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  1. I support this idea, and the same goes for the bus
  2. ~[AA]~(#ff0066) Turfing ::: :::
  3. Account name: 3502atakan Last seen: 2nd September 201812th October 2018 Screenshots: ::: link text :::
  4. Happy birthday our kebab! :heart: :laughing:
  5. @jamal420 said in The FBI's Most Wanted Fugitives: @tyga blade is ToB leader. I do not want to make mess over here but that does not matter.
  6. Blade isnt criminal, hes SWAT XD. Although rarely to see him spawned as criminal good game
  7. Nickname: Tyga Age: 16 Years Country: Egypt Languages spoken: I can speak Arabic & English. From 0 to 10, how would you rate your english proficiency? (?/10): I do rate myself six out of ten. How long have you been playing on SAES: Maybe 1 week till this moment. Also I've almost 90 hours in game In a quick and short summary, tell us who are Arms Assassins and their roleplay: Arms Assassins, group of arms dealer they came from somewhere to San Fierro coast to sell their weapons there, it was small amount of cargoes but after gaining alot of money and respect from this kind of work, they started to take it as job in order to earn more money and respect from gangs around the country. They have base located at SF's coast, exactly a big ship which has their own cargos of guns. Approximately they owns all ammo nation shops around San Andreas. Previous clans on the server (include the reasons for leaving): I have never joined any organization till now Previous bans on the server and reasons for them: I have never get banned or adminjailed. Name 3 BR rules: 1. Allowed to br only two times per day 2. Jumping from the top of bank to avoid is not allowed 3. The gang which is robbing the bank allowed to kill anyone they want. Name 3 GR rules: 1. No helpers allowed 2. Camping at their spawn to keeps keeling not allowed 3. No grenades & CLO Name 3 Turf rules: 1. Only respawning at hospital or base. 2. Not allowed to gain health from restaurant. 3. Spawning cop to help my team is not allowed. What is Roleplay?: Acting and performing your own role same as real life. What is Deathmatching?: DeathMatching means killing someone without any valid reason for this action. Someone DMs you. What do you do?: I'd report him through /report command supported with screenshots for that situation. Youre passing by one or several cops, who do not attempt to arrest you. What shall you do?: Complete my way, but if someone shot at me then i'm allowed to kill them. Do you know anyone from the gang, or have made connections with anyone inside the gang, before you applied?: Yes, I've talked with many players like: Kybali0n,Dence,Licano,Gal,Cobra and ugli. Application text (tell us something about yourself or anything you want to try to convince us): Firstly, my name is Mustafa and I am 16 years old from Cairo. I've started my career at MTA since 2016 maybe, at few arab servers with many different game modes. I love to spend my free time ( I'm always free within the holiday) at playing PC games such as MTA, Need For Speed, CrossFire and Sims. Sometimes drawing.
  8. -Nickname: Tyga -Username: mustafa1592002 -Age: 16 -English proficiency: maybe six out of ten -Why would you like to join us?: because i love car works such as upgrading and modifying it. also i want to show some activity to this group. my brother talked with me about this group, he's Access. -How you will benefit us?: i am active for like 5-6 hours in game so this may be useful to help VT with their activities. plus i know how to use rp skills like /me and /do. -Character roleplay backstory: Tyga was born in local area called Tierra Robada, with very hot weather and desert natural, my father took us to somewhere at Los Santos to work there with my family. they were working as mechanics around that state, and i started from that point. been searching for any company for car works like upgrading and modifying but nothing. at the end of the road i found company named Ventura's Tunings for this role.
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