Section 1- In-game Nick : Weeknd Nationality: Tunisian Age:18 English proficiency: 8/10 Other Languages: spanish, arabic and frensh -Section 2- Why do you want to join us?: Well it's good to join a jb group so u jb together and have more fun. Current membership(s): Tuga Thugs -Section 3- Something about you, no less than 100 words: I'm 18 years old tunisian boy , i live in sousse (sousse ftw) i'm playing SAES since 2016 and now i'm a Tuga Thugs member , i want to join a JB group so i can have more fun , JBing and killing cops are my fav things in SAES, so i'm happy that OB is created and i want to join this group, i have some friends in OB that JB with me all the time .