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Everything posted by Andrew

  1. Username: AndrewYoung561 Amount Donated: 50 gbp Links to all previous donation topics (including archive): https://saesrpg.uk/topic/10877/donation-legendary4life-amount-15-00-gbp?_=1654119488685 https://saesrpg.uk/topic/10435/donation-legendary4life-amount-7-00-gbp?_=1654119488688 https://saesrpg.uk/topic/32362/donation-undefined-amount-28-00-gbp
  2. This is an automated post TXN ID: 87V40971VY156805V Donation Amount: 28.00GBP Link to your Donation Tracking/Points Topic: https://saesrpg.uk/topic/32309/donation-point-balance-andrew Requested Awards: two donation vehicles with wraps Vehicle Type: Hotring Racer 3 wrap: (clo1) Sultan wrap: (custom wrap) Vehicle Colour: (Hotring Racer 3 primary: #000000 headlights: #CC0D0D ) (Sultan Primary: #000000) Specify any upgrades: V8 & awd Usernames to lock: (for the Hotring Racer 3) - andrewyoung561, officialjosuea, hotfire4021. (for the Sultan) - andrewyoung561 and karkar1 Where you want it placed: At my spawn idlewood appartment 6 I want the (hotring Racer 3 here)[s=][/s] I want the (Sultan here) [s=][/s] For any help with rewards, please check this topic.
  3. Display Name: O|Andrew Username: AndrewYoung561 Link to all donation topics: https://saesrpg.uk/topic/10877/donation-legendary4life-amount-15-00-gbp?_=1654119488685 https://saesrpg.uk/topic/10435/donation-legendary4life-amount-7-00-gbp?_=1654119488688 https://saesrpg.uk/topic/32362/donation-undefined-amount-28-00-gbp (x2 bonus) Total number of Donation Points: 78
  4. Your ingame username: AndrewYoung561 Your ingame alias: Andrew Your year of birth: 06/04/1998 Your gender: Male Nationality: American Country of residence: USA How long you have been playing SAES: 6 years Qualities you can offer: Youre probably laughing, asking yourself What!!! Andrew applying for community staff? due to my history of punishments on the server, but with years of experience of learning from my past mistakes and being active playing SAES, I can offer my comprehension. I've seen both sides of the argument. And what I mean by that, is what I should've done or what I shouldn't have done to avoid the punishment that came after. I can offer my understanding by listening to what both sides have to say before enforcing any punishment and I can also offer my service in helping players in-game. If you didnt know I work from home I work as tech support and helping people is what I do best, and I can also offer my multitasking skills as I'm working from home I can also be in-game assisting players in need of help. Your weaknesses: Feeling lazy when having the idea of working out, and getting out of bed. Do you have Discord Installed: Yes. Reason for application: I've been playing Saes for while now and experience all the ups and downs and now I think it's the time I take a big step to the next level applying for staff, as I said above I can offer; my support in helping players in-game, multitasking skills, comprehension by understanding both side of the story before reacting, and hopefully one day be useful when it comes to scripting. Server Memberships: ~[The Outfit Lynchpin]~(gray,gray,gray), ~[Outbreak Organization]~(Brown), ~[Cuban Liberation Organization]~(sienna), and ~[raceTECH]~(green) Additional information: I'm Andrew Young, 23 years old, currently living in the USA, Florida. I study at Palm Beach State College. My time zone is (GMT-4) . I feel that I'll fit this role because around the time when its late on the server and theres sometimes no staff/admin available to help the players in need of help I can be on helping them out due to my time zone. I study computer science and I also started taking coding courses on coding simple data. Hopefully I can use what Ive learned on the course and apply it to Saes in the future. Previous (legitimate) punishments on the server: N/A (Not sure) Previous (legitimate) bans: This was a while ago! I'm not sure what date, but I was banned for two or three days by SAES>patrol for kamikazing a ceremony at the WH hosted by DE. It wasn't anything serious. He gave me a warning and told me if it continues he'll permaban me.
  5. ~[Jailbreak]~(brown)#1964 ~[Time:]~(brown) ~[1 hr]~(red) ~[Outbreak members: @kira @Aveyro @Killer ]~(brown) ~[Outbreak helpers:]~(brown) @django @CeSaR @BOB @MilkySky @ceviche @Sanfara
  6. Address: Decent House In Vinewood Account name: pollito Last seen: 28th November 2021 Screenshots:
  7. Address: Decent House In Vinewood Account name: pollito Last seen: 28th November 2021 Screenshots: [s=][/s] [s=][/s]
  8. TURF WAR: 09/10/21 Before: [s=][/s] AFTER: [s=][/s]
  9. Long Live TT!
  10. DDT!!! DDT!!! DDT!!!! DDTTTTTTT! IN DA HOUSE!!!!!
  11. TURF WAR TR 24/6/2021 Before ::: ::: After ::: :::
  12. Turf War: San Fierro 3.19.21 Before: ::: ::: After: ::: :::
  13. Jailbreak #1808 ~[(2 hours)]~(red) Outbreak Members: @Velo @Zwolle @Terry @Law @Zodiac @Mackey @ColdPlay @Marso @Avanger @Niklaus @Hetler @Rainy @Judyes @voli @nicky @Ovallees @Versace @Cheess @Zinyak @Beckham @Nishki @Douglass Outbreak Helpers: @Skinner @Kok @Aveyro @Alexis @hessan210 @Blacky @nCov stonks @tokiits Speed @Draven @Kiraa @TITCH @BurakO @Elwasy Screenshots: ::: :::
  14. Jailbreak #1804 ~[(59 mins )]~(red) Outbreak Members: @Stay @Marso @Ovallees @Judyes @Avanger @Niklaus @WenDo Outbreak Helpers: @hessan210 @Orten1 @Kiraa @tokiits @Maksim @Lou-2 @Raf0 @Stalin @BucKK @nCov @Zodiyac Screenshots: ::: :::
  15. Jailbreak #1799 (~[1h]~(red,red,red)) Outbreak Members: @Stay @Rainy @Beckham Outbreak Helpers: @SWT @juanes12 @Aveyro @Alexis @Maksim @M9co @Kiraa @zeta @Curny @nCov Screenshots: ::: :::
  16. TURF WAR SF 4-3-2021 Before: ::: ::: After: ::: :::
  17. Yeah we need some new banks in flint county and bayside, banks don't even cause lag just like MIT base -_-
  18. Jailbreak #1780 (~[50 mins]~(maroon,red,red)) Outbreak Members: @Stay @Nordo @Filippo Outbreak Helpers: @valete @Makeeeh @Aveyro @Lahuma @Grim @tokiits @django Screenshots: ::: :::
  19. @judyes RAT I'm not Andrew03 XD
  20. That's one dope ass interior, please add it!!!!!
  21. Jailbreak #1584 (~[50 mins]~(red,red)) Outbreak Members: @baphomet Outbreak Helpers: None Screenshots: ::: :::
  22. Jailbreak #1581 (59 mins) Outbreak Members: @ColdPlay @Marso @Law @Beckham Jakel @Terry @pekekent @voli @zamba @Judyes Outbreak Helpers: @django @Kok @Rick @Aveyro Screenshots: ::: :::
  23. Jailbreak #1580 (20 mins) Outbreak Members: None Outbreak Helpers: None Screenshots: ::: :::
  24. Jailbreak #1579 (50 mins) Outbreak Members: @ColdPlay @koko @SniperLyfe @pekekent @Westbrook Avanger @Rowdy35 Outbreak Helpers: @Alexis Speed @Remp05 @BucKK @Vynee @Rick @Aveyro Screenshots: ::: :::
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