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About Don

  • Birthday 28/10/1997

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  1. Application Type: SAHA Your ingame username: schylar1 Your ingame alias: Don Your real name: Schylar Your DOB: 28/10/97 00:00 Your gender: Male Nationality: American Country of residence: USA Language skills: English English Proficiency: 10/10 How long you have been playing: Started in 2010/2011, took an extended break around 2014 Your strengths: I would say my greatest strengths are wanting to do things for the community and other players (because it surely isn't gunplay). I try to host as many events as I can to keep some sort of variety of activity. Personal strengths that I believe would benefit the team and the server are: Understanding, Dedicated, Hardworking, Team Player, and the ability to be an actual 3rd party without bias and see both sides of any given situation before making decisions. Your weaknesses: My biggest weakness would have to be my time zone. Seeing as though I am an old man now and work a full time job, my server play time usually starts at around 23:00 ingame time daily (give or take a few hours). Not to mention, most of the players now a day put me to shame when it comes to gun skills. Member of the SAES discord server: Yes Reason for application: I am applying for the CS position because I believe it will give me the best platform to help as many people as I can. I already try and do what I can, but it is a bit limited. I'd love to see the community grow past what it is now and back to what it used to be and think I will be able to make the most difference in this position. Unique qualities you can offer: To start, even though I listed it as a weakness, my time zone could also be one of my best assets. There are usually very few staff of any sort online at the time I normally play. So this would help expand the availability of the staff further around the clock. I also have years of moderator/admin experience from another game "Toribash", where I held numerous positions including forum moderation, in-game moderator, event squad and admin. This really helped develop my moderation skills to what they are today and helped me become that unbiased decision maker. Server Memberships: B~B, ALT, Helvete Additional information: Seeing as this is normally where you'd put a little bit about yourself, I'll indulge. My name is Schylar, I am currently 26, 27 next month. I have a 5 year old little girl who is my world. And I am a project manager for an environmental HAZMAT team. It's hard to imagine now that I started playing SAES 14 years ago in 2010/2011 when Ant1235 installed the game on my PC in middle school. I was 13 at the time, still just a kid and used to put countless hours into the game. Even though time has passed and most of the people have changed, the game still holds the same sentiment to me every time I turn it on. Hopefully I get to finally make a difference in the server that took up so much of my younger years and give back to the new players what was shown to me coming up in the server. Previous (legitimate) punishments on the server: None Previous (legitimate) bans: None
  2. Type Of Activity: RP Date: 7/2/2024 Duration: 1 hr Screenshots: While fighting my way through my mid-life crisis, I decided to open up a roadside mechanic shop right at LVX. We offered repairs, fuel, and paint corrections. We had plenty of people come through and I was able to help my community out. Not only because it was court ordered community service, but also because I wanted to give back. Hopefully the judge is as happy as all my customers were that day.
  3. Type Of Activity: Event Date: 7/18/2024 LWS Helper: @Aveyro Screenshots:
  4. Type Of Activity: Trucking/RP Date: 7/12/2024 Participants: @Tilong @Winter_Soldier Screenshots: We got a last minute call from a construction crew at the top of Mt. Chiliad that needed their materials delivered as soon as possible so they could start working first thing in the morning. With the help of Tilong and Winter, we convoyed from downtown SF to the top of Mt. Chiliad. Halfway through the trip however, Winter and myself started having truck issues. I guess that's what we get for skipping our last PM service. Luckily we were able to have 2 new trucks delivered to us and we swapped over the trailers and continued on our trip. We reached the top roughly around 03:00 and was able to make the delivery so that the customer was happy. While we were there, they had some equipment they needed taken from the jobsite, so we let them load us up since we were heading back down anyways. Might as well make some extra money while we could! As soon we got off the mountain, we stopped at the closest truck stop to grab a bite to eat and check our loads. We brought the loads back to the ALT yard to end our shift for the night with the plans to deliver them when the sun came up and we had some well needed rest.
  5. Type Of Activity: RP Date: 7/12/2024 Duration: 20min Participants: @Tilong @Winter_Soldier @Terry @Phrost Screenshots: As Tilong, Winter, and myself were cruising around, we were pulled over at a popup roadblock looking for a wanted criminal who escaped LS Prison. Winter was pulled out and interrogated due to looking very 'similar'. I think it was profiling, but thats the world we live in. We ended up running as it wasn't looking good. Unfortunately, we lost Tilong in the getaway. He will be dearly missed.
  6. I stand corrected then, I could have swore I've done it before and not worked and I had to push my car to the gas station. Sorry, please continue lmao.
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