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Everything posted by Faker

  1. Roleplay: I asked in the chat if any SAFD members or applicants were online, luckily 2 applicants were online but no members. We created a role-play together. Players: Firefighters.Faker, @NORI999 and, @Tefa Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/U3SOWxr Story: We started our shift as the Los Santos department, I was the driver and Tefa made the radio calls and kept track of where we needed to go. After patrolling around the hotspots we came across 2 burned vehicles that we put out. After a while, our third man Nori joined us and together we went to the Store rob as we were getting calls that there were a lot of burned cars. We proceeded to check 2 gas stations to see if there were any leaks. As there yesterday there was a big leak near the department is Las Venturas we decided to check up on it. Unfortunately, the FBI was doing an investigation so we couldn't check too closely. When arrived at the second gas station we checked on gas leaks but the roof was almost collapsing. We made a radio call to COMMIS about it so it can get checked out, for now, we only have set the area off.
  2. Information about the event: Type: LMS at G6 Prize: 1.500.000 LWS: Ramos Winner: NubPerro Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/GSZeH8v
  3. Patrol: I started the day with a morning patrol until I met up with fellow medic and SAM member DJO. We patrolled and checked the hotspots, as it was early in the morning it was very quiet. Went to 2 store robs aswell. Participants: [SAM]DJO and Medic.Faker Patrol duration: 45 minutes Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/GEj9cTV
  4. Patrol: I started my shift in the afternoon and started solo patrolling not really paying attention to the hotspots, after 30 minutes I saw that DJO also had a shift so we started patrolling together. We went to 5 store robs and helped a lot of people. We also went to cross where we met a lot of people who were in need of heals. After the store robs we went to cross and after we healed everyone there DJO said the shift was over and that I was dismissed. Participants: Medic.Faker and [SAM]DJO Patrol duration: 1.5 hour Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/obPnOMd
  5. Information about the event: Type: LMS Prize: 2.500.000 LWS: [FOX]Sam Winner: [ThC]PerroLoco Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/z90ybbx Extra YT video: https://youtu.be/Rd0c2K3bbmI
  6. *Roleplay: Gas leak at a gas station in Las Venturas. Players: SAFD: District Chief @Laza, District Chief @Ramos, and Firefighter @SoulFly. Applications/firefighters: @Asgal @Zombie @Tefa @Glayd @FoxZilla **Screenshots:**https://imgur.com/a/Sv0GaIm Story: I was on my home when I made my last radio call, another district responded to my radio calls and I went to them. At the scene, it was a lot of fire near and at the gas station. Lucky there was a lot of the LV district so we could extinguish it quickly. I shouted for the Chief to let him know I was present. I started by finding the gas leak(I was doing /me and doing various animations to find it.). It was directly under the pump so I called in firefighter Soulfly because he is the experience and is in the department. After the gas leak was found and filled up we the fire stopped. Chief, Laza called us together to discuss what happened and what could go better, he gave us tips and taught us some manners. After that, the role-play stopped. Unfortunately I couldn't catch the whole role-play.
  7. Patrol: I started at Los Santos hospital when I got a radio call that I was invited to the San Andreas Medics base in San Fierro. I arrived and Tefa was there to lead me around. We started downstairs with a conversation, after that, we went to check the garage and its cars. Then we took the stairs to go to the place where the family can sit while they wait for the patient. Then we went to the cafeteria we also took looked around the kitchen. After we went to the gym where we looked around, he also told me they had a coach who leads the programme for the medics who take the ambulance. Then we went to the place where patients are taken care off. They got several computers, beds, and an x-ray machine. Later we took the path to a drinking station and drank some water. After that, we were done with the tour and I went home. Participants: [SAM]Tefa, Medic.Faker, Medic.Aboody Patrol duration: 1.4 Hours Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/fch4PQ7
  8. Roleplay: Patrolling because of a heat wave in San Andreas. Players: Firefighter.Faker Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/oXE3L6m Story: Another unit was just out patrolling so the base was on lockdown and I don't have the keys so I checked in with the PC in the truck. After that I checked what things we had in the back and if the hoses were still good. Then I proceeded to check the tires, on one tire the rubber has worn off so I replaced it. Today I had 5 cars and 1 motorcycle that needed to be put out. After I was in Bone County to place the documents in the system as that department was opened. Also, I went to a store robbery with a lot of cars gone up in smokes. A nice Cuban lady helped to fix my car as it go damaged while patrolling.
  9. Patrol: Started the day in the medical building in Las Venturas. Went to the PC and started searching documents, after that, I printed them out and gone outside to the car, checked what stuff I had and went to the places that needed medical assistance. The first place I went to were 3 criminal who needed medical healing after a big store robbery happened. I proceeded to heal the people who got shot/fallen off the building. Then I drove to cross and made radio calls to people that if they needed medical assistance they could meet up at the cross. After that my shift was over and I checked out. Participants: Medic.Faker Patrol duration: 1.3 Hours Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/uBXkggi
  10. Been a while, hbd
  11. Sure I'm down, lets do one tomorrow
  12. Information about the event: Type: Parkour Prize: 12.000.000 LWS: TaaiveLaudur Winner: None Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/7BQbPEC
  13. S.A. Elite SEALs First inspection: Black~Bullets [B~B] Result: Negative - The base of B~B is clear, we didn't find a lead or anything. Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/qxK6Olx Full RP story: https://saesrpg.uk/topic/2230/s-a-elite-seals-media-archive-topic
  14. Information about the role-play: Title: Base inspection B~B Scenario: We met up at the garage of SAPA base to discuss who is going to do what. After that we drove with 3 vehicles to the base of B~B, first, we saw some B~B members standing at the side of the road. Later we went to the gate of the base and we asked for identification after we showed the warrant and we proceeded to look around the base. Halfway we got called by a government official that we needed to stop the search and that the warrant for B~B was been invalid. We stopped and we were going to SFPD to resume our patrol as the inspection was done and B~B is clear & safe. Participators: SEAL|Faker, Alexie, Alliances, SAPA|Mattias, SEAL-H|Unique, [B~B]Unique Role-play number: #6 Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/qxK6Olx
  15. Patrol: I started working more with radio calls, SWAT drove by at LV Cross but I called him over the radio and he came and healed up. There were several other occasions were the same thing happens. There were store robberies were I healed the citizens who got wounded. After that I went to cross and started being ative on the radio to give aid who are in need of it. Also went to a G6 event and healed people up there, there was a big price so many people came! it was a parkour. Participants: Medic.Faker Patrol duration: 2 Hours Screenshots: Forgot for the most part to make screenshots oops :( https://imgur.com/a/2xRF4Ek https://imgur.com/a/7BQbPEC
  16. Patrol: First I started alone so I met up with a SAM member and had a conversation with him, we drove to a guy who died but we were just in time to give him medical aid. After that we patrolled around, gone to busy spots. We didn;t had much radio contact, we were mainly patrolling around the busy spots. Participants: Medic.Faker and [SAM*]Dopeen Patrol duration: 1.5 hours Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/LamEfCE
  17. S.A. Elite SEALs - Notice to all selected organizations. https://saesrpg.uk/topic/2724/s-a-elite-seals-notice-to-all-selected-organizations
  18. I hope ya'll are law abiding citizens other else we might have a problem. Good luck.
  19. Good afternoon citizens of San Andreas, As the S.A. Elite SEALs got reinstated in connection with the government we are forced to search through a select amount of organizations in San Andreas to secure the safety and well being for the upcoming elections. Any questions about the warrant or role-play can be directed to: Admiral - @Faker vice Admiral - @Alexie counter Admiral - @StarWars Major - @Alliances [ ROLE-PLAY INFORMATION: We will search the bases of the said organizations within six weeks if members are online of that organization. We will post it in the media archive which can be found here: http://saesrpg.uk/topic/2230/s-a-elite-seals-media-archive-topic ]
  20. @blazzey said in S.A. Elite SEALs - General/Application Topic: Looks nice, good luck @mrwan said in S.A. Elite SEALs - General/Application Topic: Damn, Welcome back guys! @xxzizouxx said in S.A. Elite SEALs - General/Application Topic: Well,Good Luck Guys @predator said in S.A. Elite SEALs - General/Application Topic: so happy to see a new squad, Welcome Aboard and good luck!! @chief said in S.A. Elite SEALs - General/Application Topic: Looks great !, Good luck guys @extrem3 said in S.A. Elite SEALs - General/Application Topic: Good Luck guys, seems promisings. @jamal said in S.A. Elite SEALs - General/Application Topic: Good luck bois! @soulfly said in S.A. Elite SEALs - General/Application Topic: Gl @siper_ said in S.A. Elite SEALs - General/Application Topic: Goodluck boys. @xxnetroxx said in S.A. Elite SEALs - General/Application Topic: Best of Luck <3 @marko said in S.A. Elite SEALs - General/Application Topic: Another squad.. Great & Good Luck @koko said in S.A. Elite SEALs - General/Application Topic: Good luck @punchline said in S.A. Elite SEALs - General/Application Topic: Gz, Navy squad i gonna be New and cool for saes. @richard said in S.A. Elite SEALs - General/Application Topic: This has some potential, go for it. @james said in S.A. Elite SEALs - General/Application Topic: Welcome Aboard and good luck!! @meliodas said in S.A. Elite SEALs - General/Application Topic: Good Luck Guys!! @paradox said in S.A. Elite SEALs - General/Application Topic: GL lads @mr-joker said in S.A. Elite SEALs - General/Application Topic: Goodluck Pardon me for the late response, but it's very much appreciated. We are now 24 days in and rising, we're doing a bit harsh on members but it's going alright. We also posted our application for level 1 as we met the requirements, now we gotta work on the assignments and then I hope we get it. Link towards the level 1 application: https://saesrpg.uk/topic/2696/s-a-elite-seals-application-for-level-1
  21. Information about the remainder: Information: 3 members online today, we patrolled, responded to radio calls. Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/beYS5Cc
  22. Patrol: Today I worked a 2 hour shift for mainly radio calls made by the police and went to several storerobs. In the end I went to an event and healed people up as they needed it. For the rest is was a quiet day. Participants: Medic.Faker Patrol duration: 2 hours Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/tMHDlc3
  23. Patrol: I saw SAM worker Tefa was online so I contacted him to an role-play. He was down and we went in a party. Later Scropyo joined as he had a shift too. There were 2 other medics flying around in a plane to make fast reponse. I was responding to radio calls. Unfortunately Tefa had internet problems so the role-play couldn't be made. I went on and responded to radio calls, went to lv X and several store robs to help the people in need. Participants: Medic.Faker - 2 others medics flying around and party with SAM|Tefa and Scropyo Patrol duration: 1 hour Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/YFGvrpP
  24. Information about the remainder: Information: Activity of the day, patrolled a lot and made an event, tomorrow we'll do a bigger role-play than regular patrol role-plays. Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/NqAUtXs
  25. Information about the event: Type: Chicken Arrest Prize: 2.000.000 LWS: Legend Winner: Dodoo Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/posdtOw
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