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WenDo last won the day on February 1

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  1. CC Activity Number: #8 LWS Helper(s): @WenDo Event type: Lucky Nade Price: $1.000.000 Screenshot:
  2. CC Activity Number: #7 LWS Helper(s): @WenDo Event type: First one to bring pink NRG-500 wins Price: $1.000.000 Screenshot:
  3. CC Activity Number: #6 LWS Helper(s): @WenDo Event type: Kill the LWS Price: $1.000.000 Screenshot:
  4. CC Activity Number: #5 LWS Helper(s): @WenDo Event type: Land on my DFT-30 Price: $1.000.000 Screenshot:
  5. Participants: @Killer208 Title: Night shifts collecting money Story: As the night fell down, it was time for us to start our shifts and make the gang richer and stronger, we have to show our presence at night, where we can also use resources which aren't quite legal. My gang mate @Killer208 joined me, we drove to our favorite fuel station to grab our cappuccino to start the night right. While drinking and enjoying the cappuccino, I got call by our Boss, He said that we would need to take over someone else's tasks for this night. We had to go and collect the money from the shops we protect. I explained to Killer that we need to drive around and collect the money. As we finished our drink, we started driving to the first shop that we need to collect our money from. It was a Pizza Shop which seeked for protection long time ago, which we obviously take care of. It was the shop in Red County. While I talked to the cashier, it was the boss of the Shop, he told Killer to go and grab the money himself, we talked a little bit about how it's going and if he needs something else, which he replied to that everything is fine since we started taking care of their security. We then moved to the Donut Shop on the road to San Fierro exiting Los Santos. It was a quite busy business which seeked our protection because some bikers from Flint County were demolishing it everytime they went to Los Santos, on their way back they used to stop and crash the Shop. It stopped immediately as we started protecting and made them clear that it would have immense consequences. Last one was the Burger Shot besides Los Santos Beach, sadly the owner was not present, so we told the cashier that he left something for us there, which she was aware of and let us take the money. She offered us burgers which my fat gang mate Killer couldn't deny and he ate fucking 8 burgers and drank two cans of bebzi.. It must be the weed effect.. We then headed to one of our warehouses where the gang has made a meeting which turned out to be a party. We visited the Boss in his room and brought the money to the safe, for security and tactical reasons we did not take pictures of the interior.
  6. Participants: @Cicada Title: Newbie wants to prove himself. Story: As being newbie in the gang, I had to show off and prove the leadership that I was a worthy pick. I wanted to do something crazy enough that will fascinate them but I also did not want to try something very big which may cause me failing and blaming myself in front of them, I mean, getting jailed because you wanted to prove something is not a good start, is it? That's why I called one of my contacts and asked for a favor, if he could let me know when one of our enemies their delivery man with drugs is on the streets. While fueling my vehicle up, I got the call from my source. He told me that the delivery man with cocaine is on the way to Los Santos through Las Venturas, the gang had paid the officers to not stop him, so he had a free access and wouldn't need to worry about driving through Las Venturas. So I finished quickly and headed on the highway. On the way, I turned on the Las Venturas Cross on the way to Los Santos, as I thought that he should've already passed the city. I was right, I saw him on the Bridge, so I went after him. After overtaking him, I pointed a gun at him and brought him to stop the van. I left the car open and running in the middle of the street while pointing the gun at him. After getting out of my car, I took my gun with me and went to him, I pointed the gun at him, told him that he will need to follow me, and If he wouldn't do it, he will be dead. I clearly told him that any way of trying to escape will make me run after him and putting lot of bullets in the van. I also took his phone so he couldn't call anyone. He decided doing the right thing. He followed me throughout the whole route and not do any stupid mistakes. After arriving at our warehouse, I told him to get out, gave him his phone back and told him to leave immediately. If he wouldn't so, I would kill him. Told him also that any informing to his contractors will make him me following him and making his life to hell. Then I unloaded the van in our warehouse and brought the van far away and burnt it down. The boss was quite impressed by my action. He is now aware that I'm a man for big challenges!
  7. Despite being enemies and trashtalking each other during wars, what you guys achieved is very respectable. You did not only manage to reach the top, you held it for very long and always within top 5 if not top 3. Sad to see another strong gang closing. Rest in peace.
  8. Week 1 Plane Stunting - 01/05/2024 - #1 Drift - 02/05/2024 - #1 Drift - 03/05/2024 - #2 Raceflag - 03/05/2024 - #1 Raceflag - 03/05/2024 - #2 Sanchez Stunts - 04/05/2024 - #2 Week 2 Drift - 08/05/2024 - #1 Drift - 09/05/2024 - #2 Week 3 Plane Stunting - 15/05/2024 - #1 Drift - 16/05/2024 - #3 Kart Stunting - 16/05/2024 - #2 Monster Truck Stunting - 16/05/2024 - #3 Plane Stunting - 17/05/2024 - #4 Week 4 Due to a misunderstanding the Week 4 has been posted in the old media archive. Month overview - May:
  9. Part I: Link your Donation Tracking Topic: When was the last time you requested a donation reward change? ======================================================================== Part II: What I Want to be Removed Vehicle 1: All vehicles besides the Shamals Location: (IF PLACED AT A PERSONAL PROPERTY, LIST THE PROPERTY NAME AND OWNER'S USERNAME HERE SO WE CAN LOCATE IT.) Interior: ======================================================================== Part III: What I Want to be Added Vehicle 1: Broadway Vehicle 2: Damaged Glendale Vehicle 3: Hermes Vehicle 4: Huntley Vehicle 5: Remington Vehicle 6: Slamvan Vehicle 7: Tahoma Vehicle 8: Sultan Vehicle 9: Tornado Vehicle 10: Voodoo Vehicle 11: NRG-500 Vehicle 12: Stratum Vehicle 13: Sentinel Vehicle 14: DFT-30 Location: HB Base Username: trymebitch Interior: Will be told ingame
  10. Welcome to the media archive of Cunning Stunts. The media archive shows all the activities done by the group, the posting rhythmus is once per week, every Monday morning the past weeks activities are being posted by the Media Manager. [How to post, Media Managers only!] CUNNING STUNTS ~ FEEL THE FLOW
  11. Address: Carniceria Shop Account name: davexdebljak23 Last seen: 21.03.2024 Screenshots:
  12. CC Activity Number: #5 LWS Helper(s): @WenDo Event type: Land on my DFT-30 Price: $1.000.000 Screenshot:
  13. CC Activity Number: #3 LWS Helper(s): @WenDo Event type: Kill the LWS Price: $1.000.000 Screenshot:
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