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Everything posted by Piggy

  1. Type of activity: Crude Oil Truck Delivery Date: 16/11/2022 Participants: Me & Screenshots: [s=] https://imgur.com/a/XQlwJyx [/s]
  2. Patrol # 2706 Personal Patrol # 27 Participants: @kenttabadat Amount of healed or Time of patrol: 56minutes ScreenShots: https://imgur.com/a/HwxovM5
  3. Date: 15/11/2022 Participants: @kenttabadat Type of activity: Money Transport Description SF Bank to SF Mint and Escort Link to images: [s=] https://imgur.com/a/3GRqL4B [/s]
  4. Date: 15/11/2022 Participants: @kenttabadat Type of activity: Money Transport Description SF Bank to SF Mint and Escort Link to images: [s=] https://imgur.com/a/9n40z07 [/s]
  5. Participants: @Rieeria @kenttabadat District: LV and LS District. Shift period: 17:45-19:56(Had breaks in between) Number of vehicles extinguished: 10 Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/QqaDFdG
  6. Patrol # 2696 Personal Patrol # 26 Participants: @kenttabadat Amount of healed or Time of patrol: 3minutes ScreenShots: https://imgur.com/a/nX3OF49
  7. Patrol # 2686 Personal Patrol # 25 Participants: @kenttabadat @SaTan Amount of healed or Time of patrol: 32minutes ScreenShots: https://imgur.com/a/3zXa901
  8. Type of activity: Refueling Gas Stations Date: 14/11/2022 Participants: Me & @SaTan Screenshots: [s=] https://imgur.com/a/bU3vhZN [/s]
  9. Participants: @Rieeria @kenttabadat District: All District Shift period: 16:52-18:25 Number of vehicles extinguished: 38 Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/ZwoXhQj
  10. Section 1 - Non-RP Information Nickname: Piggy Username: kenttabadat Old nickname/Other nicknames used in-game: Mephisto Age: 30 Gender: Male Current Gang/Squad: SWAT Previous Gangs/Squads (List the reasons, why you left or got kicked out): SAFP - I left mainly reason is to experience Gang Raid Organization, there are only 2 official Squad who does it. How long have you been a member of your current Gang/Squad and what is your current rank? for about 2 weeks, lvl.1(Probationary) Current groups: ALT, BRINKS, SaS, SAM Previous groups (List the reasons, why you left or got kicked out): n/a Previous SAES ban(s)/kick(s)/punishment(s) and why did you receive them: i got AJ when i was new to this server due to revenge DM and calling nanobob as nanogay. Tell us something about yourself: Hello my name in game is Piggy and always oink, i am a great team-player, observant and I uphold the golden rule. Section 2 - Questions Do you understand that you will be given a couple of firefighting lessons/instructions before joining Fire Department? Yes i do. What is your goal within the Fire Department? To interact players who still does role-plays and new people to work with. Are you ready to be active daily and post activities in the media archive regularly? Yes i am. Section 3 - Detailed Profile What are your strengths? Observant, Team Player. What are your weaknesses? Hypocrites.(practice what you preach). Why do you want to join the SAFD? as what i have stated in section 2, i played this server for the role-play events/activities and these type of groups/organization is what i am looking for. What specialization would you like to learn within the Fire Department? I know stuffs in firefighting in real life and if rescue/ems unit exist, then I do so choose it as one. Applicant's signature: Date: 14/11/2022
  11. Date: 13/11/2022 Activity: Stopping Bank Robbery Screenshots: [s=] [/s]
  12. Date: 13/11/2022 Activity: Securing VIP Screenshots: [s=] [/s]
  13. Type of activity: Refueling Gas Stations Date: 13/11/2022 Participants: Me Screenshots: [s=] https://imgur.com/a/kyLYU4y [/s]
  14. Patrol # 2681 Personal Patrol # 24 Participants: @kenttabadat @Pandashi Amount of healed or Time of patrol: 96minutes ScreenShots: https://imgur.com/a/v5Cye21
  15. Date: 12/11/2022 Participants: @kenttabadat @Energizer Type of activity: Money Transport Description SF Bank to SF Mint and Escort Link to images: [s=] https://imgur.com/a/IqfqzSX [/s]
  16. Date: 12/11/2022 Participants: @kenttabadat @Energizer Type of activity: Money Transport Description SF Bank to SF Mint and Escort Link to images: [s=] https://imgur.com/a/2Qe1Lxm [/s]
  17. Date: 12/11/2022 Participants: @kenttabadat @Energizer Type of activity: Money Transport Description LS Bank to SF Mint and Escort Link to images: [s=] https://imgur.com/a/QP3URWL [/s]
  18. Date: 12/11/2022 Participants: @kenttabadat @Energizer Type of activity: Money Transport Description SF Bank to SF Mint and Escort Link to images: [s=] https://imgur.com/a/DJfYAmS [/s]
  19. Date: 12/11/2022 Participants: @kenttabadat @Energizer Type of activity: Money Transport Description SF Bank to SF Mint and Escort Link to images: [s=] https://imgur.com/a/qn02bIs [/s]
  20. Date: 12/11/2022 Participants: @kenttabadat @Energizer Type of activity: Money Transport Description LS Bank to SF Mint and Escort Link to images: [s=] https://imgur.com/a/kVfBH7T [/s]
  21. Date: 12/11/2022 Participants: @kenttabadat @Energizer Type of activity: Money Transport Description LS Bank to SF Mint and Escort Link to images: [s=] https://imgur.com/a/1YM6j7p [/s]
  22. Patrol # 2680 Personal Patrol # 23 Participants: @kenttabadat Amount of healed or Time of patrol: 59mins ScreenShots: https://imgur.com/a/I7BQbv5
  23. Address: The racist butchers outlet shop Account name: zakzok2005 Last seen: 12th October 2022 Screenshots:
  24. Date: 11/11/2022 Activity: Stopping Bank Robbery Screenshots: [s=] [/s]
  25. Date: 11/11/2022 Activity: Securing VIP Screenshots: [s=] [/s]
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