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Everything posted by Piggy

  1. 10/08/2022 Type of Activty: VIP Rescue Members Online: @kellerman @kenttabadat @Zarc @Once11 Screenshots: [s=] or https://imgur.com/a/PYJlJAG[/s]
  2. 04/09/2022 Type of Activity: Rescuing VIP and securing her/him on LVPD Members Online: @pasta @Skinner @kenttabadat Screenshots: [s=] [/s]
  3. @tatomoter Good Day to you tatomoter, I am very glad of you showing interest on San Andreas Federal Police, as i can see you are friend with Prometheus, For now, you are under-review with your friend and when you are online, please find any SAFP Members to patrol or hang out with so that we get to know you. Best Regards, Mephisto
  4. @oldbad15 Hello There Prometheus, Thank you very much for showing your interest in San Andreas Federal police, For now you are under-review, find any SAFP members to patrol/hang out with so that we get to know you. Best Regards, Mephisto
  5. @cappo You have passed all our test!, Welcome to SAFP. (http://i68.tinypic.com/157c5ma.jpg) Cpt.Mephisto
  6. @abdou Please use the correct format for application located on the first page of this topic, Thank you. and avoid posting such reply.
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