Ingame name: 215|dyre // 215|seba Ingame username: seba764 Previous organizations and leaving causes: Previous organization: LOS INKAS Leaving causes: I had to leave the game because my job took a lot of my time, and when I came back, it was disbanded. Define Underground Empire: Underground Empire is a crim syndicate founded in 1866 by 3 lonely men whose families were killed by union soldiers, as they had nothing to lose, they decided to get rich by corrupting politicians and contract killing. Currently its main activities are Weapong Trafficking, Drug Trafficking, Money Laundering, Corrupting Politicians & Cops, Contract Killing. What binds you with Underground Empire: I always liked the criminal side and I have a lot of old friends in this gang, I also like the gangs to be organized and to have teamwork and I think this one does. What do you know about organized crime: Organized crime are enterprises runned by criminals that works to profit from illegal activities which are often in high demand. Its continued existence is maintained through the corruption of public officials and the use of intimidation, threats, or force to protect its operations.