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Everything posted by StarDust

  1. Account Name: walidos Last Seen : 23rd August 2019
  2. Usarname: raymondcardiac Last Seen : 4th August 2014 ScreenShots: https://gyazo.com/dffabdc9799600abcf28d98840ad703a
  3. Username: ganev69 Last seen : 27th May 2012 ScreenShots : https://gyazo.com/4a9871a8c5b8696c4547a9d49aa1af0b
  4. Usarname: Mehdisa Last Seen: 4th July 2012 SS: https://imgur.com/9RAOKpf
  5. Usarname:bird9 Last Seen: 21st september 2012 ss: https://imgur.com/6kbMBzX
  6. Usarname:Matrix Last Seen: 21st september 2012 ss: https://imgur.com/6kbMBzX
  7. Usarname:Matrix Last Seen: 21st september 2012 ss: https://imgur.com/6kbMBzX
  8. First Part: Nickname:Kaan Account Name:StarDust Gender:Git Men Age:17 Nationality:Of Turkey Primary Language:Turkey Secondry Language(s):ingilsh How long have you been playing SAES:3 years How many hours do you have (Use TAB):349:27:18 Previous G/S/C :VLA s Closed. Second Part: What is roleplay means? :Roleplay mean that do something like in real life and im able to do it my skills in RP is What is deathmatching means ?(explain with an example) :Deathmatching mean kill some one or destroyed his Car with out reason and it's not allowd if some one DM you ... you must relax and report him cz it's not allowd to revange What is the difference about PBR and BR ?:well bank robberies mean a lot of Criminal go to one of the Three Bank at LS / LV / SF and Rob it to get money .... well Gang BR only the gang who start the BR can go inside but the other criminals must stay outside and deff well they gonna also get Money .... and the PBR mean public it's for all Criminals from an official gang or normals Criminals they can rob it but they need 13 Criminals to start the Tell us 2 BR rules : During gang bank rob, members of gang which is robbing the bank can kill any player inside bank they are robbing if they dont want that player on their bank robs Tell us 2 Turf war rules:Gaining health is allowed only via respawning, health from a medic who is not in your gang, or eating food What is avoid arrest ?:Killing yourself or suicide while you are wanted and cop's are trying to catch you. Third Part: Why do you want to join us?:Players I've Seen In My Daily Life Why should we accept you?:I saw all my old friends in this family and I understood that we will do good business with them .. Did anyone suggest you to join (if yes mention who):No.
  9. Personal information: In-game name:StarDust Kaan Account name:Drakula11 Age:17 Nationality:Of Turkey Languages you speak:Arabic,Turkey,Engilsh Ingame information: When did you join SAES? 2 year What gangs/squads/companies have you been in? Vla Closed. Why did you leave or were you kicked out of your previous organisations?I Disposal,I was already leaving, there was no order. Have you ever been kicked or banned from SAES:RPG ? If yes, Explain why : No,Because I Know The Rules Of The Game.
  10. 1.Personal information Nickname: Kaan Ingame Username:StarDust Age:17 English proficiency:5 Spoken Languages:Turkey, English Roleplay skills:7/10 Previous Organizations you joined:VLA.Because it's closed. Questionnaire Write a paragraph explaining our Role:Hunting and killing enemies or targets either it was personal or for money also they do kidnapping and torture, robbing and stealing, arms and drugs dealing and finaly carjacking. Previous punishments/bans and reason:No. Why you wanna join us?:Because i want to proceed my career as a crim with you guys, new kinds of roleplays and i have a new experince in the criminal side . What makes you special over the others and why should we accept you? :why should we accept you? Firstly, I am a skilled player and i had experience in other official gangs like VLA. Secondly im loyal and active. Finally ill try so hard to keep this gang in a high level also ill respect all the members and do alot of roleplays and events 3-Additional Informations Do you know any WA Member, and did anyone recommend you to apply for us? :KARIM,recommended I found it nice. What are your strengths:Roleplaying / Driving / Parachuting What are your weaknesses: Cracking Something else to add?: https://i.imgur.com/UFhx0v4.png
  11. Blood Brothert <3
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