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  1. Username:uhhbourne last seen:11 may 2018 SS https://imgur.com/TuEtefO https://imgur.com/AOeYoZQ https://imgur.com/irIkB32
  2. Part 1 || Personal information. Real Name:Hamza In-Game Name:Shraika Account Name:Shraika123 Age:18 Gender:Male Nationality:Moroccan Languages: English/Arabic/French Tell us a little bit about yourself:I am Hamza, I live in Morocco/Safi. I have 18 years old. I'm a patient seeking for fun and adventures, I Started playing SAES 3 weeks ago. And i like be police. How long have you been playing on MTA.SA:2 years Have you ever been banned before? If so, why?:no How long have you been playing on SAES:RPG:3 weeks How many hours do you have in-game:51h Please list your previous G/S/C :n/a Please list your current group :n/a You are PC? [ProCop]:no Do you have discord?:yes Part 2 || Rate Your Skills RP (out of 10):8/10 Arresting (out of 10):9/10 English (out of 10):8/10(Working in it) Driving (out of 10):9/10 Combat (out of 10):9/10 What are your strengths:Driving, Shooting, Arresting and RPlaying a little What are your weaknesses:Parachuting Part 3 || Are you allowed ? RP Allowed?:yes OfferBribe Allowed?:yes DM Allowed?:NO ParkingKill Allowed?:NO Marker Arrest Allowed?:NO Arrest in Hp Allowed?:NO Part 4 || Explain RIU Rules Explain RIU Rule Number.-2: bmean to do not arrest the players who are wanted under 5 stars, we need to bribe them or RP Explain RIU Rule Number.-5: If they asked me for RP i need to accept Explain RIU Rule Number.-8: If i spawn as RIU and i have 5 stars i will be punished i neeed to get bribe first. Explain RIU Rule Number.-9: Do no talk another language in Mainchat/squad chat/teamchat. (Only English) Explain RIU Rule Number.-11: Do not break the server rules. Part 5 || Answer the following questions Why do you want to join RIU? I like be police and be in squads and i want to join the new squads for i can help. Why We should accept You ? First of all, I am a good player; experienced, mature, active. And i can help SEAL with Posting activities, Events and RPs too.I can too give a good picture about SEAL Who recommend you to apply?None
  3. Section 1 - Personal Information Name:Shraika Account name:Shraika123 Age:18 Country:Morocco Can you speak English to an understandable level?:a little but i am working in it Section 2 - In-game Information How long have you been playing SAES:RPG?:i played SAES for some few days with friends, but when i came back i found it different witch considered me new player Previous gangs/squads/companies?:NO Have you ever been banned/kicked/adminjailed?:NO Are you in any groups?:NO If you join, what do you expect of S.A. Elite SEALs?:First of all, I am a good player; experienced, mature, active. WiTch mean i can help SEAL with Posting activities, Events and RPs too.I can too give a good picture about SEAL
  4. Your Ingame nickname :Shraika Your username :Shraika123 Your ingame hours :25h Your building skills ?/10 :9/10 Your English skills ?/10 :8/10 Your current G/S/C :i applied for OC Your Current Group(s) :n/a Do you have Discord ? :Yes Why you want to join CEO and why should we accept you ? Fisrt of all, I am an active player and mature. I have good experience in hosting events and help players. I wil do all my effort for CEO get a spawn and for help players.
  6. Username: Khalilzw Last seen: 16/06/2018 SS: https://imgur.com/cpxzqfA https://imgur.com/emoWXdV https://imgur.com/ex2b6Om
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