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Everything posted by Fugitive

  1. Fuck 'em, just get off the server already and wait for a ban amnesty as soon as it hits weekly peak of 50 people.
  2. @Kain can we please get SSB posting rights revoked
  3. This is an automated post TXN ID: 6H591844CS8275440 Donation Amount: 10.00GBP Link to your Donation Tracking/Points Topic: Requested Awards: Vehicle Type: Flash Vehicle Colour: #000000 (Black) Specify any upgrades: Usernames to lock: fugitive9811 Where you want it placed: At my property named Uber 69 Cents Store For any help with rewards, please check this topic.
  4. Happy birthday to the most special soussian after Tritosh and Aramade. Long live king @Rondaw
  5. Funny how server's daily peak had to fall around 100ish players and now we're been bombardized by messiah Kain with those updates that are actually good
  6. Tritosh and rzz0 for saes HQ. All the problems will be solved.
  7. @UffoEscobar Dear Uffo, Your voting went unexpectedly well, yet, we deem that your efforts have not been adequate once again. We respect any reasons you may have to be inactive, however, we can't just ignore that. Proving yourself to us is crucial, if you actually want to be a Zebra. Feel free to reapply in 2 weeks. ~[Denied]~(red) @Kathia Dear Kathia, Voting procedure went insanely well for you, however we think that you are not fully ready to join us just yet. There are some qualities in you that we highly appreciate, yet we expected you to show yourself around us more, sadly you did not. Nothing is over though, right your wrongs and feel free to reapply in 2 weeks. ~[Denied]~(red) @Hanakappa Dear Hanakappa, Role model applicant, really kind and silent, I'd say you've fully abided to Z bible! However, we feel that you did not put enough effort in your application. Answers were too short and inconclusive. Feel free to reapply in 2 weeks with a better application this time! ~[Denied]~(red) @PticoF Dear PticoF, Inconclusive voting, despite the fact that this is the third time you're applying for us. There's something that is bothering our members and we need you to find that out on your own. Work on that and feel free to reapply in 2 weeks. ~[Denied]~(red) @SlapBobs Dear Slapbobs, The majority of the votes were in your favor. You're a really promising applicant, yet again we have some doubts on your loyalty. We are expecting you to prove your doubters wrong and reapply in 2 weeks. ~[Denied]~(red) @Rooster Dear Rooster, The majority of the votes were in your favor. You're a really promising applicant, yet again we have some doubts on your loyalty. We are expecting you to prove your doubters wrong and reapply in 2 weeks. ~[Denied]~(red) @Miltingary Dear Miltingary, We did not proceed with any kind of voting when it comes to your case. Mainly cause you've had the chance to be one of us and instead of proving yourself worthy, you resorted to inactivity and left the gang right after you stopped being inactive, without any notice or explanation. Under normal circumstances, we'd advise you not to bother applying again. But, there are people that are claiming you're reformed. Prove those people that are supporting you right by reapplying in 1 month from now. ~[Denied]~(red) Regards, Organization Zero HQ team.
  8. Account name:fugitive9811 Icon name:airport_view_house
  9. Address: Kaioshin Supplies Business Account name: kellerman Last seen: 10th February 2021 Screenshots: ::: :::
  10. Address: Sniper Eats Donkey Pizza Here Account name: kellerman Last seen: 10th February 2021 Screenshots: ::: :::
  11. @Keep @reman1337 Dear Keep and Hazard, Top tier fresh blood, your experience from other servers in aspects of combat and attitude is obvious. Unanimous positive voting, along with great efforts. We all think you deserve this chance and hope you gonna use it wisely. VIVA RUSSIA. Welcome. ~[Accepted]~(lime) @Herowig Dear Herowig, Astonishing efforts, decent attitude and overall great potential, all the aforementioned qualities were projected in your voting, which was unanimously positive! Welcome eesti beesti. ~[Accepted]~(lime) @Jaspxr Dear Jaspxr, We feel that you're relatively too new and got a lot of things to learn prior to getting your chance to join a gang like Organization Zero. We advise you to stick to Z bible, right your wrongs and reapply in a month. ~[Denied]~(red) Regards, Organization Zero HQ team.
  12. Address: 2 Uber Street Account name: filt Last seen: 3rd February 2021 Screenshots: ::: :::
  13. Address: 6 Gay Kenny Road Account name: albajan Last seen: 31st January 2021 Screenshots: ::: :::
  14. @Russel|Zero Dear Russell, Unanimous positive voting, along with great efforts. We all think you deserve a second chance and hope you gonna use it wisely. Welcome back. ~[Accepted]~(lime) @G4RU Dear G4RU, Inconclusive voting, you did not show yourself as much as we expected you to. Work on that and feel free to reapply in 2 weeks. ~[Denied]~(red) @UffoFJ Dear UffoFJ, Inconclusive voting, you did not show yourself as much as we expected you to. Work on that and feel free to reapply in 2 weeks. ~[Denied]~(red) @Maximuz Dear Maximuz, Inconclusive voting, you did not show yourself as much as we expected you to. Work on that and feel free to reapply once again in 2 weeks. ~[Denied]~(red) @Letsplay Dear Letsplay, You're a really promising applicant, yet again we feel that you haven't fully abided to Z bible. That's something that can't be ignored and we expect you to prove us wrong as soon as you reapply. Feel free to do so, in 2 weeks. ~[Denied]~(red) Regards, Organization Zero HQ team.
  15. Address: Apperment Block 8 Account name: issouu Last seen: 18th January 2021 Screenshots:
  16. @Enemy44 Dear Enemy, Thanks for your time and effort around Organization Zero members, after evaluating your application and general in-game attitude, we have decided that you've got what it takes to be one of us. So, for the record, welcome to Organization Zero. ~[Accepted]~(lime) @Pres Dear Pres, Thanks for your time and effort around Organization Zero members, after evaluating your application and general in-game attitude, we noticed that you've got the potential to do great things, plus we'd like to have as many Eastern Europeans as possible, balkan genes are just special. Therefore, we deem that you've got what it takes to be one of us. So, for the record, welcome to Organization Zero. ~[Accepted]~(lime) @ottoy Dear Ottoy, Unanimous positive voting, along with great efforts. We all think you deserve a second chance and hope you gonna use it wisely. Welcome back. ~[Accepted]~(lime) Regards, Organization Zero HQ team.
  17. Bump, the issue isn't as bad as it was before, but it's still there. There are players with unstable internet connections, sudden increases in ping and great packet loss percentages, you could work on something, maybe freezing them or so if packet loss exceeds 10%.
  18. @daryl said in [SUGGESTION] Immunity/Ghost Mode for some seconds after spawning a car: A better idea would be to limit this only to hospitals and only apply to players who have hospital immunity anyway. That would do just fine. @norm said in [SUGGESTION] Immunity/Ghost Mode for some seconds after spawning a car: Too much script work and not worth scripters time, how about we all behave like normal human beings at hospital? I don't know for how long you've been around, but in SAES normal human being behaviour is something rare.
  19. The title is self explanatory, during turf wars/bank robberies or any activity that gets a lot of players to spawn at the hospital, a chaos is caused as soon as everyone tries to spawn his car. A good amount of players can't leave the area because their car gets damaged and eventually burnt, even flipped upside down right when it gets spawned. A guy that wants to tilt everyone as well, can start spawning enormous vehicles(Dune,Roadtrain,Flatbed) and block everyone from leaving.
  20. @Neo Dear Neo, You're annoying. Feel free to reapply in 6 months. ~[Denied]~(red) Regards, Organization Zero HQ team.
  21. @Raf0 Dear Raf, There were some doubts about you, yet, the majority of the votes were in your favor, your efforts were astonishing and those things can't be ignored. Prove those that doubt you wrong. Welcome to Organization Zero. ~[Accepted]~(lime) @hazy Dear Hazy, Welcome back, make sure you don't let this chance go to waste. ~[Accepted]~(lime) . @Mohamed-Mostafa Dear Mohamed, We're glad that you're back in the server, with a completely different attitude than the one you'd gotten us used to. However, we have to make sure that you're actually reformed and your activity is not temporary. Keep up what you're doing and feel free to re-apply in 2 weeks. ~[Denied]~(red) Regards, Organization Zero HQ team.
  22. Address: Apples Bitches Night Club Account name: sparky Last seen: 29th December 2020 Screenshots: ::: :::
  23. Address: Sex Toys Ewwww Shop Account name: arcom15 Last seen: 22nd December 2020 Screenshots: ::: :::
  24. Address: Sams Inn Cafe Account name: lordbob Last seen: 26th December 2020 Screenshots: ::: :::
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