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Everything posted by Draven

  1. ^[] ^[~[Event Number:]~(maroon) #15] ^[~[Even Type:]~(maroon) Chicken Shooter] ^[~[Hoster/Customer:]~(maroon) @Seol ] ^[~[Winner:]~(maroon) @Orten ] ^[~[Secreenshots:]~(maroon) https://imgur.com/a/AgedI1U ]
  2. ^[] ^[~[Event Number:]~(maroon) #14] ^[~[Even Type:]~(maroon) Casino LMS] ^[~[Hoster/Customer:]~(maroon) @Zodiac ] ^[~[Winner:]~(maroon) @Auto ] ^[~[Secreenshots:]~(maroon) https://imgur.com/a/1M51oPM ]
  3. ^[] ^[~[Event Number:]~(maroon) #13] ^[~[Even Type:]~(maroon) Chicken Shooter] ^[~[Hoster/Customer:]~(maroon) @Witti ] ^[~[Winner:]~(maroon) @iSsoUu ] ^[~[Secreenshots:]~(maroon) https://imgur.com/a/lf96tKy ]
  4. ^[] ^[~[Event Number:]~(maroon) #12] ^[~[Even Type:]~(maroon) Chicken Arrest] ^[~[Hoster/Customer:]~(maroon) @Casper ] ^[~[Winner:]~(maroon) @infy ] ^[~[Secreenshots:]~(maroon) https://imgur.com/a/yBPyf7S ]
  5. ^[] ^[~[Event Number:]~(maroon) #11] ^[~[Even Type:]~(maroon) 1v1 Box] ^[~[Hoster/Customer:]~(maroon) @RenQ ] ^[~[Winner:]~(maroon) @faWzi ] ^[~[Secreenshots:]~(maroon) https://imgur.com/a/2SrMy3f ]
  6. ^[] ^[~[Event Number:]~(maroon) #10] ^[~[Even Type:]~(maroon) LMS] ^[~[Hoster/Customer:]~(maroon) @Raider ] ^[~[Winner:]~(maroon) @Moley ] ^[~[Secreenshots:]~(maroon) https://imgur.com/a/OhO1DkZ ]
  7. ^[] ^[~[Event Number:]~(maroon) #9] ^[~[Even Type:]~(maroon) Chicken Arrest] ^[~[Hoster/Customer:]~(maroon) @Judyes ] ^[~[Winner:]~(maroon) @zKill98 ] ^[~[Secreenshots:]~(maroon) https://imgur.com/a/LWoYnHg ]
  8. ^[] ^[~[Event Number:]~(maroon) #8] ^[~[Even Type:]~(maroon) Jeff Motel LMS] ^[~[Hoster/Customer:]~(maroon) @gxnzo ] ^[~[Winner:]~(maroon) @Perro ] ^[~[Secreenshots:]~(maroon) https://imgur.com/a/VoPEiqY ]
  9. ^[] ^[~[Event Number:]~(maroon) #7] ^[~[Even Type:]~(maroon) Knock Me Off My NRG] ^[~[Hoster/Customer:]~(maroon) @M7mDGr7 ] ^[~[Winner:]~(maroon) @Rainy @Glayd @Fuegoo ] ^[~[Secreenshots:]~(maroon) https://imgur.com/a/ipl6Yyh ]
  10. ^[] ^[~[Event Number:]~(maroon) #6] ^[~[Even Type:]~(maroon) TDM 2v2] ^[~[Hoster/Customer:]~(maroon) @ExtraDip22 ] ^[~[Winner:]~(maroon) @Stay @Perro ] ^[~[Secreenshots:]~(maroon) https://imgur.com/a/5rfF7Kl ]
  11. ^[] ^[~[Event Number:]~(maroon) #5] ^[~[Even Type:]~(maroon) Land on my DFT] ^[~[Hoster/Customer:]~(maroon) @Rainy ] ^[~[Winner:]~(maroon) @iSsoUu ] ^[~[Secreenshots:]~(maroon) https://imgur.com/a/nh35YQL ]
  12. ^[] ^[~[Event Number:]~(maroon) #4] ^[~[Even Type:]~(maroon) Chicken Shooter] ^[~[Hoster/Customer:]~(maroon) @Sheep ] ^[~[Winner:]~(maroon) @Slowpoke ] ^[~[Secreenshots:]~(maroon) https://imgur.com/a/By7mHPM ]
  13. ^[] ^[~[Event Number:]~(maroon) #3] ^[~[Even Type:]~(maroon) All vs All Airbox] ^[~[Hoster/Customer:]~(maroon) @Raider ] ^[~[Winner:]~(maroon) @UrBan ] ^[~[Secreenshots:]~(maroon) https://imgur.com/a/RGkwg1X ]
  14. ^[] ^[~[Event Number:]~(maroon) #2] ^[~[Even Type:]~(maroon) Simon Says] ^[~[Hoster/Customer:]~(maroon) @UrBan ] ^[~[Winner:]~(maroon) @Mali ] ^[~[Secreenshots:]~(maroon) https://imgur.com/a/LNM05BK ]
  15. ^[] ^[~[Event Number:]~(maroon) #1] ^[~[Even Type:]~(maroon) 1v1 Deagle Tournament] ^[~[Hoster/Customer:]~(maroon) @faWzi ] ^[~[Winner:]~(maroon) @ZaBaLiTo ] ^[~[Secreenshots:]~(maroon) https://imgur.com/a/GSFoJ8x ]
  16. ^[] ^[~[Hello everyone, from now on I will be posting events as LWS Staff, event numbers has been reseted to 0 and you will find the new format below.]~(maroon,maroon)] ^[] ^[~[Event Number:]~(maroon)] ^[~[Even Type:]~(maroon)] ^[~[Hoster/Customer:]~(maroon)] ^[~[Winner:]~(maroon)] ^[~[Secreenshots:]~(maroon)]
  17. @RenQ Extraordinary efforts, patience and loyalty. You got your chance don't waste it. ~[Accepted]~(lime), welcome to Organization Zero. Regards, Organization Zero HQ team. #FreeMent
  18. Type of event: Kamikaze the Shamal Prize(s): 3.000.000$ Winner(s): @fad Hoster(s): SDO helper LWS/G6 member: @Trevor Screenshots: ::: https://imgur.com/a/6EnPIzb :::
  19. ^[] ^[~[Event Number:]~(maroon) #92] ^[~[Even Type:]~(maroon) T vs CT] ^[~[LWS/Helper(s):]~(maroon) @KARIM ] ^[~[Prize:]~(maroon) 1.400.000$] ^[~[Winner:]~(maroon) Team 3asba ] ^[~[Secreenshots:]~(maroon) https://imgur.com/a/42U3oe1 ]
  20. In-game name: Draven Username: Stairox Age: 22 Nationality: Tunisian Previous bans/punishments: Couple of adminjails when I first joined the server back in 2015. I have been banned once for 2 days but my ban was removed within 20 mins as it was kind of false ban. Why you think you would be suitable for the role: I usually don't want to mention that I'm active etc in such questions, I think I have all the qualities needed for this role such as being responsible, helpful, humble and most importantly a passionate. Also I can only ensure to you a decent activity, attitude and motivation.
  21. @Rainy @khalil ~[Accepted]~(lime), Welcome to Organization Zero.
  22. @Hassantt pending.
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