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RoboCop's Achievements


Newbie (1/14)



  1. Your server login-name, server nickname and forum name* :name : mohamed ali / ingame: RoboCop How long have you been playing on the server :4 month Have you ever been a member of a Criminal Gang or Organisation :N/A Have you ever been in a Police Organisation before on SAES or another server :[RIU] i outing Do you already have PC Qualification (Procops Access) :no Have you read the SAPA application and training Process :yes Why do you want to be a SAPD Server Police Officer :for get experience What unit within SAPD would you like to join after training (like SWAT, FBI, etc) :SAPA Do you have Discord :no Your age :16 Your location :tunis Explain the concept of "Role play", what do you think that means for a police officer in-game : to patrol and to prevent people from protecting the bank robbery and such Are you aware of the rule that states you cannot be in a criminal gang and a police squad at the same time :yes Rate your English skills from 1-10 :7 PART II - Rules for Patrol With your own words, Explain LAW 3 :dont arrest people have 1.2.3 stars just Ignore these players, as long as they don't give you a reason to arrest them and dont arrest in hospital.event With your own words, Explain LAW 4 :Whenever i start to chase a wanted person, offer RP first before you attempt to arrest ...Don't care about the wanted level! i have to RP with everyone first! With your own words, Explain LAW 5 :i Give the suspects reaction time of at least 10 seconds ... Keep in mind, that they cannot read the chat all the time while a chase! we should They need some time to read it, and more time to decide, if they want to cooperate with me . i will Give them this time! With your own words, Explain LAW 6 :i restricted time from police trainee. Should you have obtained PVT rank or higher, you're free to spawn as trainee..If i PC, my completely free to patrol alone, but it's always recommanded to get a partner to assist me, in car pursuits for exampl
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