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Everything posted by clashgamer

  1. Kol sna wnta tayb ya gd3
  2. HBD ystaaaaaaaaaaaa<3
  3. Happy birthday SAFP
  4. Date: 24/08/2020 Roleplay #130 Participants: @Amineyy @MaZen20 @ahmedlord @clashgamer Title: A night at the motel Story: Lately we've made an illegal drugs transportation by airplane after shutting off the airports radars, however the chief of the San Andreas Federal Bureau was somehow able to figure out who made the transportation. As we have our eyes on everything we knew he was gonna call the senior detector to inform him about everything but we were able to get in the phone line and answer him instead, and we had to go to the motel room where he's spending the night to assassinate him as soon as possible, we chose an empty hour in the work schedule of the jefferson motel to force the receptionist to give us the room near his. Screenshots: ::: :::
  5. 17/08/2020 Type of Activity: SWAFP activity Members Online: @SAFP @SWAT Screenshots: ::: :::
  6. 8 /17/2020 Type of Activity: Stopped BR Members Online: @pekekent @LAPD_Spanish_VEN @me Screenshots: ::: :::
  7. SAFP Involved: @me @DRAHMEED Other Players Involved: @HASH Story: when we were Patroling in LS then we found a suspected person , so we stopped him and checked his documents and his car and we found a gun . I checked its license and I found it legal and everything ok so we let him go. Screenshots : ::: :::
  8. 8 /9/2020 Type of Activity: SMU Responding to BR and secure it Members Online: @pekekent @SAFP-Stone @Kristiina @samuel3021 @LAPD_Spanish_VEN @kellerman @me Screenshots: ::: :::
  9. 8 /5/2020 Type of Activity: Responding to BR and securing it Members Online: @pekekent @JamesSpartan @LAPD_Spanish_VEN @me Screenshots: ::: :::
  10. Date: 04/08/2020 Roleplay #121 Title: Never Mess with the Messies Participants: @Amineyy @Dinaz @MaZen20 C|Cyula @ViTOoOo @clashgamer Story: As the gang was in the meeting hall discussing matters related to the organisation, one of our members suggested we deal with a problem once and for all, it includes the Clandestine Mob and how they snitched against us to the FBI. The member suggested we take revenge with something similar, as it's known that they always go to the cinema at tuesday night we thought of secretly putting drugs in their clothes so that the security at the cinema will find it and call the police. We left the room we sneaked to C base and placed the drugs, few hours later two of their members went to Los Santos Cinema and got arrested after the security agent called the Federal Police. After that we went to the bar and bought wine for free to the security agent and celebrated. Screenshots: ::: :::
  11. HBD brooo
  12. user : thedark44 lastseen : 15/9 /2018 ss :
  13. Username: bardo45 Last Seen: 10 September 2018 SSs:
  14. @scripter rocket lancher xD armor is better
  15. username: mustafaplb1 last login 22 July 2018 ss : https://postimg.cc/image/546vu14jb/
  16. Username: kapishon Last Seen: 6th January 2018 ss : https://postimg.cc/image/e9s3pzgo7/
  17. @clashgamer deleted :)
  18. Username: mohammeddsayedd3 Last Seen: 30 may 2012 Screenshot: https://postimg.cc/image/7wukxok87/
  19. @nemesis request to join detonators group pending can you talk to anyone there to accept me
  20. @nicus invitation pending :)
  21. @Brophy i want to join donations group and get 100 k
  22. Donator: mohammeddsayedd3 Transaction ID: 9J410846YW144374H Donation: GBP 1.00 GBP Requested rewards:
  23. delete my comment
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