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HulK's Achievements


Newbie (1/14)



  1. Personal Information - Name: My name is Ivan Nickname: My nickname is Hulk Age: Im 16 years old, soon 17. Gender: Male Nationality: Ukrainian Tell us a little bit about yourself (three sentences minimum): Hello, my name is Ivan. I was born 9 of Ocober 2001. I'm an ordinary person like us all. I like to play video games such as CS:GO and Rust. I have my own YouTube channel on which there are already 13,000+ subscribers. I play not so long ago but think a lot of useful things. How long have you been playing on SAES:RPG? 1-2 months Have you ever been banned or jailed before? No Please list your previous squad/gang/company history: N/A. My career is only beginning. Please list your current group memberships on the server: N/A What are your strengths? Firstly, my main advantage is that I'm loyal and active. What about my skills is driving and shooting. What are your weaknesses? N/A Do you have discord & TS3? Discord. Whats your average ping? 70-80 Do you have access to the PC spawns? No How many hours do you have in-game? 20+ How often do you visit the forums? Sometimes Rate your skills below - RP (out of 10): 6/10 Arresting (out of 10): 7/10 English (out of 10): 7/10 Driving (out of 10): 8/10 Combat (out of 10): 8/10 Answer the following questions - Why do you want to join STF? Because I'm looking for something new for me, since STF has 2 level right now. I think that this choice is better than other squads. Did somebody recommend that you apply to STF? If so, who? My friend Shakespeare. Do you have a solid understanding of the server rules and laws? Sure In your own words, define roleplay: Briefly and concisely said acting like real life In your own words, define DM: Killing someone or damaging a vehicle without reason deatmatching. In your own words, define teamwork: Helping each other if they're in trouble. or if they need your help.
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