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Everything posted by KaKush

  1. Involved SAI members: John_Denver (KaKush), Giggs_Benson (Ntruder). Responsible SAI Teams involved: - Other involved people: iBow and other players Date, time and duration of activity: 30/5/2019 - About a hour ~ Activity type: Patrol Details: Tropper Benson and I were together at the highways of San Fierro, focusing on the main bridge which is the main entrance of San Fierro. While driving from East to West we noticed a speeding motorcycle driving on the left side of the highway, after a short chase we pulled him over and dealt with him. Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/AoPSDVr
  2. Involved SAI members: John_Denver (KaKush) Responsible SAI Teams involved: - Other involved people: Few players who were involved while being pulledover Date, time and duration of activity: 29/5/2019 - A hour ~ Activity type: Patrol Details: A State-wide patrol on the main highways of Las Venturas, also in some other roads inside the city. Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/TtFTRCB -- Involved SAI members: John_Denver (KaKush), Andri_Mookie (iTsMe). Responsible SAI Teams involved: - Other involved people: Final (O member) Date, time and duration of activity: 31/5/2019~ A hour and half. Activity type: State wide Patrol and investigation at the station. Details: While being on a state wide patrol in our shift we noticed a speeding driver on one of the roads of Las Venturas, we pulled him over after a short chase as he didn't cooperate with us and our orders when we asked him to stop on the side of the road. We have decided to take him to our office to have a closer look on him as he did not cooperate with us at first, later on we gave him a warning for the next time and a ticket for his driving. Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/p5emLC3 -- Involved SAI members: John_Denver (KaKush), Giggs_Benson (Ntruder). Responsible SAI Teams involved: - Other involved people: Few players. Date, time and duration of activity: 2/6/2019 - Around 40 minuets ~ Activity type: Patrol Details: This morning we left our department at Venturas for a state-wide patrol on the main highway between Los Santos to Las Venturas Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/S6Yx6xd
  3. We would like to thank all the participants for joining our live recruitment, you are more than welcome to join our role-plays whenever you want. Results posted two days ago already, if you somehow missed if you may find it at the following link: https://saesrpg.uk/topic/6828/safd-results-of-live-recruitment-2019 SAFD HQ
  4. @Terry @Cappo Good to hear some honest feedback from both of you, we hear you and will surely write your notes down to make our system work better. SAFD HQ
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