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Everything posted by Reborn

  1. @kybali0n And yours.
  2. I'll remind you that your house is still not claimed. /loc Reborn and claim your house in-game, so that we can archive this auction.
  3. I'll remind you that your house is still not claimed. /loc Reborn and claim your house in-game, so that we can archive this auction.
  4. But as far as I can remember, these two guys have made a strong impression from my very first month of SAES, like 2010-2011 or so: JP4 and Tbds.
  5. Account name: flameeagle Last seen: 22nd July 2018
  6. Account: lolipops636
  7. This property has been sold! Into the archives it may go!
  8. Re-opening the auction again, as DarkSideR decided to not buy the property after all. New starting bids at 300K!
  9. @ultragavat https://translate.google.com/
  10. @ultragavat You don't. You sit and wait until you've been chosen. The odds are very slim for most people. The best odds lies in the person who is patient, who thrills in being chased by the name of "justice", who can handle h**self in a fight, whether (s)he's armed or unarmed. Most importantly, it is the person who people listen to whenever (s)he has something to say. Their name is sacred, so if you speak it, you better have been blessed by the divine Liberation spirit, or they'll never forgive you. Rulebreakers are frowned upon, as they know they'll be the first people to be captured, tortured and forgotten. Viva la gente paciente! Viva Ernesto!
  11. @tamsou7 It's only 3 months mate. There's an ocean of other communities and games that you're free to browse meanwhile. But you better return and become the CLO. Also, while you're away, you might want to think about ignoring further insults from these fags. They're just fucking around mostly. In general it's very easy to stay unbanned. Follow the rules(F1, forums), and always listen to the admins when they're being serious, even though they're the biggest dicks sometimes. Still, someone's got to control the server population, and they're mostly just trying to ensure that everyone's having a good experience. Good luck Tamsou7! And more importantly, happy birthday!
  12. To comment your post: 1 +1 I definitely believe that we can give new players a better experience by giving them the chance to express themselves when they've got wanted stars and are chased by the police. I believe this is mostly dependent upon the server rules, as people are free to take down criminals as fast as possible whenever they feel like it. Squad leaders could implement a new rule for squads to pullover people before deciding to arrest or bribe. Trainees are however unrestricted, and will always be dependent upon server rules, which the SAES team would have to create a rule about, but which I believe would be mostly ignored by trainees. (You know trainees; wild, vicious, blood-thirsty dogs.) I believe the best way to give players a RP chance is to change the squad rules to implement a policy to no-arrest before a chance to RP. I believe this would make our squads more approachable, and boost enjoyable experiences. 2 -1 I disagree with this. I find that every player should be given a chance to RP no matter their hours. 3 -1 Trainees are uncontrollable cyka blyats. I would stick to official squads and pro police. 4 0 Goes a bit back to point 1) and 2), but yeah. Previous experiences correlates to current anticipations and thus forms a behaviour adaption. 5 -1 Easy to say, hard to practice. Emotional stability is a pro trait in people, and many people lack it. 6 +1 This sounds like a Dungeons 'n' Dragons RP style. I don't believe this is what most roleplays in our server is about, but the function would surely be nice to have in-game for roleplays that depend on it, or chance scenarios in general. Hell, could even use it in a gambling group. Bonus: Also, the amount of traffic lights in GTA:SA is fucking extreme. Stopping at every red light wouldn't be fun. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Personal opinion about roleplaying in the SAES server and in general: I love roleplaying, I thoroughly enjoy putting myself in a situation where everything is circumstancial, and may be used against or for you. But as you mention there often is some trouble with the police aggressiveness and our general moods. I also believe that it lies in the current goals of the people in our server. We're different people, and certainly different ages. I started out when I was younger, around 11-12 years old. My primary concern was to help my gang and my friends to defeat the police and live as street kings. I did everything in my power at that time to generate revenue through SRs, turfs and general criminal activities. My primary concern was to help my gang and make money. Now I've grown older, and my interests are far less black and white. For me, it's about conversating with people that has something to share, acquiring nice houses, driving regular or funny cars, hanging out at parties, listening to music together, making creative and realistic roleplays, and in general just helping anyone out whenever they need something (except for those lousy people who ask for 2M to buy a brand new lambo or something, fuck those people). I still enjoy making money and trying to help my gang to level up but it's not among my primary concerns anymore. I would love more RPs, and especially creative RPs. I like to see unique stories, because they're more entertaining than common speed tickets on the highway, or arms/drug deliveries between gangs, where no problems occur, where the characters don't need to think about anything to solve, really. I'd like cops to investigate an old farm where the reputation of a drug baron's stash lies, criminals to setup a high-way robbery, civillians to buy illegal arms and be discovered by the police; Assassinations, grand robberies, infiltration, parachute missions, high-speed police chases(instead of just blowing up anyone's car), stunt jumps in order to shake off people who chase you, private helicopters to deliver goods or kidnapped people, you name it. I want a numerous amount of creative RPs, where people don't shit around, say they wanna RP, take screens and post that to their media archive to try to level up their gang/group/squad and asslick powerful people, while missing the reason behind their roleplay, which is to enjoy the situations that people are engaged in, and the communication that resides behind the screenshots. I like to dream of a server where people enjoy RPing as much as I do, but it's not always up to me to guide people or somehow persuade them to change their goals, as many are just satisfied in the thrill of killing other people and making money. It depends on the age of people, and their developed interests. Some people enjoy reading to imagine the circumstances, some people enjoy watching a movie where the circumstances are already made. As members of the SAES community we can only do so much to try to convince people to change their perspectives. But we have to accept the fact that some people are just not ready to be convinced yet, because it feels unrewarding to them to engage in RPs. Admins can develop an infrastructure where it is rewarding to roleplay, but we as players can also host RP events where people are rewarded money for their roles in the part. That's one way I think we can contribute to engage more RP activities, by luring out the money thirsty gremlins out there to create RPs filled with character-based dialogues and unique plots.
  13. Closing this auction. DarkSideR wins as the sole bidder! Contact me in-game to collect your business property!
  14. Closing this auction, PunchLine wins by bidding 600K! Contact me in-game to collect your newly purchased house.
  15. I'll close this auction. ExTrem3, as the sole bidder, wins! Contact me in-game for your brand new house!
  16. The auction is officially closed. Sam won the bidding wars with 5.1M. Contact me in-game to collect your fancy new house!
  17. What's your in-game username?
  18. I'll close the biddings at 20:00 CEST on the 30th of august.
  19. Reducing the starting bid price to 1M
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