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Everything posted by Markus

  1. It is your problem if you failed the BR, call more helpers, crack faster and learn from the previous mistakes
  2. God damn, what the fuck is up with these random topics about being emotional and trying to gain attention. This is just a game and were meant to have fun. Even FOX is giving you a chance to prove them that youve changed as a person. Just keep playing and have fun
  3. @Filex said in Letter for all SAES players: @Human_ said in Letter for all SAES players: Ill be your friend, man. No one likes u anyway I do like him, sometimes. Depends on what he gives me via his Admin Panel.
  4. @Griffin said in MJ Enterprises: Good Luck ! @Lightning said in MJ Enterprises: Let the party begin! @Benny said in MJ Enterprises: Lets get the noise. @Terry said in MJ Enterprises: Wohoo! @Anas_ said in MJ Enterprises: Make some noice! It's gonna be lit. @Nord said in MJ Enterprises: Woot woot! @ferthis said in MJ Enterprises: GL @BusterMcBadass said in MJ Enterprises: This is a great project, congratulations and good luck! :tada: :tada: :tada: :tada: Thanks for the early wishes! Remember, we're looking for new employees so feel free to apply.
  5. LWS/G6: Winner: Prize: Event type: Screenshots: Roleplay title: Participants: Story: Screenshots: Activity Type: How many online?: Screenshots: Festival name: How many guests?: Story: Screenshots:
  6. MJ Enterprises https://discord.gg/H2NsMCe
  7. ^[] ^[] Beginning of MJ It all started in a night club in Liberty City where Markus and Jasper met. Markus was the Head Manager of the Club named Wild & Funky while Jasper was a successful businessman just enjoying his time. They met each other in quite a weird way, they bumped into each other in the bathroom, Jasper notices his Manager tag and then they started talking about business in general. Jasper was invited into his Office where they drank some Rum and enjoyed Cuban Cigars. 2 minds think alike and all of a sudden, Jasper came up with the idea to start a company together that makes large Music Festivals in San Andreas. They had money so they flew out to SA, bought a penthouse and started their own company. First Festival, 2008 As EDM was slowly growing and artists were becoming more famous, they thought to bring an EDM Festival into SA. It took place in the Desert since the SA Desert is large and the rent is quite cheap. But the event itself wasn't that cheap. We had to provide people with sleeping places, food, shower and the main part, the artists. The Festival was mainly for EDM but had some Rappers here and there. The Festival was named Firey Nights. Everything worked out amazing, good reviews were left to the company and there we took off. We profited around 10.000.000$ and then we realized, we've hit a jackpot since no other company does this. This day, 2019 Large Music Festivals have been made all around San Andreas, new alliances have been set and even more is to come. Our company is estimated around 2.2B (Net worth) and we have around 221 working employees. Music Festivals We try to host a large music festival dedicated to one genre or multiple at least once per 2 months since everything needs preparation and so on. Festivals will be announced at least 2 weeks before it's happening so people can buy their tickets. Dedicated Partys We also host large regular or pool parties that are bought usually by celebrities or just rich people in general. You can make a booking by sending your details to this account: Markus #4982 Top Brass: CEO - The Directors of the Company, the front line of the Top Brass. They are the leaders, everything is under their hands and they control everything. Supervisor - He is the Vice Director of the Company and has the same powers as the CEO does but not as superior. He makes sure that everyone is present at the Festival and fills out his given task to do. Manager - Leads a Division with-in the Company. MJ Officials Security Forces - They are the elite force that makes sure that everyone participating at the Festival is safe. If shit goes down, SF is right there and ready to protect everyone with their lives. Sound Technician - They make sure that all of the electronic equipment is well put in place and set ready to be used. (You can only join this if you're a SAES Admin) Graphics Designer - He designs the banners and other stuff for our Festivals and Company in general. Architecture Team - They build and construct our Festival from the ground up. We trust these men with their own personal designs and buildings. (You can only join this if you're an Architect or Higher in ZIP) CEOs: Markus and @Jasper Founders: Markus and @Jasper Group Value: Classified. Group Color Code: #FE642E HQ Team: Markus, Jasper and Anas Group Tag: [MJ]Markus[Rank] Discord Server: https://discord.gg/H2NsMCe Top Brass of MJ: CEO: Markus & @Jasper Supervisor: <Vacant> Manager: @Anas_ MJ Officials: Security Forces: @Anas_ - Black Hawk (Leader of the Unit) @Terry @Benny @Lightning @Elegant @Dexter Sound Technician: @Ardron Graphics Designer: @Nord Architecture Team: @MarksMan Our Recruitment works via Applications on the forums. Your application has to be good and you need to have a general knowledge of the server. Application Format: ::: Personal Information Username: Nickname: Age: Gender: Nationality: Languages you speak: For how long have you been playing on SAES:RPG: Current organization: Detailed Information Why do you want to join us?: How could you help?: What division would you like to choose?: Have you been banned on SAES:RPG?: What are the roles of MJ Enterprises and explain them: Do you fully understand the F1 Rulebook?: :::
  8. @Katlank said in Hassantt talk to all: i am hassantt ,,,, why i did this topic ? answer{ bec i want back to server and no one sad from me , i left this server before for 1 years and i was very bad player before i left the server but after i left it for 1 years i learned much and i am good now and i was have backlisted from squads and i want back to it like ( ICE ) before i left the server i was in ICE and i was CPT when ICE was have small base in LS and was have 4 cars only or 5 (((( and some squads and gangs like it ) Just join the server, make a decent application towards the squad you want to be a part of, don't do stupid shit and you're good to go
  9. The idea is pretty cool itself but how would be implemented and how would the rewards be etc?
  10. If you're not banned, no one is stopping you from playing on this server Everyone's welcome
  11. @alex0107 said in what will be markus's next g/s: I'm saying TT , because of Nobody and Icecold both massive pedes
  12. Is this sold or still available for grabs? @SAFP-Carl
  13. When this becomes a thing, it will be operated by the SAHA Staff, right?
  14. @KARIM said in Car Shaders For Gangs/Squads As a Reward: there's a gang already have this They've most likely be set by an Admin since they have the powers to put on custom shaders.
  15. rip all estonians, joe admen
  16. Indeed, this is quite a good idea but limits should be set imo. Since people would just put penises over their car. The Shader request should be overviewed by a GM before implementing it into the live game
  17. @Skerdi said in Creating a Forum Section for Selling Cars: @Markus said in Creating a Forum Section for Selling Cars: TMH is doing this already, no need to create a 2nd place for it. https://saesrpg.uk/category/284/tmh-vehicle-auction People pay to advertise there o.O
  18. @ILLUSION said in Creating a Forum Section for Selling Cars: @Markus said in Creating a Forum Section for Selling Cars: TMH is doing this already, no need to create a 2nd place for it. https://saesrpg.uk/category/284/tmh-vehicle-auction Last entry was 13 days ago. It does not look that active. It isn't their problem tho, people post there who want to sell the cars
  19. TMH is doing this already, no need to create a 2nd place for it. https://saesrpg.uk/category/284/tmh-vehicle-auction
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