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Posts posted by Conway-01

  1. Nickname :Super12345

    Ingame username :Conway

    Nationality & Age :Turkish and I'm 16 years old

    Previous Punishments :N/A

    Previous organizations youve been in and reason why you left them :N/A

    Explain us our role in your own words :Black Syndicate is a mafia that have several roles like extortion , prostitution, transporting , drug trafficking and arm trafficking.

    Why would you like to join Black Syndicate and how can you benefit us? : I would like to join BS because it is the best gang in server and i would be proud to be part of this big family called Black Syndicate.
    I would benefit you because i am very active , loyal and helpful

  2. In-game nickname:Conway
    In-game username:Super12345
    Your real name:Shanel Fikret Mehmed
    Age:I'm 17 years old
    Do you already have any friends in The Outfit?:N/A
    Did anyone say that you should apply to join us?:Yes
    What unique qualities can you offer to The Outfit?Well, the something what makes me a good member is my loyality and maturity and i'm a very active player,and i have very good english skills and shooting skills.And I do not behave like a child.And I have good driving and flying skills.
    Additional information about yourself:Hello my name is Shanel Fikret Mehmed.I live in Turkey.I live in big city in Turkey and his name is Istanbul.I'm seventeen years old.My hobby is to play football and ride a bike with my friends.I live with my family.My family is made up of 5 members.I have one sister and one brother.I am a professor of architecture and architecture in the city of Istanbul.And I love go sometimes at fitnes.I love eat fresh food and vegetables.

    Past experience in SAES:RPG.
    How long have you been playing on SAES:RPG? (Please mention any inactivity absenses & forum time too):From 3 mounts
    What previous gangs/squads/companies you have been in?(Please provide these in order, with time spent in each if possible):N/A
    Why have you left the above?:N/A
    What server groups are you currently a part of?:N/A
    Previous server bans and reasons (include links):I dont have any punishment by staff

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