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Everything posted by sss

  1. @soldier2123 Hey dude, I had this too. Look you just have to wait a few minutes/seconds before it pops up. Atleast this worked fine for me. Yesterday it did not pop up at all. I had to reconnect in order to make it pop up again. Make sure you wait a few minutes before restarting again.
  2. @icecold Congratulations! After we have had a small discussion about your application, we have decided to give you a chance. Welcome! Meet myself, or any other HQ's for your invite.
  3. Goodluck mate!
  4. Roleplay#1 Participants: @Amara Titel: The promising racer Amara Story: Today 15th of september I got a call from one of our scouters 'Nubbob'. He told me he saw a potential racer racing in the streets of Las Venturas. When I heard the new, I decided to take a look myself. So I grabbed my Alpha, and went to the location Amara told me. I drove through hole Las Venturas like 3 times. But there was no sign of a racer. When I was about to go home, I heard the sound of a powerful engine some blocks ahead. So I decided to go there, and there he was. I stopped him to have a little talk with him, I wanted to see his racing skills, so I challenged him for a race. To get the best out of the young racer, I told him the winner would take 50k. Since I wanted to see his skills, I didnt go on my best. When he won the first race, I saw he had quite nice racing skills. So I started a chat with this racer called Amara. I asked him to join our new racing organization, but he refused my invite. So I challenged him for another race. If he would win he would get another 50k, but If I would win he had to join our new racing organization. But this time I raced with my full skills, so this time I won. After the race I gave the young racer the 50k, and invited him to our gang. Screenshots:https://imgur.com/a/MQwXbso
  5. Activity #2 First day Activity Screen: https://imgur.com/KtTntPu
  6. withdrawn
  7. Nickname : Samuel Ingame username : Abdivdbf Nationality & Age : The Netherlands & 19 y.o Previous Punishments : I have been banned for 3hours, Reason was DM. It was when I just started the game. Previous organizations youve been in and reason why you left them : UE, I was fucking up UE's reputation via rulebreaking, so i decided to leave and learn the rules again. CDC, I got kicked because I asked an old member for the forum password. BS, you guys know why. OC, closed. Explain us our role in your own words : Blacksyndicate is an underground syndicate organization, wich present themselves as business mans. They do alot of criminal activities, from simple Black Mailing to Drug trafficking. They also do arms trafficking, Illegal gambeling and prostitution. Blacksyndicate is ruthles with making their deals, no matter what happens they will have profit on it. Why would you like to join BS and how can you benefit us? : I like to join BS, because I have build some respect since I have been hanging with them. I like the members, and I could support with my overall activities, such like events, bankrobs, and roleplays.
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