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Posts posted by TsvetomirM99

  1. Ingame Name: TsvetomirM99
    Real Name: Tsvetomir
    Age: 18
    Country: Bulgaria
    Languages: French,English and Bulgarian and some Russian
    Gender: Male
    Nationality: Bulgarian

    Part 2 / Your playtime in MTA/SAES.

    Have you ever been kicked/banned from the server ? / if yes why? No
    How long have you been playing on SAES? I am new on the new update on the server few years i was playing with Sabin when he was HQ
    How many hours do you play in a day? Depends on my free time 4-5 hours less or more
    How many times do you visit the forums in a day? once or twice per day
    Previous gangs/squads?: No
    Are you in any groups?: No
    Do you have PC (Procop membership)?: No but for the future i should get one.

    Part 3 / Questions about your qualifications.

    Strengths: i'm good at shooting,driving and kinda arresting on foot and learning fast because i didnt play MTA a lot last year
    Weaknesses: A lot of weaknesses im learning the most of the things atm thanks to Sabin,he proposed to train me at his free time. Im getting better at arresting on foot and still exploring the map for the shortcuts at the pursuits.

    Describe Deathmatch:When you attack someone without reason,damage his property attacking him.
    Describe RolePlay: Role Play is when u act like in real life act and do the things just like the same u do in real life.
    Describe TeamWork: Teamwork is the most powerfull "weapon" .This is when you are cooperating with your teammates to catch or neutralize the criminal.

    Add a picture of your "stats" by using www.imgur.com At this point i made a new account because i dont remember anything about my last account so if its not verry important i want to ask you if i can post the result after the Test Period if you Accept me .

    Part 4 / What to do if.

    What would you do if you are chasing someone and they avoided arrest? I should take an screenshot and do /report and report the player for avoiding.
    What would you do if someone came and asked you for a bribe?:I will give him the /bribe but i will offer him to RP with me before the bribe and im gonna ask him from where did he got the stars
    Someone DMs you: I will take screenshot and /report him for DeathMatch
    An admin asks you something: I will answer his question if i can and im not gonna lie. If he wants me to do something i will follow his orders as i will follow the orders from HQ and Higher Ranked teammates.
    Someone from our squad with a higher rank calls you? As i said up i will go to him as soon as possible i can.

    Part 5 / Additional Questions.

    Did any TST member suggest you to apply? Who? Yes . [TST]Sabin[HQ](For the first time but i have problems irl with my family and didnd applied and now again [TST]Sabin[PFC]
    Did you have the chance to hang around with any TST before applying? If so who?Yes for the moment im patroling with [TST]Sabin[PFC] Hes helping me to learn the things again and be much useful as i can be at the moment.
    Where is our private forums?: I cant see if its problem i can redo my aplication after i ask some TST member for the location of the forum.
    Who is the Leader and the Vice leader of TST?: [TST]Arma[vL] is the Vice Leader and [TST]John[L] is the leader as i remember since year or two . I learned that Arma became an vL so congratz to him . (Learned that from Sabin)
    Why do you want to join TST?: As i found that Sabin is playing here,i joined the server and started playing i learned a lot of things i was verry good , Sabin helped me a lot there but i didnt want to be in any other squad like "SWAT,FBI,SAPA"etc..i liked the people in TST because as i remembered i was hanging with other teammates of Sabin there and they was friendly,teamworking and verry positive.I was new like now im "Bamby"but they were verry friendly to me and didnt yield ad me like "Hey you noob you cant do that!" or something like this,they explained to me and tried to teach me :)
    Give us atleast one good reason to accept you?: I was gonna say things like "im good at that that and that"but its not true im not gonna lie im learning atm but i know the basic rules im respecting and im not gonna disgrace the reputation of TST as Squad.
    Tell us something about yourself( more than 30 words): So im boy from Bulgaria the baddest country for the young people like me . Im a military officer at the Bulgarian Military Police. Im training Combat Sambo and fitness.I like to chill with MTA so ,i can be one of the active members in TST because im gonna use all of my free time to be in SAES. Im green belt in Jiu Jitsu and idk what to say more. I hope it was pleasure to read it .. Thanks for taking an eye on my aplication. Greetings TsvetomirM99

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