in jail ? :No Explain what is marker arrest: dont arrest crim in the door (Bank.etc) Explain what is deathmatch :dont kill player with reason or not reason Explain what is parking arrest: Dont push crim with car and stay up and will arrest him Explain N.S.W.C .rules 8: Dont arrest police like FBI-SWAt-SAFP... Explain N.S.W.C. rules 13: U cant arrest crim have stars 0-10
  2. @brnin PASSED - You have been invited in our Squad, you passed the in-game tests.
  3. @perlo and @coffler @kenny thank you all
  4. i dont copying ICE application
  5. Wolcome to Police de Police [PDP] <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<Rules>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 1: play with rules of seas rpg F1 2:Respact all seas mumbers 3:Dont arrest crims have 1..5 stars 4:You'll always have to offer wanted criminals to RP 5: dont do DM-marker arrest- parking arrest 6: Always speak English on main/team/squad chat 7: If any squad ask you for help/back up, you should go to hel <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<Ranks Explantation>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> -Boss ( level 5) This is the leader of the squad, he will look at the financial things, will look for properties and operates everything. -Vice Leader / Major General (level 4) This is the leaders 3rd hand, he has been a HQ for a long time and is one of the head HQs. -HQ Team (Level 3) They are the veterans of the squad. They are loyal and searching for potential members, they have ability to promote and kick/invite/warn. They will watch the members. -Major (Level 2) They are Colonel's Assistants and their main job is keeping team in order. (Level 1) SGT < Sergeant Lieutenant's Assistants to help keep team in order. level 0) R* & R < Recruit This is the probation time, here you will learn all the tactics and rules you need. Probation time is 10 days <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<player>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Boss (Level 5) [PDP]Ryder Vice Leader / Major General(Level 4) [PDP]luffy -HQ Team (Level 3) [PDP]Brnin<HQ> <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<testing>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ACEPPTED- You have been accepted by the squad. Find a HQ member for the in game tests. ( Look the roster to find one HQ ) Good luck! Denied - You application is poor or you don't have enough skills. You can apply again in 1 week. PASSED - You have been invited in our Squad, you passed the in-game tests. Banned / Blacklist - You apply to much times in our application with status Denied. Or your application was very negative. Do not apply again in this Topic. <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<Aplly>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Username: Account name: Real name: Age: Nationality: Languages: English skills (1-10): Do you use Teamspeak: In-Game Experience How long you play SAES/RPG: When did you join the server: How long you play MTA: How long you play every day: Previous Gang/Squad/Company: Why did you leave: Have ever been banned before: Reason for ban: Your strengths: Your Weaknesses: Rules Knowledge Did you read the F1 rules: Did you read the Squad rules: Are you allowed to arrest/kill in Hospital: Are you allowed to arrest/kill in events?: Are you allowed to camp in jail (Prison) : Is marker arrest allowed: Explain what is marker arrest: Explain what is Death-matching: Explain what is RP : Explain Rule 2: Explain Rule 3: Explain E Rule 5:
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